MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you think organic produce is worth th...

Do you think organic produce is worth the difference in price?

For a while now I have eschewed the whole “organic” trend, after a brief period of buying organic milk. I’ve become somewhat dissatisfied with the generic produce I’ve been getting at Kroger and realized that on some stuff, such as citrus, carrots and celery it is only a marginal price difference. Is this because the difference in quality is marginal? What do you buy?




I asked the missus because I have no idea what goes on in the room of the cooking and she said that she only buys it if it’s on offer. In her opinion it tastes better, but wouldn’t pay full price for it. I hope this makes sense to anybody reading this because it’s all Greek to me.


Thanks king!


Only Elvis can be called king.


Elvis is “the king” Andy is just king 😉


Some of my friends call me Kingy, some call me Kinger, some call me And, I’m pretty easy.


It is if you switch the little bar code sticker from the normal veggie of that product.


I try to buy as much as organic as possible, although regrettably I am not always sure how organich the product really is. I try also to buy also products from the region.


Some people buy organic produce because organic farming is so much better for the planet than industrial farming that depends on heavy chemical use, not because the produce itself is higher quality. Insect populations are dropping drastically because of widespread pesticide use (notably bees), bodies of water are being choked by unnatural algae blooms caused by chemical fertilizers, farmworkers and their children can have health problems from being exposed to industrial pesticides and fertilizers, composting instead of using pesticides and fertilizers keeps the soil more fertile in the long term, etc. etc. etc.

It's organic meat and dairy that are healthier for the person eating them, no strange hormones and antibiotics in the meat or milk products.
