MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Proof of age needed to watch porn

Proof of age needed to watch porn

Now required in Britian.

If a new law was passed in the US, would you enter your DL# to watch?

That day is in the near future.


If you take the bus and don't drive you can't watch porn? So much for go green lol.


Good point. We have a official 'Sheriffs ID' that shows age that would also suffice.

Concerned that the underage are watching pornography online, proof of age is required in some countries.


Ah, then it's fine. If alchohol can be age restricted, why not porn? However, I think this is futile because how hard will it be to simply put other people's ID number?


That's not the problem. The problem is that you need to ask for those pages to be unblocked in your IP. In a nutshell, you need to enter a database of 'people who asked permission to unblock porn'.

Chances are this database will leak 'mysteriously' sooner or later and will become a public board. It's a tricky way to ban porn by telling people: if you ask permission to unblock porn, your name will appear in a public board eventually.


Well if I was using other people's ID then my name won't be on the board. IP is even easier, just use a proxy. Or VPN.


Using other people's ID could be some serious crime. You're not entering a pub or buying some beer with a fake ID, you're doing an official procedure.


That happened with the 'Ashly Madison' site a few years back. A website that advertised to married men (and women) who wanted to have a affair. The site was hacked, over 30 million names/credit card #/email addresses we're exposed. At least 2 people committed suicide.

The hackers were never found or prosecuted as far as I know.

I'm sure the men who had to file for divorce would like to know who they were.


What happens to hackers in jail? Many do a few years hard time and then go to a minimum security federal prison. Others just get minimum security from the outset. It's boring for them, but easier than being stuck in a state prison. Will it be different for someone who hacked the Ashley Madison site or a porn site? I dunno. Some hard timers may take exception and then they'll be in danger. What if they get their hands or thumbs damaged? Not nice for a hacker.


haha! what about vintage porn photography sites?


I'm sorry, sir, we need proof of age. Uh, no sir, 60 is the minimum required.




It was predictable. Traditional religious conservatives were already puritans, modern woke left are extremely puritan too, this will happen sooner or later in every western country.

Religious traditionalists and modern wokes have become a dangerous pincer. You already had it with Yiannapoulos, who was taken down by both religious conservatives and woke left working together.

And that's only the beginning.


People have children who don't want their kids exposed to this stuff. Parents or anyone else who has even a modicum of concern towards the mental and emotional health of children shouldn't have to roll over and play dead for a bunch of perverts who want free and easy access to porn without a system in place that protects kids.

By the way, people like you--who whine about "wokeness" and "Puritanism"--are millennial asshats who wouldn't have lasted a day in the 1960s, 1970s or 1980s. Anyone who wanted to watch porn had to physically go out in public and walk into a porn theater to watch it or go into the X-rated section of the video store--in full view of patrons.

The point is, all of these regulations have nothing to do with increased Puritanism, religious fundamentalism or wokeness. It's about no longer coddling a generation that's too cowardly to watch porn the way people had to 30 plus years ago. You guys all want to do it under cover of darkness and anonymity like a bunch of cowards. Now that regulators are forcing you to watch porn as you always had to, you're crying about it. If you like porn so much, then own it. But don't be a little coward about it, to where kids can easily become exposed to it.


children who don't want [...] emotional health of children [...] protects kids

The children are a fake (and poor) excuse. Every internet provider already offers the possibility of banning porn sites. Parents that have children and want those pages banned in their home, they had them already banned.

a bunch of perverts [...] people like you--who whine [...] millennial asshats [...] wouldn't have lasted a day [...] too cowardly to watch porn [...] You guys all want to do it under cover of darkness [...] a bunch of cowards [...] you're crying [...] don't be a little coward

Small problem: I'm not into porn. Sadly, I find it repetitive and boring and I don't really enjoy it. And I say 'sadly' because there's nothing wrong with enjoying it. I wish I did.

I just don't like puritans, no matter they're the conservative right-winger type or the woke left-winger one. I don't like people who meddle in other people's lives for the sake of their sanctimonious beliefs.

