MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ok. This really needs to be said...

Ok. This really needs to be said...

Listen closely media, because I’m getting so sick of this shit. YOU DON’T DESERVE A NOMINATION FOR BEST DIRECTOR JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE A VAGINA! You also don’t deserve a nomination based on what race or sexual orientation you are. For the love of god! Every year with this crap.

There is no conspiracy to keep women from being great directors. It’s so funny watching these people constantly complain all the time. The category is “Best Director”, not “Best Director with a certain genitalia.”

It’s almost sad watching these people beg to be handed awards from people they constantly call sexist and attack on a regular basis. They beg for awards not based on their talent, as there are several very talented female directors out there, but because “you haven’t nominated a woman in a while.”

These awards shows are supposed to be the best of the best in movies...not a diversity quota award or nomination handout.

The really ironic thing is, they come off as more sexist than the people they are calling out for being sexist, because they don’t care who the actual best director is. They just want to see a woman win. It has NOTHING to do with the best film or best director. If a woman directed a Burger King commercial and was nominated for best director, these media and bloggers would want her to win, not because she did the best job at directing, but because she has XX chromosomes.

Movie awards mean nothing in the 2010’s, they’re just a showcase to see who can bitch the loudest for failing to notice their own shortcomings, and blame everything on whatever “ism” for the fact they weren’t nominated.

Ladies, I’m sorry, but no, your films were not better than The Irishman or Once Upon a Hollywood. If there is a film as great as these in the near future directed by a woman, she will be nominated for Best Director.

Get ready for Natalie Portman, or any other female presenters at the Golden Globes this year, to completely shit on the nominees for Best Director just because a woman wasn’t nominated. They will strip them of their dignity, and make them feel like shit for their accomplishments this year, because you know, there HAS to be at least one woman nominated, best director be damned.

It’s the start of awards season everyone...time to talk politics. Lol. I miss when movie awards shows were about movies.


Well said, sut! I could not agree MORE!


Unfortunately nobody else is going to have the BALLS to agree with you. Can't have people speaking the truth.


One director I think deserved a consideration for a nomination is Lulu Wang for "The Farewell". The list they provided in the article, however, are mostly bad examples. Hustlers is currently a 6.4 on IMDb, Little Women is a story that has been told 6 times now (Bradley Cooper didn't get a directing nomination for "A Star is Born"), Booksmart was unlikely to get a nomination for anything simply for being a comedy. The only other name they mentioned that maybe deserved a nomination is Marielle Heller for "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood". It just seems like they just wrote done any female directors that made a movie last year that they could think of.

Side note: The quote from chief operating officer at the Time's Up Foundation is ridiculous: "women — and especially women of color — continue to be pushed to the sidelines." White people are the majority, so any amount less will look like they're being pushed to the side.


One director I think deserved a consideration for a nomination is Lulu Wang for "The Farewell"

Nominations are numerus clausus. You have a fixed number. It doesn't matter whether you are good, it only matters if you are better.

This year you have the big three: Irishman, Joker and Parasyte. I don't see how Farewell can deserve more than those ones. Farewell vs Once Upon a Time in Hollywood? Well, there could be a point there, but still, either of them could have taken that 4th place and it would have been fine. However, Tarantino never got a Golden Globe best director, and I think they feel a bit guilty about that.

I don't even consider Hustlers or Little Women. Comparing them with movies like Irishman is a joke.


As I said, The Farewell should be considered for a nomination, not deserves one. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't, but it's the one most deserving in comparison to those other female directed films.

People bringing up Hustlers as if it's a good movie is laughable. Have our standards really fallen?


As a regular person, I don't put much stock in film & tv awards because I don't understand them - the selection process regarding nomination and how nominations/nominees are judged, etc. Also, I often don't agree with who wins or even who is nominated in the first place. Their only value, as far as I can tell, is the fact that the winners often determine who and what gets funding for future film and tv projects.

However, the article is pointing out an obvious disparity. Articles are allowed to do that, since the disparity exists and is obvious. It doesn't come off as sexist so much as it comes off as true. Anticipating that someone is going to point this out doesn't give them less reason to do so.

But no need to get mad about it or feel threatened by this article. Men will keep being nominated and therefore winning and therefore have future projects funded no matter what anyone says. The fact that Portman has already spoken up on the issue and it changed nothing solidifies this fact.


However, the article is pointing out an obvious disparity. Articles are allowed to do that, since the disparity exists and is obvious. It doesn't come off as sexist so much as it comes off as true.

I disagree with this. Is there a disparity? Yes. But it can be indicative of a lack of interest. There is a disparity in the amount of men who are currently in prison (92% of inmates are male) when we compare it to men being generally 50% of the population.

