MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > MLB Sucks BIG TIME!


Fuck them!



There certainly seems to be a lot of unhappiness with MLB the past day.


Yes. They're a bunch of craven cowards caving to the woke mob.



despite what the screaming white people on television (and in the Georgia Governor’s office) have been braying about all weekend, I’m sad to say that no, baseball has not suddenly gotten woke. This is, and might well always be, a deeply conservative sport, one in which the broadcasters either criticize young Latino players for being too β€œshowy” or just flat-out use slurs when they think no one’s listening.

white people braying , lol


You're a racist.



I love watching all the right wingers get triggered. I swear you ass clowns are always just looking for outrage.

Go back to OAN or Newmax or any other of your safe spaces.


When they can't find any outrage they create it, i.e. overreacting to trivial issues such as Mr. Potato Head, Dr. Seuss books, etc.


> When they can't find any outrage they create it, i.e. overreacting to trivial issues such as Mr. Potato Head, Dr. Seuss books, etc.

The media and left are whining that Georgia is reducing the number of drop boxes, placing them indoors, and is restricting early, in-person voting to certain days. But there are some things none of them are mentioning. According to this page -- -- anyone in Georgia eligible to vote can do so in this way:

1) Register to vote, if you're not already registered.
2) Have an actual, valid mailing address to receive an absentee ballot.
3) Request an absentee ballot. This can be done online, by mail, by fax, or in person, up to 180 days before the election.
4) Wait for the ballot to arrive.
5) When it arrives, fill it out per the enclosed instructions.
6) Seal the ballot up in the same manner as any other piece of outgoing mail.
7) Place the ballot in your own personal "drop box," the same box you receive mail in.
8) Raise the red flag on the side of the box to let the USPS carrier know there's outgoing mail to pick up.
9) Do all of the above in time for the ballot to arrive at the county office by election day.

Oh, such onerous demands! Requiring that people request a form, fill it out, and mail it back in -- and giving them only six months to do it! My God, we're back into the days of segregated water fountains, Bull Connor, billy clubs, fire hoses, and attack dogs!

Err, no we're not. Yet this is the system Joe Biden calls "Jim Crow on steroids" -- a phrase he has used several times. Who's overreacting?


Voter restriction is a serious matter; Mr. Potato Head is not.

And I'm not a Biden supporter. Nor am I affiliated with any political party. So don't even go there.


I'm not trying to start an argument. I responded to you because unlike some others, you seem like an intelligent, reasonable person. With some people I perceive no possibility of opposing views being considered, and I don't waste my time talking to them. We've already amicably agreed to disagree on other matters -- how you can consider baseball to be boring is an utter mystery to me!

It's not restrictive. Any government has a legitimate interest in ensuring that elections are conducted properly, including safeguarding against voter fraud. Indeed, the government not only has a legitimate interest, it has the obligation to its own citizens to do that.

Governments have legitimate interests in "restricting" elections in other ways. Some places have gone to same day registration. Show up at the courthouse with some proof of residency, say, a rental contract you just signed the day before, and you can vote immediately. My state, Kentucky, does not have same day registration, and I'd vote against it if it was ever proposed. Brand new residents could of course make informed choices for a presidential election. Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul are both nationally known figures, so those newbies could assume themselves informed for senatorial elections -- although they probably wouldn't know enough about their opponents for those assumptions to be justified. But for other elections, the only persons whose interests are served by same day registration are the newbies, who have the dubious thrill of feeling involved in their new communities' civic lives as they vote for the candidates with the nicest sounding names. Waiting periods between registration and voting don't ensure voters will educate themselves, but they do ensure voters have at least a minimal opportunity to do so.

The other part of the Georgia law that people seem to be getting cheesed off about is the ID requirement. Some point out that other states don't have such a requirement but instead check the signatures on ballots against those on file for drivers' licenses or other ID. That strikes me as a dubious system. In some cases the signatures will obviously match, in some they obviously won't. But what about borderline cases? The people making those determinations, county clerks and such, aren't trained handwriting experts. Kentucky does it this way, and I wish we'd go to using ID numbers instead, for this reason. We already have to enter ID numbers when requesting absentee ballots online, so why not use them on the ballots themselves?

On the other hand, requiring an absentee voter to enter a SSN or driver's license number seems to me a pretty good system. It's unlikely anyone else would know or have access to those things, other than perhaps the voter's immediate family. If I have a sprained hand, my signature might look quite different than the one on my ID, but "111-22-3333" is still going to be unambiguous.

Does this impose some sort of unreasonable demand? No. Quite the opposite. Using the same ID that one would routinely present when purchasing beer is such a trivial requirement that calling it an undue burden is laughable. There's not even an issue of financial cost; in Georgia one can get an ID suitable for voting for free --

Of course, some on the left are crying that this system is Racist (Patent Pending). Their answer to everything, it seems. But this only makes sense if one takes the insulting position that blacks are generally too stupid to be able to find the ID numbers on their drivers' licenses. Makes one wonder who the real racists are.

So there's the situation. Georgians have ample opportunity to vote and can easily do so. They are asked to verify their identities, which it is perfectly legitimate for the state government to demand. The method by which they're asked to do it is perhaps the easiest way imaginable which adequately and unambiguously serves that purpose.

