MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you care what happens to your body af...

Do you care what happens to your body after death?

I mostly don't care what happens to my body after I die....I wouldn't be around after I die anyway! Although it could a nice gesture to donate my organs or cells to someone else or have it used for science purposes....


Not really, no, except I have signed up for the donor program.


I'm an organ donor so I hope I can help someone else out

I prefer burial...not that it really matters
I just don't want to be burned up

A nice hill with a good view would be fine


So would you be OK with someone doing a “Weekend at Bernie’s” with you? :-)


No one would want my 60-year-old, vodka infused liver. Both my parents wanted to be cremated, and that is my choice.

But I don't think anyone would want their body to be desecrated. I wouldn't want my head kicked around like a soccer ball.


Kind of, but coffins have always seemed like a strange idea to me. If your going to be buried, why delay the inevitable process of decomposition? I've gone back and forth on the issue, so I'm not sure if I want to be cremated or not but, at this point in my life, it seems like the logical choice. With the world population growing, how much longer can we dedicate land to graveyards?


The thought of cremation freaks me out. I don't know why but it just does.


I agree...a nice stone and a patch of grass for me👍


I,m a organ donor if they want that. A thing about using bodies for mulch has started.


If any of my organs are worth donating, go for it. Otherwise just throw me in the trash for all I care
