MovieChat Forums > Politics > Do you think the problem with Joe Biden ...

Do you think the problem with Joe Biden is:

They don't know whether to put him in a retard home or a old people's home?

Do they have like... old people homes for retards? (Cause most of them dont reach old age do they).

if not then they'd have to tear him in half wouldnt they?


His economy is ballin' though. ;)


$7 Doritos. $30,000 base model vehicles. $3/Gallon gas.

So ballin...


News cars are a lot more than $30k. Gas has averaged close to $5 gallon for his entire presidency.

The fed has promised to lower rates next year which has lead to a small bump in the stock market.

No Biden policies can be linked to any economic growth or reduction in gas prices. And inflation is still at an all time high.


^^^ This


What do you think the inflation rate is right now?


I just helped my sister buy a new 2024 Toyota Corolla LE for $24k after high California taxes, registration, etc., in L.A. Where do you live where you're paying 25%+ more?

I have to mention that that new base Corolla cost $11,000 in 2001 with hand crank windows and a tape deck. And it got my sister to work and the grocery store just fine...


The $7 Doritos, I don't doubt that you've seen that on the shelf, but this has been a thorn in my ass for at least 20 years - you go to Kroger or Safeway and they price Doritos at $7, but the equivalent size Lays or whatever is $3 with the "club" price. So I buy the Lays. And next week it's the opposite. I suppose they know best how to maximize profits, and they're entitled to rip off stupid people... and corn chips have become noticeably higher than other chips in the last few years.


Gas is 2.69 by my house and Doritos are bad for you anyway.

Signed, million man.


I saw the $7 Doritos at Kroger last night. It was the "Party Size" $0.4820/oz.

You could also buy 4 of the smaller bags for a total of $8.00, $0.2150/oz.

I suppose there are folks that only have $7.00 in their pockets so they can't take advantage of the discount... I bought 4 of the Lays Kettle Cooked chips, still cheaper.


Whatever happened to "cheaper by the bulk"


Be careful of bulk prices. Some consumer products companies changed from "economy size" to "convenience" size and they charge a higher unit price for larger sizes because you don't have to buy it as often


Obviously, you still have a healthy supply of ludes. Nice.


Nah, it's that I live in America unlike most of the Ruskie political bots that try to stir up trouble.


Thanks Joe for the great economy, your support for Ukraine, and your warnings to Israel.


He needs to be in a retirement home. They have divisions specializing in mental disorders(Dementia, Alzheimers,etc) where he would belong. In all likelihood he won't be let out of his basement in Delaware.


You sound like you live in the basement of the latter type home.


The problem with Joe Biden is he's fundamentally corrupt and a morally bankrupt, terrible person.


I'm afraid there's enough wrong with the guy to write an entire BOOK SERIES on what is wrong with him, but one thing that's clear is, he's a symptom of a much larger problem in Washington, one that dates back to the 1970s when the dumb shit first got elected a senator and then stayed in that career for over 40 years with nothing to show for it, other than one disaster after another.


What disasters was Joe responsible for? Or are you just another rw nut with a brain diseased from imbibing to much Fox?
