MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How can you make carrots taste good?

How can you make carrots taste good?

Carrots, as far as I can tell, are complete garbage. I'm sure they have their fine qualities in terms of nutrients and what have you, but as far as texture and taste, not so much. I have never had a carrot that I thought tasted good. The closest I can get to tasty is a raw baby carrot dipped in something, but really the dip is what I'm going for there. That crunch can be nice, but that's all it's got going for it, and only in raw form. How can one make a carrot taste good?


Baked until soft and sprinkled with salt and black pepper, they are quite tasty


That may be good to you, but it's something I've already conceived of and I don't care for it. Hoping for some secret weapon recipe.


Boil them with parsnips, sweet potato or swede. Drain the water, add butter salt and pepper and mash them together.


Mashed carrot eh. I may try this.


Yeah I love them prepared this way. I think carrot and parsnip is my favourite.


I honestly think I've never eaten a parsnip, that I know of. I think yours is the first one I'll try.


Really?! Roast parsnips are amazing. Especially if they are honey roasted 🤤


Omagosh yes! parsnips are soo good! I like to cut them up and roast them with salt/pepper and then puree, basically the same thing I just like baking cuz it caramelizes them a bit! You are making me drool.




Bake them like Shogun said. Otherwise they are great diced in stews and grated in soups. If you don't believe me listen to Bugs Bunny singing:

Carrots are divine
You get a dozen for a dime
It's magic


Make carrots into a cake?


This is what I was going to say. I think this situation is why carrot cake was invented. Just hide the vegetables in a spice cake and smother it with cream cheese frosting.


My thoughts exactly. I think the same might also be true for pumpkin pie and pumpkin spice.

I don't mind carrots myself. I also like to eat them in mixed vegetables... I think that one can be another good solution for Querelle too.


Eat them raw, only way. Cooked they become sweet mush.


Precisely what I was going to suggest. The only way I like carrots is raw (carrot cake is the one exception). Cooking destroys the crispness and flavor.


Damn straight. Carrots are wonderful just the way they are.


Yup, rabbits know how to eat and fuck



Yeah I’ll never stop eating chicken wings


Have to agree.


My mother used to cut them into small pieces and boil them with butter until they were soft. They were always tasty.


Carrots are fantastic when they have been floating and cooking in a nice stew, soft, sweet and savory, full of flavor, they are one of the best foods you can eat.
