MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Jim Smith appreciation thread.

Jim Smith appreciation thread.

This thread is to honour our hero and saviour Jim Smith. Send your thanks.

By the way, Jim, if you're reading this, I noticed you had a Twitter account. You should reply to random movie Tweets with something like "IMDB message board alternative:" with a bunch of hash tags to get more traffic here.


Thank you Jim. I hope you're getting enough sleep with all the work you've been doing. You deserve a medal 🥇


Jim is appreciated. Thanks dude!


For some reason I have a special interest in American they began, how they drew people in, how they eventually (hopefully!) disbanded.

They always have a charismatic leader at their center.

I feel St. Jim (with all his intelligence, perseverance and dazzle) could be that person for us, if we don't watch out.

The MavieChat Cult of '17: Coming Soon?


Did you know the Oscars started because "evil" Hollywood (in the aftermath of the Fatty Arbuckle and other highly publicized scandals of the 1920's) got a group together to try to generate some better PR for the industry? The awards have gained such a high toned, legitimate rep, but they really started in a shady attempt to spruce up the sleazy image Hollywood had acquired in church-going Middle America, etc. It worked : )


Roscoe Arbuckle was an innocent person tried and convicted in the court of public opinion mostly because Hollywood was reviled as degenerate. After three trials he was acquitted, but died before he could revive his career. His is one of the names wrongly smeared on the pages of history. Like the supposed assassin of Louisiana politician Huey Long. Not. Long's own bodyguards shot him and killed the (then) unarmed man who was framed afterwards (by planting his own gun on him which was a different caliber than any of the bullets which struck Long). Ditto Tom Dooley. He was involved in a situation he shouldn't have been, resulting in a murder, but Dooley almost certainly took the rap for the guilty party. Someone wrote a song in the form of a confession by Dooley (who adamantly denied guilt to the last moment), 90 years later the Kingston Trio had a megahit with it, the Folk movement was born, and the rest was history, in which often the best remembered stories are those which did not happen.


Ahh, links don't work (?), anyhow copy and paste for a nice song in tribute to Jim Jimenee



Jim is my hero, the thought of whom causes me to overflow in copious weeping.


Thank you, Jim! I went to Imdb several times a day for years, primarily for the message boards. Your kindness and hard work in creating this new site makes me so happy.



Thank you Jim! I'm so happy that you were able to save so many posts and recreate the great atmosphere of the old message boards. I'm very grateful.


Thank you so much Jim for all your blood, sweat, tears, love, heart, and soul that you've poured into this endeavor. This site is going places, no doubt!!!! I made a little something to show my appreciation... For you Jim Smith


AMEN! So far this is my FAVORITE new Board!

Jim, U DA MAN!

May the Force be with you!