And I don't like puritans, not only because they stick their self-righteous nose where it doesn't belong, but because they do in an extremely aggressive way. One common problem with puritans is that they need to self-justify meddling in other people's lives. And they usually do it by getting on their high horse and pointing at everybody else with their holy finger: "sinners!!!". The more they need to self-justify, the more they need to believe the others are moral wrongdoers, because that's what gives them the pious right to stick their pious nose. And the strongly they believe, the more likely they're gonna become aggressive.

Your comment is actually a good example of that.


You might have a point about 'modern woke' having some issues, but I don't think you can put Yiannapoulos in the loss column -- not having to listen to that airbag is a solid win for society.


In the interests of research, I immediately investigated several sites (I live in England) and I can confirm that this is NOT a requirement.

I'm just off to conduct some more research - I may be gone for some time.


Thanks, I think it was a was on BBC awhile back.


Hmm... BBC.


Be careful in your research, I heard those websites can infect your computer with the coronavirus 😄


I'll have to get back to you on this. My research is reaching a critical point.



But as you get older - your porn preferences change. so you might wanna update that porn folder...





I don't think its a big deal.


It should be in the US.

I now work with kids who are orphans.

This 13 year old watches porn four hours a day. I had his foster parent put blockers on his phone. Another relative of his got him a new phone so he can watch porn.

Eight year olds I know watch porn. Several of them have been caught making other kids pose and do sex acts.

There was none of this when I was a kid. The only way that would happen is if there was a pedo around grooming them for sex acts. But, no, it's just that these kids have a stand in pedo called The Internet.

There's no way babies like this should have access to porn. And, there's MILLIONS of kids who aren't properly supervised. And, we do not want kids with no guidance watching choking porn and BDSM.

Also, most adults I talk to DO NOT KNOW how to describe what is wrong with a kid watching porn. That is fucking crazy.


The idea is a good cause. But the implementation is impossible.


Why do you say that?

I would require social security information to be used to verify age and then you create a password and pin.

Every ISP would require any site with porn on it to have this as a wall before you can enter.

That would cover the majority of sites.

There's going to be stuff that gets by. When I was a kid I used to kind porn in the woods, no controlling that, but I couldn't buy it in a store or enter a porn shop.

It's bizarre that you must be 21 in the US to enter a porn shop, but it's okay to be 8 and enter the biggest free porn shop in the world.


Because proxy and VPN?

It's like kids entering porn shop using 21 years old body as a disguise. The shop owner can't know that it was a kid inside that body.

Verifying age works in the real world because Mission:Impossible is fiction. But in the Internet all of us are just zeroes and ones. Anybody can be anybody.

The only way is to have a draconian measure. Basically just like Chinese Internet. They don't really connect to the Internet and everything is logged by the government. So when somebody search porn, the government knows. It works. But I'm not sure if Democracy allows it.

The Internet was not designed for public consumption in the first place. So this is by design. It's not a bug, it's a feature.


You are being too intellectual here.

Eight year olds, etc aren't going to buy a VPN to watch porn. They aren't going to do anything that requires a credit card. In addition, if you dry up the flow of porn it won't take long to for kids to not know it's there. So, in five or ten years it will be out of the next generation's mind.

Kids probably aren't trying to get porn mags now because they barely exist.

Porn is illegal for children to possess or for you to show them in the US. It's child abuse.

It is illegal but not illegal on the net because of bourgeois ideas that people are supervising their kids. They are not. The most at risk kids, like I deal with, have no real supervision and at watching porn at baby ages.

The one kid I have now just strangled a puppy to death and watches porn. How might that turn out?


Yes, it is a problem. I've been to countries that banned porn from the Internet. Not just for kids, no age verification schemes, just outright no porn for anybody.

Very little kids sure can't use proxy or VPN, so porn shifted from PornHub to TikTok or other places. Older kids would help little children to set up FREE proxy on their phones. Why these little kids have their own phones in the first place is beyond me. It's mindboggling I know, but it happens all the time.

The only way to curb this is that parents must supervise their children AND give them activities that are MORE INTERESTING than porn.

Believe it or not, little kids aren't attracted to porn if the can play with their parents and friends

But the world moves on, ignorant parents just trust the Internet to babysit them. They themselves indulge in social media and online mobile games non-stop. When they're not working, they're playing. With themselves. Nobody cares about playing with their children anymore.

