MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Circumcision on babies should be illegal...

Circumcision on babies should be illegal...

...especially if there is a religious excuse for it.


I agree that Semitism needs to be opposed as strongly as possible. But circumcision only became widespread in America during the Progressive era when we allowed scientists to convince us that it would discourage masturbation. We need to reserve the strongest punishment for people who try to justify circumcision on scientific grounds. It's this kind of thing that gives scientists a bad reputation. Many people already distrust them on the environment. Even more already distrust them when it comes to diet. Everyone distrusts them when it comes to 50 different genders.


If there is one thing I can't stand, it's when women try to justify circumcision. They don't have a dick so they don't know what they're talking about.


Ashley Judd condemns female circumcision and promotes male circumcision. Hillary Clinton same, many others.


I think we can all agree the FGM is a whole different ball game to circumcision right?
If circumcision was an Ear piercing
FGM would be Ear off, pulp fiction style



Most female circumcisions don't even involve removing tissue. It's a pinprick or a drop of hot wax or something. Even if they did remove the clitoris, it's only the tip. The bulk of that organ is internal. Male circumcision is far more invasive in terms of both the type and amount of tissue removed. Normal people don't even know what a frenulum is, or a ridged band. They don't know that the foreskin is fused to the glans in infancy. For females, they at least have enough sense to wait until puberty. Male circumcision changes the whole mechanics of sex which is why people need artificial lubricant. It's much worse than female circumcision.

But notice how I don't go into moral panic mode and use this to declare female circumcision justified on the grounds of sexism, like you.


"we allowed scientists to convince us that it would discourage masturbation."
"We need to reserve the strongest punishment for people who try to justify circumcision on scientific grounds."

Those people are NOT scientists.

btw when was this "progressive era" ?


Officially 1890-1920, but we ought to consider it ongoing. The Progressive era is what gave rise to the idea of "experts", or intellectuals, as a class. We started requiring licenses for the professions, and it was very trendy to believe that society could be planned out by them. You know what happens. Far from being a rational time, it was a very moralistic time, just like now. They had too much power. Scientists even promoted female circumcision, with carbolic acid.

I get it. You consider yourself a progressive and pro-science. You can't handle the fact that every scientific authority worldwide from the World Health Organization on down to pediatric unions promotes something as obviously bad as male infant circumcision still to this day. Guess what. They got a pill for that. Ask your doctor.


I feel bad for all the poor babies that got their dicks chopped. i hear it got promoted big time in the usa after 1945. i wonder why?


They just want to be more like Jews.


maybe... at the end of the day i am very glad my momma didnt let the doc chop me dick.


Make up your mind


If there is no religious excuse it should be illegal.

If there is a religious excuse it should be very illegal.

The OP is living in 3019.


A 22nd Century Boy!


But make up my mind about what?


It's healthier.

A decreased risk of urinary tract infections.
A reduced risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men.
Protection against penile cancer and a reduced risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners.

Women like it better too. Cleaner.

I'm not cut BTW, but I know that it's not such a bad thing.




Those are myths indeed. European men are mostly uncut and no data suggests they run a higher risk. European women also seem content with their men.


I don't care what women like. Can you imagine if a man said he preferred fucking women with their clitorises cut off. That would be disgusting and it's the same vice versa.


I dunno, I got it done as an adult, so I definitely wish my parents had it done when I was a baby.


for health reasons?


You think his foreskin got infected with antibiotic resistant superbugs?

No. The doctors just lied to him. But at least there is less damage when you have it done in adulthood instead of childhood. You're also allowed to have anesthesia at least. Babies aren't supposed to because it gets into the brain, but they do it anyway.


I had it done at age 11 for medical reasons. Hurt like hell.


If the foreskin was such a bad thing, we wouldn't have one in the first place.


Frankly, I'm glad my parents decided to circumcise me. Every person I've ever been in a relationship with has preferred it.


Stockholm Syndrome.

reply and honestly are extremely important in relationships. Has the subject really never come up with any of your significant others?


Circumcised women say the same thing. They insist they are doing it because the men like it. The men say they can't get the women to stop doing it. Privately, nobody is going to say to their lover that their genitals were ruined by their own family in childhood. But the truth may come out when you want to perpetuate the practice on your children. Or it may not. Circumcision rates in America were high enough that most women are too ignorant to even know what it is. All they know is doctor says it's "cleaner", same reason women wrongly believed in the need to douche themselves.

TLDR: You are glad your parents circumcised you. But if they hadn't you'd have been glad they didn't.


Are you in the US? Its very uncommon here, although I know some women are getting the procedure for cosmetic reasons. I disagree that your think people can't be honest with each other in a relationship. There's a big difference between a "lover" and a long term partner that your invested with. At least this is my experience.

If my parents had not circumcised me, I probably would have gone and got the procedure myself as an adult as over 80% of men don't have a covered wagon in the states.


covered wagon 🙂🙂🙂


Maybe we should start mutilating women's genitals as well, because men might just prefer it. What do you say? So what if she no longer likes sex as much, it's not about her. Men just want to enjoy screwing women and to hell with whether the women enjoy it or not.


I've never heard of any men who would prefer that and I think its totally different than a male circumcision. If its so bad, why isn't it considered a human rights violation under international law, like female genital mutilation is?


That is a really stupid thing to say. In 1950 or whatever, I could make the following argument:

I think marital rape is completely different from date rape. If it's so bad, why isn't it considered illegal, and date rape is?

Do you see how moronic that is, and how it's not even a substantive argument for it?


The reason I said its completely different is because female genital mutilation is often done to completely remove sexual function. This is not why it is practiced on males.

Now, circumcision is an extremely controversial subject and we aren't going to solve it here on Moviechat and the only thing moronic here is your rape comparison. So, with that said, I'm done talking about dicks.


No, we aren't gonna solve anything, because you're too incompetent to debate it, and too cowardly to handle having your views contradicted. You are just gonna walk away feeling like you are right, even when your go-to argument is pointed out as blatantly fallacious. The kind of thing a narcissist does.


Oh my. Aren't you the delicate little flower! Your rape comparison was indeed witless and I didn't walk away thinking I was right or wrong, just that I was done debating because its clear your the high and mighty type who can't handle others views. Now kindly fuck off.


I used the exact same logic as you for that comparison. Sad you can't see that.


Do you honestly think any woman would agree with you that being raped is unspeakably worse than having her clitoris chopped off?


No. Both would obviously be horrific.


If its so bad, why isn't it considered a human rights violation under international law, like female genital mutilation is?

Exactly! I don't know. It should be.

A man should be allowed to get a circumcision later in life but doing it on a baby, no matter the excuse is nothing but child abuse.


this is mutilation and must stop
only difference is less pleasure



No that's exactly the opposite. It's the foreskin that once had a real purpose a long time ago and is now a vestigial organ according to circumcisors (still doesn't explain why it would need to be removed). But opponents of circumcision need to recognize that circumcision is promoted mainly by scientists not rabbis. It's precisely our access to modern medicine that compels us to conquer nature. If you didn't have access to modern medicine, see what the feminists say about females being circumcised with unsanitary shards of broken glass. The justifactions of preventing disease (by having open wounds and exposed internal tissue) always come after the fact.

