MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > trending != trending

trending != trending

please do the proper coding for an actual "trend"?

you are simply listing "most recently commented on"... regardless of how many users are doing so.

surely you can track such activity and show the listings that *have the most traffic*... which is indeed a "trend"?

(in programming, "!=" typically means "does not equal")


NO please leave it the way it is. Trending is included, because the boards with the most traffic are almost constantly up there anyway. I like it the way it is because it's interesting to see what other board people are commenting on.


I like it the way it is too. "Most Recent Post" is used everywhere and sounds rather bland anyways.

And the ones updated are sort of "Trending." When a new post for Homeland or Walking Dead is made after an episode airs, that means more eyes are looking at it than Gone With The Wind and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? at the moment.


so you do not understand what the word "trending" means... nor do you care.

got it.


You didn't understand my post. Of course I know what trending means, it's the boards with the most traffic. But since 'most recent' includes the most active boards, simply because they are showing up everytime someone posts, I don't see the problem. Should they rename it 'most recent' because that's more accurate? Yeah why not. But I don't want to see an actual trending list there because then we wouldn't see the more 'unusual' boards where people post.


I agree with you, Private

I know what trending means... but I don't care. Change it to new or recent if it makes the other guy happy though


Words are just societal. I could make the word "trend" mean fish.


We don't have enough users yet. If trending use real trending math behind it, it will always showing a set of particularly popular tv series forever.

But I agree, instead of "Trending" it should be called "Recently Commented" or something like that.


not enough users? are you insane?

*one* person, visiting *certain links* more than other links is certainly a "trend"... but who cares what the word actually means?

the "warm and fuzzies" like it as it is -- however ignorant they may be.



Yes, an actual trending feature similar to IMDb's popularity meter would be very useful. It's not like they have to get rid of the latest comments to make room for it either.


Why not have both?

I agree that if it says "trending," then it should actually be trending.

I also agree that some would rather see most recent than actual trending.

Both have their place. If we're making requests, why not both?




Maybe just change it to "recent discussions", I'm not really interested in only seeing the most popular discussions.


Just don't post a comment in a offensive movie title or you will be banned.


there are offensive movie titles?

do tell...


I can't tell you cause it would get me banned. Everyone is forbidden here to talk about any movie title that is deemed offensive.


Ball buster 😂😂😂😂


I am offended by this post!


Report me 😜😜😜😜
