Your Names

I see all sorts of interesting names here. Share what they mean, how you ventured into creating the name, what inspired you, and if the name is what you had on IMDb.


Funny enough people say I look like a bat. My nose was severely broken in a car crash when I was 9, and ever since it kind of sticks up and into my face, kind of like a bat I guess. You can't begin to imagine the living hell that middle and high school was..."hey batman, hey batface, ..."


my name is absolutely in honor of my idol , John Lennon, gone way to soon


I've seen quite a few new users here in the last week or so. I don't know if it's polite to bump a Post but I'm doing so so maybe the newest users will have a greater chance to comment. We'd Really like to know You better.

For those who are newer..WELCOME to!!! We're excited to have you here!!!


Because I've always hated, hated, hated my real name, I took my name from my hometown. I was a lurker at that 'other' site - just never got around to joining, which worked out after all, right? Did I say I hated my real name?


LOL, yes, you did say you hated your real name. I also LOL because I've always hated my name too, and asked my parents multiple times "Why did you name me...if you don't call me...?". They called me the shortened version of...all my life. The other members of my rather large family didn't call me by my given name either. The townfolk did and my teachers did, and it urks the hell outta me when I run into someone and there it is again, Hey... One place I worked for many many years, I refused to acknowledge...and told them I wouldn't. The last job before retiring they called me by what my family did and I felt at home. Before I kick the bucket, I'll legally drop it won't be on my tombstone. I like your hometown name.

It's been a General consensus that many, many of us were more lurker there. Here feels so much better,doesn't i?


LOL. Was it your nickname (shortened version) that you hated or your actual name? I would have been satisfied being called a nickname of my real name. I tried more than once to get people to call me by a nickname but it never stuck. Three of my five siblings were called by common nicknames (the other two had names that were so short that there wasn't really a nickname) and I never understood why I got stuck with my real name. Argh. I've always appreciated employers who ask up front what you prefer to be called. I've seriously considered legally changing my name, but the older I get, the more I wonder if it's worth it. You make a valid point about the tombstone though...

And yes, it feels so much better here! :-) It's fun being in on the ground floor, too.


Oh, it was my given name.

"It's fun being in on the ground floor, too." Yes ma'am 👍



I like Daft Punk and I like The Chipmunks, so I married the two names together.

Daft Munks

My IMDB name was the same and figured I’d stick with it on the chance anyone recognizes me from one of the less crowded boards I sometimes commented on.


Slimone......I'm slim!



I made up this name about two decades ago because in my head it sounded Italian (ie "dah-mo-chi"). I LOVE all things Italian: their supercars, superbikes, cuisine (you had me at pizza and pasta), wine, fashion, accent, language, women, men (even though I'm straight), history, climate, landscape, mafia, all the good and all the bad. Dammit I wish I was Italian lol. 'Twas my username on IMDb and it's my username here.


Yeah, I immediately thought 'Italian' when I first encountered it.


And what's yours about? Whenever I see it I think "decibels" for some reason.


That mental connection makes sense. The abbreviation for decibels is dB.

As for mine, I've explained it before in another one of those old threads. The day I discovered this site, I was eager to join and somewhat impatient. I happened to also be watching a documentary about D.B.Cooper, so it was a very impromptu variation and reference to that. Since then, I've discovered several characters known as DB in film.


A lot of names on here that came and went


Some of ‘em came and ran.