In order to know if women aren't being given a chance, we need to know how many women want to be directors and how many women actually become directors. But then we need to know if it's because they're women. It's pretty much impossible to find out.


That's a fair point.

But how many people are mad when a journalist writes about the disparity in the percentage of men in prison as opposed to the percentage of men making up the population? None that I can think of.


Unfortunately no one will write about the disparity of prison sentences, custody battles overwhelmingly favouring women, men in the military, men in construction and so on.


Won't they?


Nope, they don't.

GQ doesn't always follows the mainstream media protocol, it often goes rogue, so it's not a good example.

Huffington? the article belongs to a personal blog and was published 10 years ago.

The Telegraph? the article (1) doesn't even address the fact men are more likely to be sentenced than women for the same crime, and (2) it follows the usual feminist agenda and when it comes to crime, it pins the blame on 'hyper-masculinity'. Then, how could it be that the non-feminist and allegedly "hyper-masculine" European society in the 50s/60s was way safer and more law-abiding than the modern one? Who knows? feminist don't, that's for sure...


The only point I'm making in posting these links is that people are willing to write about the disparities that men face in regard to the specific issues. The quality of their content or whether you or I agree with the crux of the listed articles isn't in question.


Fair enough.

Of course, if we include the Telegraph article as one to justify that a debate about the disparity in media sentences is present in modern media, then we should equally include this publicity as an example of the problem of women being put in kitchens being openly debated during the 40s 😄


Haha that was pretty funny. Why these times were obsessed with keeping women in kitchens, I'll never fully understand. The people outside the window look so happy.


Did Hardee's really think advertising their fare as "sloppy and hastily prepared" was a good idea?


Maybe those were selling points back then? Idk I wasn't alive then.


This is not about feeling threatened by anything. But nice generic jab there.

It’s about the best people being nominated for achievements in directing. It should not be a diversity quota, otherwise you are disregarding people for ridiculous reasons, and should just officially separate into “Best Male Director” and “Best Female Director”. Maybe that would stop the constant bitching about this?

You have every right to feel the way you do, and so does the author. I just think it is complete bullshit every awards season that people think Hollywood, in 2019, is saying, “let’s not nominate that black person, let’s not nominate that woman because she is a woman.”

I cannot bring myself to think there is a group of white men sitting in a hilltop castle together while lightning strikes in the background, twiddling their fingers together, saying in their best Boris Karloff voice, “yes, keep out the women, no girls allowed, eww women, only men for best director...yes.”

I think people have their assigned cards, and they throw them on the table as much as possible, and I think a lot of the time they are just being hypocrites. I say again, the writer of this article just wants to see a woman win, and the film or directing achievement means nothing to them. They want boxes checked. It’s not about the movies, and that’s what’s bothered me the most since the “#oscarssowhite” fiasco that destroyed any credibility of awards season. Nobody complained when Denzel and Halle Berry won in the same year...were the Oscars racist that year??? A woman wins best Actress and supporting Actress EVERY they are sexist because the one major co-ed award (Best Director) doesn’t always have a woman nominated???

People will never stop looking at everything through racist and sexist colored goggles. That’s just what society is now, and it will never change. It will never be about people. It will be about labels and sticking with “your team”. And that is just really disappointing.


This really good and point well made.


well , perhaps they could throw a female director a little "thanks for taking part" oscar.


How DARE the best director win!!!!!


You just don't get it do you boomer ! Talent is irrelevant. Competence is irrelevant. It's all about the white fascist male patriarchy not being allowed to get away with oppressing minorities any more. So it doesn't matter who gets the award so long as it's not a white male.


Women are equal to men, until women don't win. Then they want special rights.


Correction, Liberal women are equal to men, until that idea isn't reinforced by the awards or putting down men to make them look better. Conservative women don't need to get an award to reinforce "equality," because they already know they are equal to men in our society. Liberal women aren't that strong-minded.


And you said it wasn’t in you to be brutally honest. It’s true, women shouldn’t yearn the need of a trophy to feel accomplished. I know I clown a lot and say things that people find brazen or brash but in all honesty women are not equal to men. They are actually better. Behind every good man is a great woman. This is fact.


You're sweet. But men make our lives fun too. The world of all women gets very boring after a while.

Award ceremonies would feel more meaningful if they gave the awards to people who had earned them, through hard work, actual talent, and entertaining the public in a way that touches lives. It shouldn't matter if the winners are men or women, this color or that color, or any other box ticked off on the PC list.


You're both absolutely right and it would be great if Everyone thought this way. The PC "culture" is so outta control.


I'm worried as to where it's going.


I think this such a major drawback to instant communication. Extremely petty people who are so insanely desperate for attention that they bitch and whine about the stupidest things just to find others as pathetic as themselves.
And the equally pathetic individuals who will happily argue the opposite side of said idiocy.