And yet Biden and others like him are not only complaining, but are doing so in the most inflammatory language imaginable, capitalizing (intentionally, I believe) on regional prejudices and frictions. If the state in question were Wisconsin instead of Georgia, I doubt they'd be screaming about "Jim Crow."

I agree, the right has its share of cranks. Sean Hannity at his worst can be quite hilarious. But on this issue, if you want to criticize someone for overreacting, I believe you're facing the wrong direction.


Your responses are always intelligent and you cite your sources of information, which is what a lot of posters don't do. I agree there should be safeguards against fraud, whether it concerns voting, business transactions or anything else.

The OP was talking about how right-wingers are always looking for outrage. There are important issues such as COVID-19, climate change, the development of clean renewable energy, and the availability of affordable health care (the latter seems to have been put on the back burner) that are worth being outraged about. But these people would rather sweep all these major issues under a rug and harp on trivial matters like Mr. Potato Head and Dr. Seuss, or symbolism like kneeling for the nation anthem or removing statues. The question is what is more important... the health and welfare of the planet and humanity... or a gesture?

Sorry, I still find baseball boring. I'm waiting for football season.


Agreed. And, add race relations to that set of problems. The Left isn't helping matters any. Yes, there are real race issues in the USA, and real approaches which could be taken to improve things. But when those people cry "racism!" at things like this, they inflame their own followers to the point where they sometimes can't be reasoned with. Meanwhile, those on the other side roll their eyes and think, "there they go, crying 'wolf!' again," and when a real racial issue comes up they sometimes react in the same way and don't take it seriously.

I wonder if those criticizing the use of IDs for absentee ballots have considered another aspect of it. It looks like expanded absentee balloting will stay around after COVID, a lot of people simply liked the convenience. Well, remember the 2000 Presidential election, folks? Sooner or later something like that will happen again. Arguments over "hanging chads" were bad enough, but at least most of the ballots were unambiguous. But nobody signs their name exactly the same way twice. Using signatures on ballots would mean that most of them could be called into question by those determined to rack up more votes for their favored candidate.

I shudder to think of that scenario, a recount of an entire US state, with practically every ballot called into question by people who perceive the stakes to be astronomical, just because they can challenge those ballots -- and in nearly every case, the decisions of whether to accept or reject the ballots would be made by civil servants and political hacks not qualified to analyze handwriting. Using ID numbers wouldn't completely eliminate that problem, there would still be arguments like, "is that a 4 or a 9," but it would eliminate much of it.

The aforementioned Hannity can be quite absurd. I once saw a debate on his show between two guests who had opposing views on some matter which had absolutely nothing to do with religion. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Hannity sputtered, "But, we can all agree that we believe in God, can't we?"

Another time, he somehow found out about this web site, which he failed to realize was a joke but took seriously:

For a long time his co-host was the late Alan Colmes, a liberal. Hannity was the better looking of the two, and Colmes had kind of a weak personality. Sometimes he'd get caught off guard and would do things like mumbling under his breath or would get irritated and respond with an ad hominem attack. The show was called "Hannity and Colmes," and some of the left believed Fox had deliberately paired Hannity with the weakest liberal they could find and lampooned it as "Hannity and Idiot." But Colmes did at least restrain Hannity from his worst excesses. Later, after the two split, Colmes interviewed David Duke on his own show. Yep, the David Duke. I heard about it and thought, I've gotta see this, it's gonna be a real train wreck. To my surprise, Colmes did a professional job. He was very courteous even when asking some very tough questions, and he always gave Duke the opportunity to fully state his positions -- which is what a journalist is supposed to do, but so many don't these days but instead try to talk over people they disagree with. I was very impressed. Colmes was better off by being on his own instead of paired with Hannity.


I don't waste my time watching FOX "News"; I blocked it from my satellite channel line-up after it became the Donald Trump Fan Club. But I've read enough about Hannity to know what caliber of person he is. How someone like him ever got on the air, let alone was given a regular program, just shows how low broadcast journalism has sunk today. That a program like this would get any viewers is a reflection on the state of our society.


Pretty sure the MLB are the melting snowflakes here because they can't handle the concept of democracy.πŸ€”


Fuck off, Libtard asshole.



And you Lefties get triggered when a state tightens its election laws. Makes it more difficult for you to steal elections.



Dont you think if an election was going to be stolen , a dodgy busineesman and compulsive liar with no morals would have been the one to do it?


Fake news and no, it would be the Democrats. It's always the Democrats.



No, I don't think Biden has the smarts to do it himself. His puppeteers did it.


You have to admit it is silly for liberals to think black people aren't smart enough to get an ID for voting.


If your motivation for ANYTHING is to watch people "get triggered", that says something about you, not them.

I'm sorry, who looks for outrage? The right, LOL?! I voted for Biden, but this is a laughable comment.


Baseball = BORING! I can't wait for football season.


I'm boycotting those craven cowardly assholes.



you are a tedious wingnut who can't resist starting political threads when it is, as stated, explicitly against the forum rules.


And you're a Leftard moron, and a snowflake crybaby.

