MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > One Hit Wonder actors.

One Hit Wonder actors.

Can you think of any actors that slayed in an early role, only to never reach the same heights again despite being cast loads? I’ll start...

1. Matthew Broderick. Ferris Bueller is an icon, an institution, a legend - expertly brought to life by Broderick. The only things I recall him doing since were Godzilla ‘98 and The Cable Guy, and he was creepy and bland in both.

2. Jason Patrick. Incredibly cool and sullen as ‘Michael... Michael’ in The Lost Boys, now plays bland cucks like in Sleepers and In The Valley Of Elah.

It’s like both men had a great debut then had their edges sanded off once they turned 30.

So, who else can you think of that suffered the same fate?


Broderick was good in WarGames, Glory, and Election


I was going to say they same (except WarGames because I haven't seen it).


I've only seen Wargames out of those 3 :)

Broderick also good in , er , that magical fantasy thing with rutger Hauer and Michell Pfiffer


Yeah, I don't think OP understands what a one hit wonder is. Jason Patrick has also worked steadily since Lost Boys and has said on multiple occasions that he tends to gravitate to more character-based material rather than straight leading man roles, opting to take them when offered a substantial payday that allows him to sustain his pursuit of less high profile roles.


I undertand it perfectly, to repeat - these actors had a hit early in with an iconic role and then have been ‘cast loads’ since then, but never reaching the same heights.


Like drooch said , one big performance of note , then so so blah blah , stuff that went under radar.
I think Broderick qualifies though.


Frankie Muniz
Fred Savage
Paul Hogan
Linda Blair
Rupert Grint
Macauley Culkin
Alicia Silverstone


Macauley Culkin probably doesn't have to work a day again in life as I'm sure he gets residual checks for Home Alone.


He must love when Christmas comes around.


Yeah its the only time of the year anyone wants to talk to him.


He hangs out with the guys from RedLetterMedia.


Very good list.


I thought of Alicia.

Culkin had a good child star career. Uncle Buck, Home Alone 2, Richie Rich, My Girl.

Decent returns too.


Edward Norton


Even though he is an acclaimed actor, I'll say Tony Perkins (Psycho). But maybe it is more accurate to say it defined him and he couldn't escape it.


wiley wiggins - dazed & confused


Damn ! Should have been named Willy Wiggins.


you were to busy takn a jab at ole Ed


American History X
Fight Club


Peter Ostrum
Dillon Freasier
Mary Badham


Peter was born in Dallas
Dillion Fort Davis
mary was good in The Twilight Zone also


Peter, yeah. The last I heard he was a veterinarian in New York. I just added a couple more that came to mind.

I'm not surprised kids don't stick with acting but there seemed to be so much potential with these three. I'm sure I'll think of a few more at some point.


This makes me think of Carl & Debbie interviews in Season 1 of Shamless I watched Last weekend. So young & they stuck with it til the end


Mary was perfect as Scout.


Absolutely. An amazing job. I really don't understand how her career didn't go further than it did. Maybe a personal choice, which I'm good with, but she had amazing potential.


My favorite Matthew Broderick film was Glory. He should have won best actor!
Anyway, Nicholas Cage for Leaving Las Vegas. I've seen lots of his films and this is the only great ones; the rest are mostly mediocre at best.
Will Smith in Concussion. Same thing, thing one was real good, I don't like the rest of his films.


I don’t know if I agree about Cage, he’s certainly been in a lot of crap but I personally think films like Raising Arizona, Moonstruck, Wild at Heart and Adaptation are all a fair bit better than mediocre, and all more entertaining than Leaving Las Vegas (which I do agree was a great performance from him).




