MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you care what happens to your body af...

Do you care what happens to your body after death?

I mostly don't care what happens to my body after I die....I wouldn't be around after I die anyway! Although it could a nice gesture to donate my organs or cells to someone else or have it used for science purposes....


I won't when I'm dead.


I hope no quirky relatives turn me into a diamond. That is just too strange. I want my remains to feed a mighty tree that houses lots of birds and owls.


Not really..I prefer the thought of being cremated because it's less wasteful and any organs worthy donated..
But one friend of mine was talking about donating their body to science and the thought of that just freaked me out. That I couldn't do.


In a box, in the ground, in a lovely cemetery, where hopefully kids come to have sex on my grave while making spooky movies.


I have my body donated to science to use however. If that cannot happen for any reason, I would like to go to an eco graveyard, where they just wrap you in a shroud and bury you. No headstones or coffins. I'd be happy to have my body tossed to the sharks or left in the woods for the wolves to eat.


Cremation for me.


I would prefer to be cremated. I think burial is a useless waste of space. I don't care what is done with my ashes. They could flushed down the toilet for all I care. Just don't waste valuable Real Estate by burying me.


We have done zero death planning.
