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Crazy, Anti-Biden MAGAt murders his own father and brandishes severed head on Youtube

Justin Mohn 'decapitates his father', 68, and brandishes his severed head during gruesome 14-minute long anti-Biden YouTube rant

A self-proclaimed 'messiah' decapitated his 68-year-old father - then held up the victim's head in a politically-charged YouTube video blasting the federal government and the Biden administration.

I blame rightwing media and their insane conspiracy theories.


American Taliban at work.


Taliban = Leftist


False Flag!


Facts are Facts, get over it and cope.


Based on what? Your own schizoid personalised political compass is bullshit not based in the real world.

Here's a question for you. If someone says they are for gay marriage, and LGBT rights in general - is that a left-wing, or a right-wing view?


Based on what?

Based on truth, facts and reality.


What "truth", "facts" and "reality" is this? Provide your argument please.

And, as I asked: If someone says they are for gay marriage, and LGBT rights in general - is that a left-wing, or a right-wing view?


He clearly had serious mental health issues. Notice how right-wing politics: Trumpism; QAnon; Christian Nationalism, attracts them.


He hated Trump.


You lie ( I wonder why). He was a Trump fanatic, it was Biden he hated:
"brandishes his severed head during gruesome 14-minute long anti-Biden YouTube rant"


- Justin Mohn was not registered with any political party.

- In Facebook posts, he indicated he wanted to sue Donald Trump and imprison him for life.


You lie again. You're a pathetic troll.


Facts don't care about your feelings. Cope with it.


Did you forget to post your proof that dead people voted in 2020? We all would love to see that. But I'm not holding my breath because you do this often. You make an absurd claim then you run away like a little pussy.


You'll see, the decapitated father will also vote in the presidential election.
And then you've to apologize. 😶​

Jokes aside, the last election 2020 wasn't entirely clean. ☻
And tvfan was right about the murderous son.
From the article:
"In previous social media posts, Mohn ranted about a 'civil war' between him and his followers and what he calls 'The Cult'.
In one unhinged post, he wrote: 'Even my own family upholds this Cult belief and is willing to go to jail to prove it. Donald Trump, if this does not get fixed ASAP then you will also be in jail for the rest of your life after I sue you for everything you own - that's not a threat that's a promise b****.' "


LMAO, do you guys actually believe this bullshit?

Politics, MAGA, Trump, far-right, blah blah.

None of these buzzwords are responsible for this, and trying to use it to paint a label on others you don't like, only makes you a piece of shit.

Mental Health Disorders are NOT caused by politics... if you really think it does, you're a fucking moron. This man was sick in the head, and would have done what he did regardless of whatever "motive" his insane mind created. If anything, the Media is responsible for this with their insane rhetoric they have been spewing for the last 9 years...riling up all sorts of violence out of people.

Also, from your own article...
"It's unclear if Mohn was a Trump supporter - while his rants included hatred against president Joe Biden and rhetoric popular in the MAGA and Qanon movements, some of his comments towards the former president were more threatening than admiring. "

Quit yer bullshit, and fuck your asinine guilt by association.


They always want to (s)pin the tail on the right.

- Justin Mohn was not registered with any political party.

- In Facebook posts, he indicated he wanted to sue Donald Trump and imprison him for life.


The truth is that mental disorders are caused by other people. They have been victimized to the point where they can't take it anymore and decide to show the world who's boss.


It's always the MAGAts!


So I attempt to post a video and YouTube detects 3 seconds of copyright music and a guy with a decapitated heads posts it no problem.

Uhm, sure?


I was with you up until "uhm sure?"

up until then it was a humorous ironic comment about the fallibility of the "detection system"
but then "uhm sure?"

What does that mean ?
it didnt happen?
youtube are in on it and gave it a pass?


Their filter system is biased towards money - how's that?


Sure sounds like a Trump supporter and Evangelical! (actually it's bipolar, made worse by cannibis)

Mohn went on to say he was offering a $1 million bounty to anyone who could kill top officials including FBI Director Christopher Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland and former Attorney General Bill Barr.

He said there was a 'globalist and communist' plot against the United State, before ranting about the federal government and holding up his dad's head in a silver bucket.

Mohn's rant continued, addressing US postal workers, journalists, federal debt and the federal reserve, the border crisis, Antifa and the woke agenda.

He said 'the traitorous Biden regime' wanted to send 'America's military overseas to fight for Ukraine and die in a Russian winter.'

Mohn ranted against 'tax-evading big tech companies' and those behind the U.S. prison system.

Mohn railed against a 'network of evil' he said was 'plaguing' America.

The deeply disturbed Mohn said 'Satan wants America to fall so he can unleash his plan on the world.'

One of his books was entitled: 'Poems I Wrote While Stoned: A Collection Of Poems'.

Another, 'The Punishing,' is set in the year 2481, with Satan ruling the world.

'After rejecting their Messiah and straying from the word of God, humanity falls under complete control of Satan and his minions – a race of artificially modified humans, who no longer call themselves Homo Sapiens, but rather, Homo Demonicus,' the blurb reads.


"actually it's bipolar, made worse by cannibis"

Aside from the fact that it's cannabis:
Where does this new rumour come from? ☻


I find cannabis improves my spelling. ;-)


Like "Syphillus"? 😉​


I can spell your name just fine, asshole wanna-be spelling bully.
I hope my typos can enhance your empty life


You sound like an insulted leftie-liverwurst. ☺
Let's share a calumet, redskin. 🍎​


Nevertheless; he was a mentally unstable person with DID and Bipolar disorder.


And what's "DID" now?

However, these kind of discussions are wonderful, really!
Some years ago a member of a right-wing party killed his wife.
--> "All right-wingers are Nazis and kill their families!!!"
A few months later a member of a left-wing party killed his long-time partner, even transported him with a wooden trolly through half of Berlin in the middle of the night.
--> "silence" (my snarky comment was rejected ☻)


Dissociative Identity Disorder.


Oh ok...hopefully we now got the correct diagnosis. 🤪​


I posted about this here when it had just been reporting.
No comment. So I am boosting yours so people can try
to understand the mental makeup of some Trump supporters.
I did connect it to the legacy of Donald Trump ...

This is the legacy of Trump
posted 2 days ago by TrentnQuarantino (7363)
2 replies | jump to latest
A Levittown man was taken into custody late Tuesday after he allegedly decapitated his father, posted about the killing on YouTube, and fled to Lebanon County, law enforcement sources say. The man, whose name was not released by police, was being held by investigators hours after his arrest at Fort Indiantown Gap.

The man’s son had posted a graphic video to YouTube, the sources said, in which he displayed a severed head while ranting about the federal government and urging the U.S. Postal Service to cease operations.

In the now-removed video, he called his father a “traitor” and said he’s happy that he is dead. The man also said his father was a longtime federal employee, and ranted against the federal government and what he called “far-left woke mobs.” Investigators later tracked the victim’s vehicle to Fort Indiantown Gap, and took his son into custody.


He wanted to imprison Trump for life.

Sooooooo...yeah, he wasn't a Trumper. Crazy? Yup! Caused by "MAGA"? No, and that's not how mental illnesses work.
