MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How many of AFI's Greatest 100 American ...

How many of AFI's Greatest 100 American Movies have you seen?

Me: 71.

Can't say as I agree with this list though. Tootsie? Really?


32 some years and years ago though


I have seen 75 of them.

Of that number, I own 14 of them on DVD or Blu-ray. They are ...
. 3) Casablanca (1942)
21) Chinatown (1974)
25) To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) - this is number one on my own list!
30) Dr. Strangelove (1964)
32) The Godfather II (1974)
41) King Kong (1933)
48) Rear Window (1954)
50) The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
72) The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
80) The Apartment (1960)
81) Spartacus (1960)
85) A Night at the Opera (1935)
87) 12 Angry Men (1957) - this should be ranked much higher!
97) Blade Runner (1982)

It should be noted that I had also purchased the Blu-ray of The Godfather, however, I did not buy it for myself.
Instead, I used it as an RSVP to the invitation I had received to my Godson's wedding.
I took the cardboard jacket that surrounded the actual Blu-ray case and covered the word The in The Godfather with my Godson's name (including the 's) and placed the words will attend just underneath the title of the film.

I also carefully opened the cellophane surrounding the plastic case, opened the case, and placed a very large check as a wedding gift inside the case. I then reinserted the case into the cellophane wrapping, used a small piece of tape to seal it, placed the case inside the altered jacket and sent it on its way. This was a little over one month before the wedding.

My Godson and his fiance absolutely loved my RSVP, however, they never mentioned the gift inside. Nor did I see that the check had been deposited when my next bank statement arrived. It was only when I was at the wedding that I learned that because they did not own a Blu-ray player, they never bothered to open the plastic case! Man, talk about a wrecked surprise!!!

Anyway, I told them that there was something extra inside the case, and that they should open it ASAP. The following day the thanks I had been expecting a month earlier came gushing out. They were especially appreciative because my gift went a long way in helping them afford their honeymoon in Greece.

And so ends my tale of The Godfather Blu-ray I had purchased.


LOVE your Godfather story! That was a very creative and clever way to give your gift to your Godson for his wedding. High marks for that :). It even had a twist ending, and in the end it was even more appreciated than had they found the check to begin with 😊


I haven't seen around 20 or something.


I've seen 86...evidently I'm not such a Chaplin fan and I've been planning to see Citizen Kane all my life..
And Tootsie? Maybe I'm in a minority here but I liked it.
I'm not a big comedy fan but I always thought it had a lot of charm.


Tootsie was okay. I just don't think it should make the cut for the greatest 100 American movies of all time :). There are so many others that didn't make it that IMO are much better.

I'm not a big Chaplin fan either, although to be fair I haven't watched enough to give them enough of a chance. Citizen Kane is excellent for a few reasons and I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't place it at #1. Do see it though, when you get a chance.


92. The ones I haven't seen are:

The Searchers
Snow White
The Wild Bunch
Swing Time
Sophie's Choice
Yankee Doodle Dandy

All of these make sense because I hate Westerns and Musicals. A Musical Western is my worst nightmare.


"A Musical Western is my worst nightmare."

Roy Rogers is like the Anti-Christ to you then.

I hate Musicals, too, nearly all of them except for a few exceptions (one of those is Cabaret, which I heartily recommend because although it has musical sequences in it, they are portrayed as being performed within the context of the story in a theater so they don't have the fantastical artificiality most musical numbers usually do).


I liked "Chicago" and "Oliver!" I also thought "Scrooge" with Albert Finney was decent.


I don't think it's on the list, but definitely give Oklahoma a pass. It's one of your worst nightmares.

Sophie's Choice is neither a western nor a musical. It's about WWII and its aftermath.

I agree with Sandoz about Caberet. No one spontaneously breaks into song.




seems a little low, i suppose, but for most of my life i barely watched any classic film. it's really only in the last 4-5 years that i've started to make a serious effort at filling in the gaps in my film vocabulary.


Yes, I'd have thought you would have seen most of them.


i actually kinda like that i still have to work my way through this wide array of unseen classic films. that said, the films i haven't seen tend to be the kinds of films i suspect i might not like too much, but i'll give them all an honest chance.

i have been focusing on watching the films off the sight & sound list for the past few years, & that includes more classics of world film- so while i'm missing a lot of american classics, i've worked through quite a few japanese & french & german films, & i've found that very rewarding.

