MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are some truths better left unknown?

Are some truths better left unknown?

Hi, does anyone know, are some truths in this world better left unknown?

We all know about various evils and wrongs done and still being done in this world, and knowing of their existence and how it operates arguably is the only way to combat the problems and even then, unless we nuke ourselves into not existing, they may never be "fixed" at all - and all of them are basically done by and done to us, human beings.

But having said that, are some truths better left unknown? And why? Or do you believe we humans need to know EVERYTHING.

What do you think, thanks.


Some of us are still unsure if a duck is a bird or a fish...does that count?


To a lighter degree yes.




LMAO over here, Shogun!



" YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH ! " from A Few Good Men

Couldn't resist.


I actually AGREE with that. But is that REALLY a bad thing though? Do we have to be condemned so harshly by the civilized people for not being able to accept some or other forms of truth?


Son, we live in a world with walls and those wall have to guarded my men with guns
Whose going to guard them, you!?!


Maybe not me, maybe not you either.

What I meant is - is it OK if we cannot handle the truth?


If theres bacon on it ill probably handle it fine


I see it as a real handicap for people that are entrenched in denial. And from what I've experienced in life, those type of people also often have a serious attitude of condemnation.


This derailment came earlier than expected!
Well done db
'MC...derailing with love since like, last year'


Kevin Bacon?


These philosophical posts give me TREMORS. Its all just a game of HE SAID SHE SAID. It would be SUPER to understand WHERE THE THRUTH LIES but im afraid theyre just TELLING LIES IN AMERICA. Rather than feeling FOOTLOOSE i fear we are all TRAPPED in a DEATH SENTENCE to act the role of HOLLOWMAN. I know i joke about being a LOVERBOY but i am in fact just a CAVEDWELLER... sorry man, i wish my week was PICTURE PERFECT but i had a TOUGH DAY...
You remain my ONE AND ONLY
PS: im going to SLEEP(ers)
Warmest regards


Yeah, I can't believe db's behavior! He's so rude and unnecessary for derailing such a thought-provoking thread!


Oh that db!
Its so rude to derail a thread...
BTW what are you wearing?
Im in hot yellow shorts
I amaze myself😛


My Wellington boots, of course! Just for you!


Eh...ok i guess
Those lace up stilletos would have been hotter but id probably put up with you in whatever
Youre a real pain in the neck lady
Lets do this!
Oh...did you remember the paddle??


If you can handle the truth about Soylent Green then you can handle anything.


What is that truth about Soylent Green?


Can you handle the truth about politics? Can you handle the truth about racism? Can you handle the truth about various aspects of sexual abuse and sexual misdeeds of many varieties, including ones where it isn't necessarily a man who is the perpetrator or a woman who is a victim, common as those deeds and examples are and have been throughout thousands of years of human history?

Can you handle the truth about ignorance? Can you handle the truth about prisons? About police corruption or otherwise ruthless cops? About evil lurking on every corner and how we don't live in a world where good guys win and evil gets it?

About media manipulation? About the many faces of prejudice and bigotry in many societies all over the world? About human smells and unattractive looks? About unfair laws disguised as necessities etc.

Because even *I* tend to feel that at least sometimes, I struggle with it all.


I dare not say unless the fire of spoiler fanatics reign down upon me.
In other words I would fear for my virtual life.


And here I was, all ready to lay down some sweet moderator justice. You're no fun.


I have disappointed you and myself.
For this I have no excuse.

I have tried for almost a year to feel the mighty grip on the mods.
I have failed at all attempts.

I hope in the upcoming year I will be able to do MC and you proud by at least
getting one damn warning.
I hate being left out.


Very well.

I, Moderator, Fifth of my Name, here in the sight of gods, men and Jim, do hereby declare you to be GUILTY of numerous violations of MovieChat's Community Standards, to wit:

4. Do not attempt to hack or crack MovieChat, including attempting to manipulate post count, attempting to bypass posting quotas, attempting to inject malicious code, attempting to manipulate the Trending section, or any other attempts to break, manipulate, or use the service in a way that was not intended by MovieChat

For all that hacking you do. Now you pay.

You are hereby SENTENCED to render unto Lord Jim 1,000 barrels of grain and thirty head of cattle annually.


Finally !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm finally a real boy.

Truth be told I don't even know what half the violations mean but I plead guilty.
Guilty on all counts. I may have even killed Kennedy. Whatever it takes.

Hacking?? I guess. I can cough with the best of them. Who knew????

I will take the punishment but am hoping to trade 100 barrels of grain and 10 head of cattle
for 5 saucy wenches.
When I say saucy I mean they are saucy.

Deal ?




You won't regret you're decision.
I respect your input and hope to do business with you in the future.

I've said it before you're one of my favorite 5 or 6 (????) mods on this site.
Continued success to you and yours.


You're a " made man , " dewey ; congrats !


I feel my life is now complete.

I was hoping for a kiss on the cheek but hey, you can't have everything.




Sorry to interrupt,but you accused the wrong man.


Bravo! Just! And funny!

You are VERY GOOD at what you do, my friend.

May we please have a moratorium on stupid question-asking, obvious-answering question-asking topics?


Thank you, sir. A moratorium is not possible because stupid is allowed. Besides, this group has a number of derailment experts who often turn stupid into gold. Gold, Jerry.


It's made from people!

BTW, I figured that out very early in the movie. Duh.



Good one !


Right back at ya!!!


Yes,some things are better to remain buried.Not many people can handle the truth.


Now you sound like a quote from many bad science fiction movies.

"There are some things man was no meant to know."




Have you ever forgiven someone who has done something wrong and terrible to you, even if you had no real reason to do so, nor did you fear that person, nor DESPITE the fact that you had a moral and even legal duty to report them for that? And what was it and who was it?


I wish that when you are doing all of this pondering, you could ask just one question per thread. i try very hard to make sense of some of your topics. i usually wind up with a headache.
In answer to your question, "Are some truths better left unknown?"

I say yes. If the truth is going to hurt the feelings of a person I love, I would rather the truth remain unknown. Why would I want to tell my sister that her butt looks big in those pants?


Thing is, I think too much about stuff these days, but the people around me, such as my relatives, often prefer not to think and talk about it all at all.


Well, you do have plenty of people here to bounce your ideas off. That's one of many good things about these message boards! I hope that you get some good answers to some of your questions.


Yes and I promise to be nice and calm from now on.


Not that I recall....



Internet doesn't always allow me and others to ask questions in order to get a helpful and even a straight forward answer. And sometimes we may get condemned just for having an audacity to ask something that bothers us, even if in all actuality, we mean no harmful intentions whatsoever. People often get touchy and upset over certain things and issues, which is understandeable of course, but rarely can and do we offer a perfect solution to it all, and "don't do it" alone doesn't always cut it.

And sometimes, in our attempts to condemn ignorance, other people may feel others somehow MISS the point and don't answer certain things directly.


It is an interesting question, Man.

