MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Any suggestions for soul-crushing, extre...

Any suggestions for soul-crushing, extremely depressing movies?

Share some potent stuff.


My Own Private Idaho
Glengarry Glen Ross
Oldboy (the South Korean version)

I found Baby Driver pretty depressing, too, though I don't think that was Edgar Wright's aim.


Oldboy S Korea...yes!!
I liked the US remake well enough too
I thought the 'hallway fight' was just as good in the US version...


I found Baby Driver pretty depressing, too, though I don't think that was Edgar Wright's aim.

That was the depressing thing about it, that it felt like Wright had lost the plot and by the end was [spoiler]haphazardly killing off his characters without rhyme, reason, or love[/spoiler].

Rooting for a better Edgar Wright film next time. And we'll always have the "Was he slow" mixtape. Haha!


Michael Radford's 1984 is pretty fucking depressing.


I will add one myself if you are compiling a list here :

Hachi: A dog's tale.


That was such a good movie. One of my friends has a Shiba they are such nice dogs. That one was very sad.


Yea it really destroyed me.


Depressing would have to be Manchester By the Sea. I found that extremely sad.


Yes, it's a bleak story, but I found the ending hopeful. With the ending scenes, I feel that [spoiler]Lee will be saved through his connection to his nephew Patrick. I think it's told through the way they're tossing that ball back and forth to each other on the hill. As I remember it, Lee throws it wide at one point, and says something like, "Forget it. Just let it go." But Patrick runs back and picks it up from the side of the road, and tosses it back to Lee. Lee catches it as they keep going up the hill and the scene fades.

To me that's a metaphor for how Lee wants or had wanted to give up. But Patrick is the force in his life that can inspire him to keep going. When Lee decided against becoming Patrick's legal guardian because he didn't feel he could handle it, I feel like he's repeating that mindset when he asks Patrick to let the ball go. Like he's saying, "I'm not good enough or strong enough for this." But Patrick takes it upon himself to stay in Lee's life and keep pushing him, symbolized by his picking up that ball and tossing it back to Lee, continuing down the road with him.[/spoiler] Just my take. :)


Wow, what a great take on that scene in the movie. It seems to be spot on.


Thanks, Daisy! That scene (as I remember it) is the one that stays with me from that film. It's what makes it possible for me to love that movie as much as I do, because otherwise I'd find the story very dispiriting! The last two scenes make all the difference for me.



Scrolled through to see if anyone mention RfaD. Very depressing.


If you include documentaries *and* you want to ruin your day, there's also this one:

Dear Zachary

I felt gut-punched for days after watching it.


I actually own that, good to know that it qualifies.


I was born not far from where she jumped into the Atlantic with her son. sad


Mike Leigh's "Naked."

I couldn't watch the whole thing, and that was back when I was very interested in never abandoning a film. It was just so bleak.

There's enough bleakness in my actual life that I don't have the emotional bank to spare for forcing myself to view more of it, fictional or art or not. Life's too short and I'm trying to find happiness, not sink myself into more sorrow. My life is sorrow.


One Hour Photo, Robin Williams' best serious role. Marley & Me, Hachi: A Dog's Tale.


Good call on One Hour Photo.


Good call earl237
Robin...a very much missed fellow
Im still kind of pissed he left us...


I am too. What a waste!



What is really
sad is that this topic is still getting responses. What an ugly thing.

Shogun, the guy KILLED himself! This was a troubled, unestimable, unsavory human being. Suicides do not get into
Heaven. Can we please
let this very negative, soul-sapping and useless topic die the death it has always so richly deserved.

Its pantywaist creator has not been on this site in over two weeks, showing what kind of commitment s/he has the Movie/Chat. Regarding this disgusting topic, to quote Roy Batty, "Time to die."


I was just thinking about Williams this morning oddly enough
I suppose its hard to reconcile his end with the frenetic, cheery types he often played
Sorry ETA: i like the topic and have seen a lot of these ugly and disturbing films...just my thing i suppose
As for the OP i have no idea what hes all about...aside from yourself and a few others here i dont really pay much attention to their history or interests
Maybe he was just passing through and found MC not to his liking?


Seeking movie recommendations on movie forums, beyond preposterous.


as I said before great thread


People that talk about movies on movie message boards are so stupid right bro
