MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I honestly think King Kong (2005) is an ...

I honestly think King Kong (2005) is an underrated masterpiece

It’s amazing to me how well it holds up. I know I’ve posted about this film before and I’m sure I will again, but it deserves it. As well received as it was critically and by audiences and as lucrative as it was at the box office (4th highest grossing film in Universal history at the time) I still feel like it quickly faded into distant memory for a lot of people, and many now even dismiss it as a flop or a bloated mess.

It has flaws, sure, but the highs are so high that they more than compensate for the lows. The shear passion and attention to detail in the costumes, set design, makeup, direction, action choreography as well as the epic scope, realism, and level of emotion brought to what was once considered a relatively simplistic and silly story and B movie (albeit a highly regarded and groundbreaking one.) Jackson’s passion for this material brought the story to life and made it believable.

The flaws were minor in my eyes, excessive run time (most of which could’ve been cleaned up by trimming some of the unnecessary dialogue/exposition) silly over the top action (it’s fucking King Kong) and some unpolished CGI (this is forgivable as he and Weta were extremely rushed, it’s honestly a miracle they delivered the movie they did in such a short time, and more than made up for by the good CGI)

Overall, 9.5/10 for me. One of my favorite films of all time, I will probably never get tired of watching it.


I really didn't like it, though it did have some positive aspects. I liked the first half, but it got really ridiculous really fast once they got to the island. The natives of the island seemed like zombies or something, weren't like human beings at all. And after like the hundredth zoom-in on a skull, I was like, "yeah ok, we get it, alright already". Talk about trying too hard. The movie relied way too much on CGI too, to the point where it just got absurd. There were a bunch of other things that I thought were really stupid, but it's been several years since I saw it and I don't remember what all my criticisms were. I did think some things were good about it. My memory of it is fuzzy, but it seems to me I thought the part where King Kong was up on the Empire State Building was really well-done. But overall I thought the movie was bad and a disappointment.




Nah, Prometheus is better.


Prometheus is awesome too and probably even less appreciated


I think he took what was always intended to be a fun matinee style film and tried to make it an epic masterpiece and failed miserably.


I think he succeeded beautifully. How did he fail??


It was boring. You do realize taste in films is subjective, right? You may like it, maybe critics like it, doesn't mean it will be considered good by everyone who watches it.


Taste is subjective to a point, yes. However, most people present their opinions as fact, whether or not they intend to or realize it.


Fun fact: Almost every day this movie was was originally released in theaters, I had sex.


That is a fun fact. Most times folks say fun fact it really isn't.


I like the original King Kong made in 1933 with Fay Ray, Robert Armstrong and Bruce Cabot. I was the best!


That was fun. I think trying to make it a 3 hour serious film was a huge mistake.


Click on my username to see my agreement.

3 hours and 7 minutes is too long for a giant MONSTER movie. 1933 was 1 hour 40 minutes. Many people did like the 2005 version, so I gave the DVD as a prize at a convention.


It wasn’t a giant monster movie, he expanded it to an epic adventure film with more emotion and story.


Are you high, bro?



Nah lemme guess you like superhero films? 😂


Nah just good films.


King Kong is great


Can't stand'em, bro.



Same lol




So how many times do you need to post this?

The movie sucks, by the way.


Hmm whose opinion holds more weight, Stratego from Moviechat or the vast majority of audiences and professional film critics? 🤔


Whose opinion about women holds more weight? That of MovieBuff or the rest of the world???🤣🤣🤣

Movie critic Charlie Brooker, of The Guardian, was 100% correct when he described the film as "sixteen times more overblown and histrionic than necessary"


The rest of the world? Most single guys would agree with me, I have talked to dozens and dozens of guys who share my sentiment, many of them very good looking and confident. The only ones who disagree with me, other than women who of course their opinion doesn’t matter on this issue, are men who have been neutered by long term relationships and are “feminist” by default.

And Charlie Brooker sucks lol.


"I have talked to dozens and dozens of guys"

Sure, just like those dozens of women you bother with your dick stories.🙄

"other than women who of course their opinion doesn’t matter on this issue"

Lol, you freaking troll!😆

I bet Charlie Brooker gets laid more than you do!🤣🤣🤣


Why would women’s opinion on how poor their dating choices are or dishonest they are in their intentions hold any weight? Should OJ have been on the jury for his own trial?


Lol, thank you for showing how ridiculous you are!🤣🤣🤣

I'm sure OJ was allowed to testify so he could explain himself. There would be no justice if the jury has to ignore what the accused has to say.


You think women are honest about what they want? Some may be, most are not. They say they want a nice guy but always end up dating assholes who abuse them.


And men are somehow objective when it comes to their relationship with women?

That's why your jury comparison is complete BS. I'm sure none of Nicole Brown's family was allowed to be on the jury.

You're not a nice guy, that's why women won't date you, okay.


Bullshit, women will date me but I struggle with being considered too nice

Men are dishonest as well, however I’m not


Lol, you're so the one being dishonest right now!!!🤣🤣🤣

Stop playing the victim, it's getting tiresome. This thread's about King Kong and King Kong stinks like ape shit. Now move on.


You’re wrong on both counts, most people liked King Kong.


You do not know that whatsoever. Not every moviegoer was questioned and they could very well have changed their opinion since then. But more importantly, I don't give a shit what the majority thinks.


Well you stated your opinion as if it was fact


You've done that many times yourself, so why are you complaining?


I liked it a lot too, the cast was good and the cgi was no worse than most cgi

The scene I found most chilling was when the party is set upon by the native tribe
This scene had a very tense horror movie feel like those gruesome cannibal movies from Italy in the 70s and 80s

Fun movie, if a bit too long


Yes the native ambush is one of my favorite parts, I was terrified the first time I saw it.
