MovieChat Forums > jumper

jumper (4)



Maybe u should read the post correctly? There was one mod who answered u that the admin had a lot of work to do and will take care about u re request as soon as he has time. All the others posts are from normal users, who wanted to know why it is so important to delete an account instead of just leaving the site. And that are good questions^^ So, why u so uppset? B2T. I prefer TMDB, just because it has so overall package and its more active there in the movie section. The only advantage of MC is the illegal transfered IMDB comments, but as far as I noticed, only quite a bit of these old post are reactivated by MC Users. Current and upcoming movies are more discussed on TMDB, so thats where I looked for discussions. Significantly? they went down from global rank ~45 to 54. 9 ranks down you wold call significantly? Overall usage isn't much different then before the announcement - and the traffic went up there, because of the news was spreading around so everybody checked up the message boards. If the traffic goes significantly below the average of last year, than you can have your news, but definitley not at the moment^^ Because TMDB have active movie discussion. All I can find here are archived posts from IMDB with mostly no active discussion. Here you have traffic in general boards, compared to IMDb2 its really dead. So atm moviechat is in now way better than the other two boards. I wouldn't they that here on Moviechat we have more activity per se. If you like to discuss in general boards liks this one or below, yes Moviechat and IMDb2 have higher counts of discussion. But if you like to chat about individual movies, than TMDB is way more active. Of course you haven't the IMDb archive there, but a lot more discussions or replys than here on Moviechat. View all replies >