MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Jodie Foster slams superhero movies

Jodie Foster slams superhero movies


I know that many will disagree with me,but she's right.


Agree with Jodie, Hollywood forcing its left wing agenda into so many movies is also annoying.


I think they're making too many at the moment.



Max Baer and Bill Goldberg...
Total girly-men amirite!?!


look up about any jewish producer in hollywood...
btw Max Baer.. couldnt dig much deeper to make you point, could you?


I could simply direct you to StormFront or some other despicable site full of gerbil brained goose sure youd fit right in
Best wishes in 2018...this might be the year when your balls drop, you grow up and you learn about real people
Heres well



You have deleted some of your Antisemetic vitriol in the last hour or two...a good choice
Keep up the good choices kiddo!


Ask me if I care what Jodie Foster (or any other Hollyweird actor) thinks about anything.



I wont ask because i already know lol
Have fun wherever you go tonight good fellow and have a great New Year !
See you in 2018 woohoo🍻🍻🍻


Thanks and ditto!



If her career wasn't washed up, I'm sure she'd be glad to be in one.


She's now a director with enough clout from her career to engage in passion projects, so she's not washed up.


I doubt going from a mainstream actress to directing less than a handful of episodes of random shows was her desire. She did money monster a couple years ago,and it bombed.She was great in her time, but like most Hollywood celebs,her star has faded and she IS washed up. That's why she is willing to make statements like this, because she has nothing to loose.


With respect to Foster (she has certainly earned it after a stellar career) she cited no eviedence for her claim and made not a single good point
The idea that a particular genre is damaging other genres makes zero sense
It reminds me of Tipper Gores brilliant strategy of demonizing certain types of music, which only guarenteed that all the kids wanted that music...its silly to panic when some branch of pop culture goes in a direction you dislike
She should take a step back and see that audiences enjoy a wide range of films...dramas, romance, war, action and comedy movies all have their hits
I find her opinion of the 'masses' to be insulting...this great lady should relax
All is well Jodie!


I'm a perfect example of why Gore's strategy was nonsense.

I turned out perfectly fine. 😜 🤘


Me too!!
Seeing that orange and green decal on albums and cassettes at Sam Goody was an automatic sale every damn time lol
NWA, Maiden, pretty much any punk/metal/rap stuff we found with the 'Tipper Gore' sticker came home and drove the folks nuts!
Nice work Tipper!


Had the total opposite effect.

Thank you Dee Snider.
Long live rock and roll!!!


I was pleasantly surprised to see that she directed Black Mirror's s04e02, ARKANGEL


Charlie Brooker is great a really funny man.
I'm glad he's been successful with Black Mirror.


So Taxi Driver wasn't a superhero movie?


Super Antihero movie maybe?
I could go with that!


You talking to me...Thor?


See? He fought for justice, had a signature catchphrase and a preternatural immunity to bullets. Superhero.


I think there is room for everything.Everyone is different and not everyone can be a fan of comic book movies.They're just having their moment in the sun,but I don't think it will be earth shattering as she suggests!
I know she got asked the question and is just sharing her opinion but it does seem like shooting yourself in the foot to crap all over other peoples work,even if she doesn't approve.It seems disrespectful to her fellow actors and others in the industry.
