MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How do you feel about Star Wars?

How do you feel about Star Wars?

Like in general. Do you love it, hate or just not care? For me, I grew up in the late 90s, early 2000s, So the prequels were my era. But I just didn't care for them.

I think I liked the third one, Revenge of the Sith. But that's about it. As an adult, I honestly liked Rogue One WAY more than I thought I would. But didn't care for the new Disney trilogy

Tried the original trilogy, didn't care for them either. And I also checked out the animated series, "Star Wars: Rebels", thought it was fine. Absolutely loving The Mandalorian though. It's pretty entertaining.

I'm honestly not really personally invested in the franchise. I don't hate it or love it. I could either take it or leave it


I'm watching Return Of The Jedi right now for the 20th time at least:)
I love Star Wars, especially the OT👍


I loved the Original Trilogy growing up. I got the VHS box set in 1995 for Xmas, which was one my prized possessions, I watched them countless times. That said, I disliked the prequel trilogy, I have only seen TFA and TLJ out of the NT. TFA was just OK, TLJ, I saw on a plane and was terrible, I did not bother watching the final film since I did not have any interest in the new characters, nor care for how it would end. Season 1 of the Mandalorian was pretty good but I felt like Season 2 was a step down, I do appreciate the less serialized format of the new series though.

These days, I don´t watch the OT just because I despise the changes made to the OT, and the unaltered OT is not available in a high-quality format.


5/9 of them are good, but the first film is the only one really worth watching.


I didn't see the original trilogy at the cinema when they came out and only watched them on free-to-air television many years later and I remember wondering what all the fuss was about. Even now having re-watched them on a decent set up I still feel the same way about them.

The prequels looked better but the stories weren't that interesting. The sequels though are different. They look great and the overall story is more grown up. Add to that Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver who I find much more interesting and watchable than anyone else in the franchise and it's no surprise that they are easily my preferred Star War's films.


I didn't see the original trilogy at the cinema when they came out and only watched them on free-to-air television many years later and I remember wondering what all the fuss was about. Even now having re-watched them on a decent set up I still feel the same way about them.

Ok, wow, this is literally me. You've basically described my experiences with Star Wars


Yep I think the fanatical following that the OT has comes from the generation of young kids who saw them at the cinema when the films came out and were blown away by them. It's almost a religious cult.


The TV screen is no comparison to a huge movie screen. It's like a fireworks display on TV vs. watching in person at the site where they're exploding down on you.

Also, you can't duplicate the era's experience. 1977 Star Wars SFX was shocking because no one had previously seen such high-quality effects. And the Dolby sound system premiered, too.

The opening chase scene showed a huuuuuge realistic spaceship flooding the large screen with laser sounds moving around the theater. I heard people gasp around me. And I was in shock, too. You literally had to be there to fully understand it was an experience - not just a movie.

Five minutes into the movie, I became a lifelong uber-fan.

BTW, most viewers were teens and young adults. It wasn't a kiddie movie.


I never saw Star Wars as a kid (well, bits and pieces, I knew the characters and the general story). I'm not sure if Star Wars was really all that popular here in Europe in the late 80s and early 90s. Around 1997 they showed the movies on tv, so I decided to give them a shot. I wouldn't really call myself a Star Wars fan, but I found the whole universe and mythology it created very intriguing. I did go see The Phantom Menace in theater, but nothing beats the OT. The newer movies just feel too contrived and without the great atmosphere.


Loved the OT.
Disappointed by the prequels.
Hated everything the Disney Corporation produced except for The Mandalorian.


Disney takes stick from the Carrot !


It's become somewhat of a hobby of late.


I think nothing of it all.




