MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Biggest hasbeen from the 90s that noone ...

Biggest hasbeen from the 90s that noone saw coming?

I'll start. Meg Ryan. She had an amazing run and ended the 90s with "You Got Mail". She looked to be doing strong but it all came tumbling down in 2000 with 'Proof of Life'.


I love "Proof of Life" very much plus "Kate & Leopold" was successful too. Anyway, I miss her. She is one of the best Romance actresses


Debra Winger. She's hardly been in anything since the mid 90s.


"noone" isn't a word.


LOL. I was texting with a girl from Austrailia in the 90s and she typed that word(or non word) and it took me an amazing amount of time to figure out WTF she was talking about.
The word looks like it would be pronounced NOON or NOONEY.
LOL Blew my little mind.
Forgive the off tangent meandering.

Good Times.


LOL!! Noone almost has an Australian vibe to it. Like' I'm from Noone, mate. It's near the bilabong, outside Toowoomba ;)


‘bilabong’ isn’t a word.

If we’re being picky.


Oops. Sorry. I left out an "l".




Picky picky you guys lol.
I've written noone both ways but no-one has ever called me on it. I suppose no one ever will.
See what I did there? That was pretty clever, huh?
How would the two of you pronounce 'cooperate'?
It threw me when I first saw it as a kid.


Noone will notice.


See if that was the name of an Aussie town I would pronounce it as "Noon" which does sound very Aussie. But an American would probably say "Noonie". I was at the train station one day and an American wanted to buy a ticket for "Mo" I'm thinking where the fuck is "Mo"?

She of course meant Mo-ee, even after being corrected she still pronounced as Mo!




If nobody is a word (no body) then by the same logic, noone can be a single word.


Not according to the dictionary.


Have you ever seen Clint Eastwood’s movie “Blood Work”?


I have.


Cuba Gooding jr. Jamie Foxx pretty much took his place. Any give sunday and collateral they were both considered and he wanted the Django role.


unfortunately, most women don't have a long shelf life as lead actors.


Why unfortunately?

Women whose success is based is being attractive find work as long as they're attractive. The same happen to lead actors. The difference is that a 50 years old male can be attractive, a 50 years old female won't. That's biology. What do you expect?


I guess it depends on the reason you're watching. I don't watch Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood b/c I think he's attractive. Acting chops and performance might actually be a consideration for some who appreciate that the most.


Actresses that show that level of performance (I'd think, for example, Meryl Streep) don't have problem finding roles.


It is unfortunate. I don't agree with their thinking about women being 'not attractive enough' as they age.


I think the idea that they don't get roles because of their age/losing looks alone is a cop out. A lot of them built their entire careers on being sex kittens and never really developed any acting skills so obviously if you do lose the looks without having the skill set than that will play a part in losing roles. That can happen to male actors as well.

I've also heard about older actresses complaining because they don't want to play someone's mother or grandmother. So I think there is an element of being unrealistic as well. I wouldn't hire a 60 year old male actor to play a high school senior so why would I hire a 60 year old actress to be one?


All true. I've no real answers.

Looking back, that seems to be my theme for today. Must be the pinkeye.


I think that there just aren't roles written for older women. Or there weren't. I would say today there are a lot more roles and I think it's because of the actresses. I want to see Helen Mirren, Meryl Streep, Maggie Smith, Judy Dench etc. I also want to see Nicole Kidman, Robin Wright, Viola Davis, Diane Lane, Jennifer Aniston, Cate Blanchett who are all over 50. I don't think that I'm the only one.


You're not :)


That's b/c they don't draw. It's improving -- esp thanks to cable/streaming series -- but you still see many passed over in favor of the next wave of younger actresses.


I'm saying that they do draw and that is why these women still have very active careers.


Diane Lane is still super hot.


If realism is the expectation, you might wanna review how many older male characters have been paired with MUCH younger female love interests as though that would be typical of that character in real life. It's Matthew McConaughey's line applied to casting: "I get older. They stay the same age."


That can be realistic though depending on storyline. Older men with younger women is common for various reasons. In film it adds a sense of glamour too and depending on the male character can be fitting for them to have a younger woman on their arm.


Kevin Spacey(7,LA,Negiotator,American Beauty,Swimming With Sharks,A Time to Kill and ofc his best work The Usual Suspects)


Brendan Fraser, he seemed to be doing quite well and then his career tanked.
Meg Ryan could have kept getting better roles but made some bad film choices and from what I understand cheating on her husband ruined her good girl rep.
Geena Davis


To be fair, she was mainly a rom-com actress. It´s hard for a woman in her 40´s, 50´s to continue acting in rom-coms since rom-coms are generally about younger single people.
