
Maybe I am thinking of it too much, but does anyone ever feel like anything one does in life is too constricting?

For instance, when you are born, you have some freedom (not really, your day is filled with naps and being taken care of).

When you go to school, you are confined to having to go to school.

When you go to work (and I mean full time), your life is being eaten away at; even though, you know you need it to pay the bills.

Let's hope no one here gets there or has learned from experience (you are a criminal and you are confined in prison or jail).

Retirement is about the only time you actually have freedom and this is comparative to the freedom, one would have, if they were homeless. Not only that, but I am sure, you have aches and pains that may really not make the freedom worth it.

Then again, with being homeless, it comes with its own caveat, you are hoping to not be harmed and hope to survive, day to day. When you are retired, you are just hoping the funds do not run out.

Then you expire, which, man.....what a way to live.

So being a human is kind of tough, would you not say? You are always confined to something.


I kind of agree. All stages of life impose a whole set of limitations.

I think the biggest one is the constant need for money, and all the worries that come with that. They say money doesn't buy happiness -- well I'll tell you right now, it DOES buy removal of some pretty fucking significant stresses in life, including the threat of winding up homeless, which is also restrictive because ALL your opportunities are fucked when you're homeless.


And I did not even think about that. Homelessness leads to not being able to even get a job.

Money does not buy happiness, but it does buy survival. It is your financial life support so to speak.


It does indeed buy survival, and survival can very convincingly be directly linked to quite a bit of "happiness" in a very real sense. It's like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs; basic survival not being assured makes it very difficult to move forward to a pursuit of other comforts, goals, achievements and happinesses.


Financial security. If one does not feel secure, how does one progress? It's like standing on a shaky column.


Life was a good movie and a great twist ending.


Seems like every movie is a word now.


It was also a decent TV show, starring Damian Lewis.


Detach yourself from this world & its people so much so that you never get attracted to it. You'll always be disappointed chasing this world


I have been; however, financially, one cannot. Going about it everyday, thinking the next you will have to live on the streets, is not a good way to detach. If I was assured a consistent stream of revenue, most people think job security; it would be easier to detach one's self.


We will all die. Try going on an adventure. I have slept besides a river alone for a whole night, and it was a memorable experience. Of course, death is very real in such circumstances.

People used to exist without money and lodging few thousand years ago. I bet they were happier.


That is because the actual hunting and gathering existed, before we had currency. So for the tradeoff, having no money meant you had to make sure to find berries and an animal to eat. Having money is a modern means of survival.


Hunting is fun. Just cook and eat. i dont like plants as food.


Now try adding, now, millions of hunters. Would you be able to get your kill in order to survive another day? In today's society, that is what it is like to be without a job. That is the exact feeling!


Depopulation is not a bad idea by the global elite


Ok Arvin, here's my input...

Life SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And death blows...


You came around!


Lol I thought you were going to talk about one of those movies titled Life. Instead you're really talking about life in general.


OMG!! That was what another person had thought as well. I really need to see this movie!


Which one?


Should I even ask how many there are?


I'm just trying to figure out which movie you're referring to without having to read this entire lame thread. Excuse me. Sorry for asking you anything. Lose the attitude.


My threads are kind of lame, but got dang they get like 100+ replies. I appreciate every person that responds.


Honestly there isn't much else to do on this site but reply to lame threads. But I'm happy it worked out in your favor this time. Think of it as hitting the lottery.


It has been my goal to have stimulating conversations. I now have three threads that have over 100 replies/posts. :)


People are just bored. Also, some of these posts are of you replying to the same people so that is the bulk of the replies.

So what's so bothersome about your life that you felt it necessary to make a thread about it on the general board.


Oh, I had a pretty big hardship. It is one of those things that you never thought could happen and it did; however, not in the way that you would have thought it would have happened. After having that one speed bump, all of a sudden it had me thinking. Now I am kind of on a cliff everyday of what is the worst that could happen? How do I prevent that from happening again or in general, how do I prevent myself from hitting the worst?

What happened was definitely a life changer. It does make me more ambitious and more serious than when I was before it. It also helps that I am getting feedback from people, who both have had it happen to them and have not had it happen to them.


We'll I don't know what happened to you but I wish you all the best going forward with your life. Life is hard for everyone and we've all had our setbacks. I'm sure that you will overcome these hard times and look back on those moments as a learning experience.


I just came back to give you a suggestion. The next time you start thinking about how hard life is, play this song by Tame Impala.

When you think of life as a concept this song kind of helps with dealing with your mistakes. Think of the brand new person you will become one you have learned from those mistakes and take your life in a new direction. Learn to love life again. Take care.


The people, who I reply to, are friends on here. They were actually with me since the beginnings of this site. They are the ones that still stuck with me, even when some of the originals grew tired of responding to me, due to my different viewpoints on things.

