MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you think organic produce is worth th...

Do you think organic produce is worth the difference in price?

For a while now I have eschewed the whole “organic” trend, after a brief period of buying organic milk. I’ve become somewhat dissatisfied with the generic produce I’ve been getting at Kroger and realized that on some stuff, such as citrus, carrots and celery it is only a marginal price difference. Is this because the difference in quality is marginal? What do you buy?


Grow your own vegetables. Farm to table is always better.




Considering some of the guidelines for what makes something organic are a bit of a joke, I'd say no. I do prefer to get my produce from farmers markets, but that doesn't mean they are organic either.


I have found organic chicken tastes pretty good but not enough to really pay extra for. Other than that I don't think it tastes much different in general.


No. It's the exact same thing, as what the regular farmers grow, they just don't use a lot of pesticides. You get a smaller yield and end up paying more for something that's smaller or in lesser amounts than the farmers who were able to keep more bugs and pests out of their crops. Truth be told, all farm produce is organic, these "green" idiots just use it as a marketing ploy to trick people out of more money.


it is absolutely not worth any additional price.

it's a boutique product for people who think they're doing something worthy, but they probably aren't doing anything all that useful. if everybody followed those practices, we'd all have less food, it would cost more, and poor people would be much, much worse off.


Supposedly it is healthier to buy organic berries because they are a soft fruit without a peel. Fruits with a tough outer layers that can peeled away absorb less of the insecticides.

I prefer to eat organic lettuce, berries, grapes.


You don't have someone to peel your grapes?


He must be a plebeian
I merely clap my hands and my grape boy shows up!


I had to reassign my grape peeler to doorknob disinfector. One must make sacrifices during trying times.


A scientist once told me the preservatives found in everything we eat may actually me preserving our organs and making people live and look younger longer.


Was it Dr. Victor Frankenstein? I can see where those preservatives would be beneficial to his work.
