Covid 19

Is this perhaps the most deadly or disruptive pandemic ever? Somehow I'm thinking the bubonic plague and others have been worse. But still, the entire world has been over a barrel now for the last 7 months or so. And it doesn't look like it's going to get better any time soon. Infact, it's looking like it could get even worse.


Spanish Flu 1918-1920

Half a billion infected, tens of millions dead


But I doubt that one impacted the world economy like this one has???????? So many businesses that exist today that have been impacted by C19 didn't even exist then, or if they did simply weren't that important to the economy as a %.


Estimates vary pretty wildly but between 17 and 50 million people died...that has to jack everything up pretty badly


Now I'm really curious - will see what I can find out.


I've always wondered if timing was part of the problem too... WW I ended around the time that epidemic started and I'd be interested to see if a lack of medical treatment ( with doctors and nurses off to the fighting, depletion of med supplies and medications) played some role in the staggering death toll


Several articles. This compares the impact in the US.

Most say basically the same thing.



I rewatched a couple of the Pythons this past summer, they are still laugh out loud funny, absurd and brilliant

As for opportunities, historian James Burke and others have noted the rise of strong trade guilds or early worker's unions following the decimation of Europe during the Black Death...You make a good point


Only because too many people, particularly the politicians and health workers, hit the panic button. It's a pandemic so you have two choices, take the hit and get it over with or go into a no end in sight lockdown in the hope that you will develop a vaccine, eventually.


I think it's a tough choice for politicians. Politicians like to hold on to power, and having a large number of the population of your country die from a pandemic might be more of problem than having the economy tank for re-election. I don't know what the answer is. I don't really think anyone does.


Damned if you do and damned if you don't.


There was a member who said they had Covid. It was a couple months ago maybe. Anyone remember who it was?




That's what I thought, I checked his posts, couldn't find anything, so inquired above. I'll look again.


Checked again and last mention was 4 months ago. Has stayed active ever since. So, Intothenight, if you read this, how are you?


Don't encourage him...


A couple of weeks ago I think he said he still had mild symptoms.


And I think he's a younger member here. 20s-30s range maybe?


I think you are correct.




Thanks, I had skipped over that thread...he sounds ok


For the most part yes, but it's been evident that it really impacted him. He keeps posting comments like he'll never be quite the same.


What's stupid is, this disease isn't as deadly as they claim. Last time I checked, people of all ages weren't dropping like flies left and right like in the movie "Contagion." In fact, the only people who have actually died from this are those over 60, or their immune systems were already compromised. That, and they didn't have O-type blood.

I think people in power over-exaggerated this disease to use as a tool for their own uses. I've even heard doctors being forced to lie about Cause of Death with many patients. Like, oh, patient died of a heart-attack, but the doc is forced to write "COD: Covid-19." Or they are forced to do it because the patient had CV in their system, but that wasn't exactly the cause of death. Even worse, the largest group of people to die from this disease in America are elderly in nursing homes, and yet the news painted it as if everyone, young and old, was dying from by the hundreds of thousands. Now we know they were lying.

While it sounds like conspiracy theories, think about what has happened since this virus showed up, and you tell me who's benefiting from it.


You couldn't be more wrong. Thousands of young people have died and even more hospitalized.



Actually that chart backs up what AmeriGirl said more than you. It shows that people aged 55 and over account for 91.6% of all deaths due to COVID-19. So the virus is overwhelmingly killing older people not young people.


No it doesn't. I completely agree that the virus has overwhelmingly killed older people, but she said and I quote "In fact, the only people who have actually died from this are those over 60, or their immune systems were already compromised." This is BS.

Thousands of young people with no preexisting conditions have indeed died from Covid. Although not the majority, its still tragic and its irresponsible to make assertions that they aren't dying.


Who is forcing these doctors? Which country? It is a global pandemic.

