
Soup is so good. We don't enjoy soup enough. As an appetizer, I LOVE a tomato soup with oyster crackers. As a supplement to an entree, I love a Pasta Fagiol or a Chicken Ministrone soup. Soup can be a supplement. Soup can, with bread and salad, and perhaps a nice hunk of cheese, like my favorite, Jarlesbeg, be a meal. What do you like for soups?

I do NOT prefer abbreviated, canned, iterations of soup, e.g., anything from
Campbell. Far too
much salt.
Home-made soups, with natural ingredients and a chef's defeft hand, nourish our soul and body, and keep out stomach clear. Soup: the forgotten food form.


It is the ultimate health restoration food, be it a hangover or flu a nice jolt of some savoury soup will pick you up and make the struggles of the day that much easier 🍵


Soup is where it's at.

Tomato/ Basil
Corn Chowder
Bean and Bacon
Loaded Potato
Not to mention beef stew

All home made of course.
Haven't had canned soup in years.


We have many varieties of soup here,one in particular is beet soup,very healthy.


Lentil and bacon
Leek and potato

All my favourites.


Red lentils or yellow lentils? All lentils are yummy and very good for you. I prefer red lentils.


Red lentils but I do enjoy other lentils.
Happy New Year to you.


Thank you, Dazed. Happy New Year to you as well!


I love lentil soup! One of my favorites.


You're obsessed with food, aren't you?!

I love all kinds of soup and pretty much always homemade.

Snert, a thick, Dutch pea soup for winter
A yellow bell pepper soup
A gazpacho soup or a watercress soup with blue cheese for summer
A traditional musterd soup can also be surprisingly good
Or chicken soup for the soul!

No Christmas or Easter dinner can be without a tasty soup.


I'm obsessed with staying alive, which, at a minimum, demands air, water and food, in that order. I don't think a topic about one's taste in air or water would go very far.


You could give it a try. We've got some other threads here that have gotten more replies than I'd expect.


Thanks for your encouragement, Strat. Regarding air, I think that any air that is absent cigarette smoke and fart aroma and not in a prison or a coffin is good air.

Food is much more varied, subtle and sensual.


Wow, I can't believe how similar our views on air are! Huh, I guess great minds do think alike!

But I do feel air can be sensual if you want to. You just have to make a little bit of an effort.


You got me thinking about sensual air, and what I thought of is: a gentle breeze, flowing over lightly perspiring skin on a warm day. A breeze with the scent of freshly-cut grass, or a pine forest, or the ocean. A stronger breeze, at your back, as you run your workout.


Yep, that made me hot!


I'm glad.


I like all kinds of soup and am only limited by ingredients that I might dislike. Quite a few days time is too limited to make soup so I do use the Campbell's. There is really nothing wrong with it for the most part. It just lacks the personal touch when a chef fine tunes ingredients and seasonings. One of my favorite home recipe's falls more to being a chowder than a soup. It depends how I feel as to where the body and texture winds up. The best homemade soup I ever had was a split pea with ham recipe. I've had lots of very good homemade chicken soup. When at home I tend to make more stews and chowders than soups. The chowder falls closely to being basically a chili with additional beans, corn, and starch as a thickener. The stew I braise the beef and then cook in liquid for a few hours making the meat truly tender.


I love soup. We always had the canned soups for a quick meal when we were kids. But my mom would make homemade vegetable soup on the weekend sometimes.

I bought a soup cookbook years ago and it has some great recipes. My favorite is a tomato mushroom bisque. I like homemade tomato soup made with fresh tomatoes, can't stand the canned tomato soup.

Whenever I watched the Seinfeld episode with the "Soup Nazi", I got a craving for soup.


I regularly make soup with a chicken carcass. Add some onion, carrot, celery, garlic and let simmer for a couple hours, then strain and cool. Skim the fat off the top and what your left with is a beautiful, nutrient rich chicken stock full of collagen.


Delicious and healthy. The perfect food. Thank you.

Let food, drink and love be unconfined! A rampant 2018 to my MovieChat friends!!


Beef Barley is a great cold weather soup.


Good old fashioned cream of chicken soup is my favourite.


To me nothing like a big pot of this in the winter.

With this
