MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > IMDb traffic going down significantly!

IMDb traffic going down significantly!

I hope this is accurate, I believe is a reliable source, it's even an amazon company rofl!

Check the chart... since the message boards went down there has been a steep decline, hopefully it keeps going down and it wasn't a temporary effect, please DO NOT go back to that site until they have put the message boards back on and not only that but have the CEO ***APOLOGIZE***


I still think it's disgusting that it's still higher than July or October. Hopefully, and I suspect it will, that it will go down even more sharply as more figures come in.


This is a classic case of a misleading graph.

Look at the numbers on the y-axis - it's gone from 45 in the world to 54. That's not much of a change given how many web sites are out there.


We are talking among the biggest internet-sites in the world here. Such changes indicate huge drops in numbers of page-visits.


Dropping 9 places from 45 to 54 is HUGE!!!
To get even 100k extra visitors, a website needs to get very lucky or do a lot of work (ie. invest big money).
I don't know how anybody could claim that this is not a big deal.

Even Amazon, who closed the forums, would not dare downplay the drop in visitors.
If I were the CEO of IMDB, this would be something which would be of great concern (to my bottom line).


But it skyrocketed the two months before they shUT off the mbs


This. I used to tell people that it's too soon to tell, cause what we see right now is just a downward side of that artificial peak in the graph, but everyone seems so happy to see IMDb nosedive that I stopped raining on their parade.


It started up about Jan first, but didn't reach peak levels until the middle of February (well after the announcement), then had the steepest drop off after the boards closed. The end of March will give a much better indication how much the plummet was a graph correction and how much is a larger trend.



big spike as everyone clamored to archive their own data and/or talk about the boards going down.

this site itself, on several occasions, links right back to imdb!




And in the end...that's what counts! Any drop is a pleasure to see. I wonder what it'll be like for the next month? Hopefully a lot lower.


Significantly? they went down from global rank ~45 to 54. 9 ranks down you wold call significantly? Overall usage isn't much different then before the announcement - and the traffic went up there, because of the news was spreading around so everybody checked up the message boards.

If the traffic goes significantly below the average of last year, than you can have your news, but definitley not at the moment^^


I still use IMDb, bit not NEAR as much now.

I made habit of watching movies and reading the boards to see people's opinions and thoughts on a film. Even if I wasn't posting, I was still reading the boards daily. Now I'm barely there now that the boards are gone.

And who cares about the trolls. I just ignore them. The internet is full of trolls and like advertising, I've learned to tune them out.

I mention the trolls, because I get the impression, they are part of the reason the boards were shut down.


So far I have this site, three other alternatives, and a site for reviewing and deciding on alternatives bookmarked, so no danger of accidentally going to IMDb.


I was glad that Jim, this sites creator, archived the IMDB boards here( Many of them) and will continue to add more.. Please go to Facebook and like Moviechats page. The more we spread the word the better.. May I ask what other sites you use? Or is that not a good thing to share now, if we want this site to succeed?


So far I am on three others and do wish several which are good in one way or another would all combine into one great one. I haven't even had time to go on this one discussing the alternatives.