You will find that, with this site, it is a tighter knit community; however, this site is only as good as people make it and is very much ductile. Unlike IMDb, it does not have much structure to it and it will probably be one of the few sites where the General Discussion traffic is far greater than the sum of traffic on all message boards.


So far I've had a bad experience with some of the posters on this site. I got accused of being someone else and they wouldn't listen to reason either. So my initial reactions to this place that you think is so wonderful had been a negative one. Lol


Oh I have had my share of bad experiences on this site. I was accused of being a troll. Some people on here hate me because they hate my viewpoints. Some people reply to my thread and hate when I reply to them on their threads (WTF?).

I am starting to think that people, online, have serious mental issues. Almost like, the reason they are on here, is to compensate for not being able to socialize in real life.


Well if you think that about people that post online then what do you think of yourself?


That is what scares me. I may be spiraling downward.

All my other hobbies have me interacting with people, in person, on a daily basis. Well, hobbies so far. Then I had an occupation that had me interacting with people on a daily basis and then I went to another occupation, where I do nothing but my job. I am not allowed to really interact with people around me, unless it is to make a correction to documents.

In the state I actually live in, I see that our society (well, if you are in the U.S. anyway) has adapted to socializing on cell phones. I was born and raised in a state where it seemed like people were actually openminded and ever since I moved here, the difference seems like it is a nightmare of a world. Can't people just carry good conversations in public, without technology?


Hey, you're bored right?

Come think of some suggestions to make this site better. I believe some of these things have come to fruition. Maybe yours will too!


You changed the subject. I think that the site is fine. It just needs more posts and the posters here should welcome new posters rather than attacking them.


And that is how you make threads less boring. Why stay on the same subject? We all have the freedom to change.


It just seemed convenient for you to say that everyone online is mentally ill and you changed the subject when I asked you if you considered yourself mentally ill as well. Like I said, I think that the layout of this site is fine. It doesn't need any changes. The changes needed are people's attitude. You know like the attitude that everyone online is mentally ill but I'm sure you said that because you're under a lot of stress?? Was that it?


Many of them are. Do you not see the trolls? People hating people and accusing them of being someone, who they are not? We are dealing with some sort of weird dementia and/or ADHD on here. Brace yourself!


Well this has been an interesting discussion but I really have to go now.


But I never said it was not what makes this site fun and interesting.

Nice to meet you though.

Your account name reminds me of a golf/tennis tournament, do not know which.


I guess when you start sounding normal, I want to talk to you more. My user name means nothing. I was bored and couldn't think of anything else. Lol


~There is no sound, only silence and what appears on the screen. ~


Lol Well you know what I meant. Didn't you;)


[–] MinaVladimir (745) 5 minutes ago

Life. La la lalala!
Life is Life. La la lalala!
La la la la la life. La la lalala!

I'm sorry I have nothing more meaningful to contribute, but this song just popped in my brain, and I just had to...

Just for reference:

Still think people in here are normal?


When I saw the title of this thread, I thought of the movie starring Eddie Murphy called, Life. Unfortunate this site doesn't have a board for that movie yet:(


Definitely answers my earlier question, to another member, on another of my threads. Well actually, it was the thread link I posted above that I asked you suggestions on.


Oh good. I'm happy that I was able to answer your question. Life with Eddie Murphy was an okay comedy. It's not as funny as his other movies. There is another movie titled Life on this site that I've never heard of, and I haven't seen the most recent sci Fi horror movie titled Life, that stars Jake Gyllehaal.


Attacking them!?


Whoa. Calm down. Why are you so excited?


Excited about what?


You tell me.


I have no idea what you talking about...,can you explain?


Just forget it.


For god sake,man,really!?😂


the posters here should welcome new posters rather than attacking them.

I agree with you, and that was what regularly happened here until one very malicious troll began attacking this site, and many posters here. He even went as far as copying various posters' names and pretending to be them.

He creates MANY new accounts and usually posts on specific topics, so unfortunately people have become suspicious when a new poster posts on those topics.

I apologize for suspecting you of a being him.


Yes, I think maybe you're over thinking this one, arvin.



Life. La la lalala!
Life is Life. La la lalala!
La la la la la life. La la lalala!

I'm sorry I have nothing more meaningful to contribute, but this song just popped in my brain, and I just had to...

Just for reference:


So I'm just going to let you know the meaning of life:

To maximize happiness and well being over the greatest amount of time.

Mind blown? Yea, I know.


But how? I need some calculations for ROI.


If you graph a chart where the y-axis represents time and the x-axis represents the degree of maximized happiness you'll totally get what I mean.



How do I graph a chart? Graphs and charts are both things used to show data.

Ex. bar graph, line graph
Ex. charts.....of sorts...


Yes but then if you calculate the total area below the curve and express that as units of "life happiness" you'll have a quantifiable numeric expression of a successful life.


Oh I see it now....

You move the decimal point there and carry the 1....AH HA!


You're welcome.

