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Roommates from Hell. Share your story

Was the experience like a comedy or horror story? And tell us how you coped with it. Maybe a Hollywood producer or writer will read your story and be inspired to make a movie about it.☺


Too traumatizing to repeat on the internet but I would say it started out a drama, then became a horror and ended with a cliffhanger.


Cliffhanger is right...I need more details. Don't keep us in suspense!


Seriously keeping us hanging??


Well a man got involved.. enough said?


Let me take a wild guess.....he wanted do to a threesome?


Nah, it was more complicated than that. I'm sure he did want to do a threesome though. Most do. (Sorry not trying to offend or be sexist, just saying)

I can tell ya the cliffhanger.. wonder what ever happened to him? haha


He went to prison?




Yes, Satan was my roommate for a while, but he was actually very nice. I figured someone from Hell would be more of a jerk.


Yep, the devil always wears a friendly face.


Which is what makes him/her all the more dangerous, because one doesn't know when they're being victimized by the person until it's too late, if one gets the drift.


As long as he did some dishes and had his half of the rent...i see no problem here


dishes are as important as rent when living with someone. agree.


I have not had a roommate since college but most of them were pain in the butts. Nothing out of the ordinary story-wise but I should make mention that one had their girlfriend throw herself at me right before Christmas break while he was already gone back home (she had to stay for one final exam an extra two days). No, it just did not seem wise so I did not take advantage. Another former roommate MIGHT be a successful stage actor. I've been meaning to check on that.


I believe that would be "most of them were pains in the butt"



Probably should be pains in the butts as they annoyed more people than myself plus they provided more than one facet of being annoying.


I lived with two brothers. One stole all my stuff and hocked it for a plane ticket to somewhere. His brother stole a nice Gibson guitar from me then fell overboard off his crab boat and was never found. I didn't feel bad.


It isn't really movie material. Just your average annoying, inconsiderate roommate.

Roommate broke the garbage disposal this week because he always puts bones down the sink.

Roommate was listening to music until 3 AM one night until I banged on the door. Plays video games or watches movies all hours of the night when my bedroom is right next door. He really should buy some headphones.

Roommate's bedroom is smelly because he never cleans, and it looks hoarded. He never cleans anything at all really. Two hall closets are all hoarded as well, but I'm going to clean them and start pitching shit.

Roommate sucks at doing dishes, and there are always bits of food on the dishes, pots and pans he washes.

Roommate was taking over the kitchen table as his desk, bedroom, and office, but he stopped (mostly). Last fall he used to keep his books, homework, and laptop on the kitchen table at all times, and sit there listening to music when I had the TV on. The living room is the only place I can watch TV. I guess he can't go in his room to do homework while listening to music, even though he has his own TV and a desk in there. For some reason he wants to take over the common areas. He was leaving his shoes all over the dining room as well. This week I finally put them all in a box and put them in his room so I could clean. He still keeps his bathroom towel on the chair and beard trimmer on the table, but hopefully he will put that stuff in his room as well. It's also not his table, but he gave no one else any room to use it. There was a lot of furniture and junk surrounding the table, only one chair could be pulled out to sit at the table. I rearranged and cleaned everything and reduced the clutter, and it is so much nicer now.

A lot of my kitchen stuff seems to get broken or go missing as well.


I've been pretty lucky with roommates. My Senior year I ended up living with some super annoying freshman guy who said his no. 1 goal for college was to cum in a girl's eye. I started calling him "Cum Eye". I facebook stalked him at one point after leaving school and saw that he'd dropped out. Probably without ever cumming in a girl's eye.




Could even call him Splooge McDuck


Moved in with my best friend (who, it turned out eventually was not only not a best friend, but a very crappy friend, when I was young and didn't know any better) in my very first apartment. People warned us it would be the death knell of our friendship. Neither of us paid any attention to that.

In fact, that wasn't the problem; it just made it worse and more obvious. Nothing Hollywood-worthy, it just sucked. Our friendship, which as it turned out was built on sand to begin with, dissolved, as inevitably it should have done.


My first roommate was a sister of a high school friend. We got along fine until she started dating an ex-con. Being just 18 at the time, I was a bit creeped out by it. I don't remember how or where she met him (this was pre-internet days). She wouldn't tell me why he served time, except to say that it wasn't for murder. Not really comforting. I tolerated it for a few weeks since he was only there long enough to pick her up for their dates. But then he started hanging around our apartment a lot. He seemed to always be there when I got home from work, and spent most of the weekend there, too. Thankfully, it wasn't long before our lease was up and I moved out.

I guess she wasn't the roommate from hell, but at the time all I could think was, what have I gotten myself into? She was my age and Mr Ex-con was about a dozen years older, which is a lot when you're still in your teens.


'I wasnt in prison for murder...dont worry!'
-holy crap! Glad you ditched them!
Scarey shit..


I think that dating somebody about a dozen years older or more is a lot for anybody of any age. Why would a young woman be interested in dating an ex-con? Beats me.


yes, a dozen years older seems like so much when you are in your teens. Even your twenties. Did you ever find out what he did and did they live unhappily ever after?


No, I never learned what his crime was. And I know nothing further about their relationship because we didn't keep in touch after I moved out. Truth be told, I didn't want them to know where I was after I left.


Yeah best to just move on with your life and never look back.
