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A flatearther said airplane flight shows the earth is flat

He said that if the earth was a sphere, that once you get high and stay straight, you would actually start to head towards the outer atmosphere. That eventually the plane would start to tilt in relation to the earth, and you'd be vertical. Someone on the ground would see the belly of the plane lift as it heads upwards.

Globers (as they are known) say that gravity means that planes stay relative to the ground, so flying in a strictly "straight line" doesn't happen.

He counters with 'planes are gravity-defying machines, so why would they adhere what is happening on the ground?'

I thought it was an interesting thought. I've never heard of planes, if left to their own devices, starting to tilt upwards, relative to the earth.


I would very much like to know how this guy explains the horizon.

Haven't you ever driven along mountains along the sea, and seen islands that are invisible from low altitude, peep above the horizon at medium altitude, and are clearly visible at high altitude?


I'm curious about who "he" is. Is it that guy who died during his homemade rocket flight while trying to prove his flat-earth theory?

Also, I've never heard the term "globers" before, not that I'm questioning the term. Just never heard it. Also, never heard anything about planes tilting upwards. But then again, flat-earthers aren't very rational.

Otter has a point about the horizon thing.


I'm not sure who is speaking.

A glober is someone is believes in the heliocentric system (the sun is the center of the universe.)


I knew it!




got a link?


I believe it's a mirrored video (so taken from elsewhere and shared on the non-author channel), so I'm not sure who is speaking. He speaks with a lot of conviction so I do believe he isn't pulling our legs, he actually believes what he is saying. I enjoy the 'flat earth theory', but I don't believe in it.


good video. i didnt watch it all , i got the idea
I dont think he really believes it , i dont think any of em do actually.

In his case its just one more "conspiracy" he can add to his collection along with 9/11 and moon landings he mentions at the start.
I enjoy the idea , and it'd be nice to meet a genuine believer (if there are any) and sit in the pub and have a chat with them , really sound their ideas out,
But most are just attention seeking trolls , who hide behind their websites , where they can ignore the proof staring them in the face and being shouted at them in comments sections , and just trot out their standard responses.
To be fair though , what else can they do , its patently obvious the world isnt flat.


I do wonder about the fact (if you watch the video longer) that we can see things with camera zoom lenses that theoretically, sit over the horizon. Does light twist around the globe creating the illusion of a flat earth? Or do we actually live on a flat plain?


i skipped through various bits . I lol'd at the horizon / globe raduis horixon diagram (which is correct) vs "horizon caused by perspective" , and then some experiment with flashing mirrors - he's put the work in!
I think that zoom thing is probly explained by same phenomenon as mirages


what time in the video is the " sit over the horizon" thing?

also : haha the salt flats swallowed his car during 'testing' :)


I'm not sure. He does a lot of experiments, or shows other peoples experiments. He calls light that bends around the globe (allowing cameras to zoom over the curve) 'magic light'. It is interesting that things that 'disappear over the curve' can be rediscovered with a high powered zoom.

But if the world were a globe, it would mean that zooming past the curve would mean zooming into the sky, and ultimately space (theoretically.)

At night, when there isn't as much refracted light, zooming past the horizon (curve) doesn't mean we start to see stars in space.

Many things do behave like the earth is a flat plain.


I know a genuine believer.

According to him: gravity doesn't exist, the Earth is surrounded by Antarctica which is guarded by soldiers in order to keep the great secret that Earth is flat, satellite photos are a con, the moon is light - not an object.

He will discount any scientific or obvious explanation. He's not dumb. I was told people like him need to feel special. It's an emotional need.


He counters with 'planes are gravity-defying machines, so why would they adhere what is happening on the ground?'

Planes are not 'gravity-defying machines'. Planes just move inside a fluid (the athmosphere). And Earth atmosphere is a part of Earth and rotates with the planet.


Correct. Planes also dont fly anywhere near as high as to reach the planets atmosphere, so there is no question of them having to correct their course so they dont hit the edge of our atmosphere and fly out into space.

Dumbest think I ever heard.


I knew it was just a big lie put out by every nation that has claimed to have had an astronaut go into space and orbit the Earth, and also every country that has satellites in orbit. It’s obvious that once the astronaut or satellite got to the part in its orbit where it was on the underside of the planet, they would crash right into the giant turtle that is carrying the Earth on its back.


Damned straight, Skippy.





He was wrong.



Flat-earthers are ridiculously stupid, ignorant people. They go right along with the moon landing deniers.


Yep. Either that, or they just have a strange sense of humor, and are pranking all of us.



A few are trolls. Many of them actually believe that nonsense.


You're probably right, which is sad.

