MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Dumbest reasons you’ve heard for disliki...

Dumbest reasons you’ve heard for disliking a movie?

I remember when Django Unchained first came to DVD my dad rented it and the next day he was telling me how awful and unwatchable it was, that it was one of the worst things he’d ever seen. I spent months finding this purplexing until I finally forced him to explain just what he disliked. Turns out, he didn’t even last five minutes into the movie. In fact, he turned it off before the opening credits even ended, because the opening credits music was just so awful that he couldn’t sit through it. The next day we sat through the movie together and I forced him to sit through the opening credits, which he spent the entire time groaning over, but he ended up enjoying the movie. I just find it hard to believe someone would take out a DVD based on the opening credits music. Like, how bad does your pacience have to be to where you cant sit thru 2-3 minutes of old cowboy jingles?


I have not seen it, but I rated it 1/10.


I guess you don't love your dad if you force him to watch a crap movie like Django Unchained?


-its old
-its in B&w


its in B&w

Actually, my eyes will hurt if I watch b&w.


I remember someone saying they didn't like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon because the sword was a symbol of a penis and it's just a long movie about a girl wanting a penis. Very Freudian.


Foreign language/subtitles

None of my friends will watch a subtitled friends are all dumb!


Maybe they can't read, lol.


Quite possible:)


Does this comment come in braille?


My partner doesn't watch movies older than he is.


that is a dumb reason.


Not sure if you would call this a dumb reason or not but I tend to be able to tell if I will like a film or not very early on. Hard to really pin point it but it just comes down to the way it looks, the feel of it. Sometimes I am surprised either way but usually I am right in knowing if I will like it or not within the first 10 minutes.
