MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ok. This really needs to be said...

Ok. This really needs to be said...

Listen closely media, because I’m getting so sick of this shit. YOU DON’T DESERVE A NOMINATION FOR BEST DIRECTOR JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE A VAGINA! You also don’t deserve a nomination based on what race or sexual orientation you are. For the love of god! Every year with this crap.

There is no conspiracy to keep women from being great directors. It’s so funny watching these people constantly complain all the time. The category is “Best Director”, not “Best Director with a certain genitalia.”

It’s almost sad watching these people beg to be handed awards from people they constantly call sexist and attack on a regular basis. They beg for awards not based on their talent, as there are several very talented female directors out there, but because “you haven’t nominated a woman in a while.”

These awards shows are supposed to be the best of the best in movies...not a diversity quota award or nomination handout.

The really ironic thing is, they come off as more sexist than the people they are calling out for being sexist, because they don’t care who the actual best director is. They just want to see a woman win. It has NOTHING to do with the best film or best director. If a woman directed a Burger King commercial and was nominated for best director, these media and bloggers would want her to win, not because she did the best job at directing, but because she has XX chromosomes.

Movie awards mean nothing in the 2010’s, they’re just a showcase to see who can bitch the loudest for failing to notice their own shortcomings, and blame everything on whatever “ism” for the fact they weren’t nominated.

Ladies, I’m sorry, but no, your films were not better than The Irishman or Once Upon a Hollywood. If there is a film as great as these in the near future directed by a woman, she will be nominated for Best Director.

Get ready for Natalie Portman, or any other female presenters at the Golden Globes this year, to completely shit on the nominees for Best Director just because a woman wasn’t nominated. They will strip them of their dignity, and make them feel like shit for their accomplishments this year, because you know, there HAS to be at least one woman nominated, best director be damned.

It’s the start of awards season everyone...time to talk politics. Lol. I miss when movie awards shows were about movies.


I’d be interested to know the percentage of the voting bodies for the major awards by gender. I’d assume they would have a roughly even number of men and women voting, in which case calls of sexist bias are questionable.

Seriously though, I can’t keep up. One moment everyone’s soiling themselves because awards shows are too pc and pander to minorities with token awards, and the next we have Times Up radicals telling us they are sexist bastions of the patriarchy. Which agenda are we pushing today?

To get through one day without someone complaining about something 🙏


It's true, the awards should be given based on Merit, not who sucked up to the Academy or whatever snooty clubs give out these bogus pieces of aluminum/glass/silver. But then again, Merit is Show Biz's Krytonite. If they truly gave out awards based on merit, actual hard work and having an actual good story that's loved by a large portion of the public, the demographics of the winners would look very different compared to what we see today. Pretty much, these fake shows are all about favoritism and political correctness, not about who actually has talent.
