MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why are guys so desperate?

Why are guys so desperate?

If you have social media you have seen the extreme lengths men of all ages and races will go to to win a woman’s favor. This can be seen in the hundreds of likes that a selfie by almost any slightly above average girl posts gets as well as the multitude of pathetic, groveling comments below each picture such as “Damn your (sic) the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen” and “wow I think heaven sent me an angel.”

Additionally, and even worse is the extreme form that white knights have taken on; that is guys who will rush to a woman’s defense right or wrong no matter what the context is, usually attacking other males either who are involved in the dispute or object in any way to her defense.

My question is - when did guys become so desperate? Do any of them really think that this behavior has any kind of success rate? I wouldn’t have as much of an issue with it if it didn’t greatly impact the already unbalanced dating scene, taking it from an unlevel playing field to essentially a game not even worth playing in the context of the current social climate. Even the most average girls get so much attention now that no matter how good looking a guy is a cold approach is usually met with at best a brush off and at worst a harsh attitude and public humiliation.


Males got that way a few million years back. They want to inseminate The Female. That’s the gist of it.


You're just jelly.


Of what?


No, he means you're literally gelatin.


Gellin like a felon




You’re right. Call the jelly school


I don't think it is as bad as it used to be. I have noticed a lot more guys calling out the Simps. I don't know why the Simps try so hard either, it's not like the women they are trying to impress are going to contact them for anything other than to provide an account they can deposit into.


I don’t do social media, so have no idea how accurate your post is. Why not try giving it up for a while? Stop worrying about things you can’t change (like the other guys you mention) and focus on the things you can improve upon, such as approaching life more positively. Trust me, you’ll see a real difference.


Same here. No social media. 👍


They're not desperate.

Men are hardwired to protect women, it's an evolutionary feature. It has been always like that, that's why the "beat the dragon and save the damsel" stories have been always so popular.

The problem appears with modern woke feminism. It has given men an excuse to self-indulge in this biological instinct. They're just behaving following their biological instincts, and they can shut down their rational mind because their moral values tell them that they're courageous fighters against evil oppression.

Self-indulging in a biological instinct and shutting down critical thoughts doesn't end well.

A similar thing happens with Islam and non-Muslim women. Let's be honest: men are hardwired to bang anything that moves and have boobs. Islam is designed in a way that promotes respecting Muslim women (I'm deadly serious) but doesn't consider non-Muslim females as real women. That makes raping non-Muslim women morally acceptable. Again, if your moral values allow you to self-indulge in a biological instinct, there you have a perfect storm.


Muslims are fucked in the head. They consider women, at best, second class citizens. At worst, as mere property. I'm amazed that Muslim women have not risen up against those assholes.

I'm also amazed when the pussy hat women in the U.S. complain that they have it bad, but ignore the plight of their Muslim sisters.



Islam doesn’t respect Muslim women 😂 they stone rape victims to death and don’t let them drive or have basic rights. Wtf are you talking about?


they stone rape victims to death

Stoning to death is a punishment for women who committed adultery. And punishing adulterous women with death is something that has happened in many cultures... including European one, and only a few centuries ago.

don’t let them drive

That used to happen in Saudi Arabia... until 2 years ago:


I think Feminism has ruined it for women. A lot of men now have had enough and see that there isn't anything special or amazing about women after all. The women behave in a way that is self entitled and generally off putting. Add to this the media going on about how women are supposedly so superior and men (as well as some women) will start questioning that and also expect to see this superiority an work.

Of course it is all bullshit. So you have some men who have just walked away, others who just use women for sex and some women who play the game and use the men who want them for sex in their own way.

Islam is rather repugnant and broken. Of course, it is acceptable for Muslim men to rape Muslim women as well, especially if there is a lack of non Muslim around.

No doubt I will be attacked for some of my views and have been. Here is the rub, I strive to evolve above the biological and base instincts and to a large degree have done so. I prefer to think than be guided by hormones and "wiring".


The short answer to your question is we live in a gynocentric society now. It's stupid, embarassing, and has made most men into pathetic lapdogs for women to order around and do anything they want for them. #Metoo only made things worse in that showing any attraction towards a woman could be seen as predatory. I've been single since 2004 and I will never be put in any situation where my life could be destroyed just for giving into weakness in pursuing a woman.




I've been single since 2004



What's wrong with being single? Aren't you single too?


A lot of straight men are desperate, because they haven't really got it that women aren't like the ones in porn. They're constantly disappointed and keep trying everything they can think of to find and keep a woman who's like the ones in their porn-inspired fantasies, and of course they're always crushed. Because people with unrealistic expectations always are.

It'd never occur to them to find out what real women are like.


What do you mean like the ones in porn?



To put it in simple and polite terms: Straight porn is made for straight male buyers, and the industry caters to their presumed tastes by showing a world in which women are easily impressed, to put it politely, and are so eager to please they'll do anything the man or men want. They're shown as having no needs or desires of their own, enjoying things that most people find objectionable or painful in real life, and in a million other ways, not behaving like real human beings behave.

A straight man who believes what he sees in porn is going to find real sex a bit of a disappointment. Real human females usually are more eager to be pleased than to please, they have needs and desires of their own and would really like their partner to pay some attention to those needs and desires, they don't usually like intimate moments to be painful or humiliating, etc.

Of course intelligent and thoughtful straight men can get over this quickly enough, they learn about love from real life and real humans. But there are still a few idiots [pointed look] who spend their lives whining "Why can't I find a woman who only likes what I like, and who does everything I want her to do!!! Maybe if I keep looking I'll find her... and her sister and a couple of friends... ". That's now how it works, real women just aren't like the ones in porn. Or Hentai.


I see. I’ve never been impressed w porn nor naive enough to think it was even remotely a reflection of reality.


And yet, reality continues to elude you...


Hormones, Billy Bob. And that reminds me of a joke.....





