MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I am a dentist. Ask me anything.

I am a dentist. Ask me anything.

I'm heading out right now. Will return back in a couple of hours and check back.


Are you Eric?




Are you the one out of five that does not recommend Trident gum?


Actually it's four out of five recommend SUGARLESS gum, not Trident. Most misleading ad ever!


I chew Trident bubblegum to this day.


As long as it's sugarless then you're good to go.


Are you an anti dentite


"Kramer, he's just a dentist."


A friend of mine just redid his whole mouth ... all the teeth in his head. Well, actually a couple years ago. His choppers are a little big and blocky, but they look strong and clean. I'm curious as to what that might cost, but I don't want to presume to ask him. Is there an estimate you can give for something like that? I also heard there are places in the world where they do this well, and for a lot less expense ... dental vacation to Thailand or India or Eastern Europe. Any familiarity with that?


Everyone knows that Zimbabwe is the place to visit when your looking for choppers are a little big and blocky, but yet strong and clean.


I've had mixed results from patients. I've seen either really poor dentistry or excellent work. Go with someone reputable and has good reviews. Research and ask.

I can't really give an estimate but yeah, overseas tends to be cheaper. But can come at a price if you're not careful.


Seems like if you were really a dentist you could ballpark that.


What's better? Sonicare or Oral B?


Really does not matter. Depends on what brush movement you prefer: sweeping or oscillating. Also, Oral-B tends to be more affordable if you're money-conscious.

Either way, electric is the way to go.


So are you a wolf or a dentist? Make up your mind.


When Gilgamesh was battling Humbaba, did Enkidu really shoot a poison dart into Humbaba, allowing Gilgy to defeat him, or was that just added later due to Sumerian wokeness?


Humbaba shot first.


Clearly you’re racist against forest demons. Luckily we live in a more progressive age where that sort of nonsense isn’t tolerated anymore. I call for forest demon reparations!


No. Some people, namely Lucas (a.k.a. Luke in the Bible) and his friends tried to change it so that Humbaba didn't shot first. However not all Sumerians agree. Also Lucas put some primitive CGI addendums that looked terrible.


You know, it never dawned on me before, but did George Lucas imagine himself as the hero like Luke and that's why he gave him the name? It seems like something an egotistical maniac such as he would do. If you look hard enough in his old Star Wars movie notes, Luke's full name was probably G. Lucas Skywalker (Luke for short lol)


I think so.


Are you still fully deaf in the left ear with moderate hearing loss in right?