Even if not porn, these children would be exposed to other bad stuffs, like gambling a.k.a. microtransaction-filled "games" or unhealthy Spider-Man & Elsa videos on YouTube. And there's no way around them except, well, parenting. But nah... getting likes on their selfies in Instagram is way WAY more importanter.

Goverments banning porn to minors is good, like I said earlier. But there's no way to avoid bad stuffs exposed to your children if you basically neglect them. The children you worked with would still be ruined even when there's no porn in the world.

I don't know the solution of this. Probably it's the product of the time we live in.


Of course not.

All or nothing arguments are moronic.

We have regulations on all kinds of things, but someone violates it, manages to hurt themselves, etc and we don't remove the regulation. As I've said, there was porn when I was a kid, but it was in a magazine story, a theater, and stuff like that. Could someone help you steal a mag or sneak into a movie, sure, but not really since most didn't know anyone and it's too much trouble.

The same could be done with porn. After a certain amount of time not seeing it and a generation or so passes, they will not know what it is to see.

For instance, I have done a lot of work in criminal psych. I have met a lot of guys who downloaded child porn and got arrested. There's sites that trigger arrest. Anyway, I doubt YOU have ever seen any kiddie porn. It is easy to find if you try, but you won't try because you never saw it, it is out of your mind, and you weren't conditioned to like it.

The same would happen with regular porn if it was put behind walls.

Meanwhile, it could still be there with an age verification system. I honestly don't think the content of porn is great for people, but porn is like the old European days when they had brothels for your health. They didn't want single men home masturbating because they though that led to an autistic lifestyle (people talk about that today). But, it's as good as it gets because we do not have that and we have a very delayed marriage situation and a society with many relationship issues, so porn is a way to "have sex" for many.


I feel sorry for the younger generation. Sexual content was exciting to us precisely because it was always a hidden thing that you had to go out of your way to track down. There was an aura of mystery around it. Now it's all out there in the open, completely stripped of any mystique. The worst part is that the stuff passing for "sex" in porn doesn't even remotely resemble sex. It's all fetish crap based around bodily fluids and degradation.

And it's teaching young people are to see each other in cheap, disgusting, dehumanizing ways. I remember years ago when I would keep coming across 10 and 11 year olds talking about how they "loved six inches" or how their female classmates looked like they "gave good head." Like, WTF. At that age, you're supposed to be thinking about how cute your classmates are and doodling hearts in notebooks and such. But kids today are already thinking of each other in terms of "giving head" and "having inches." It's just so sad.


That's what I'm saying!

I hate having to explain to adults what's wrong with porn. I had to give this foster mother a detailed explanation about how role modeling affects everyone, especially kids, then discuss the content of porn.

I was like, Porn is not romantic....and slapping...and choking...and beating....and animals..and HOLY FUCK!! What an uncomfortable discussion. If you find a porn "farm" of clips and you click on them for FOUR HOURS you are going to see some very surprising things for an adult, let alone a kid.

You will not find two people who love each other and having a good time though. I have never stumbled on that kind of porn.

I think in another 20 years people will be having sex with kids or kids will be having sex because people have no mental framework for explaining how that negatively affects people.

I once had a mother ask me to talk to her son about sex. He was like 12 or 14. I said sure! I then asked, how much do you want me to tell him? How much detail? Then she said, no, I want you to tell him to HAVE SEX!

She was concerned he was gay or malfunctioning since he wasn't fucking bitches yet.

I was stunned and just kind of let it slide and never talked to him about it.

That is going to be the future.


This is why the internet needs good clean family values porn to counter the FILTH !


Teach dose kids right, ya'll!


No but seriously. People are going to watch porn and that's all there is to it. So why not make nice positive clean uplifting porn to provide a much healthier alternative to the awful stuff that's out there ?


Porn wasn't available to me as a child. It's wasn't available for like a MILLION YEARS before maybe ten years ago.

it's not a "fact of life".


It is now.


So are drugs, etc but that doesn't mean stronger measures shouldn't be taken to control them.


