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Powerful speech from Joe: A must watch for any American

Some are saying this speech is better than MLK's I have a dream speech.



Would def be the hottest President ever!


hahaha🤣, 81 million votes my ass.


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.

Do you have proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else does?


He received about 55 million real votes.


Yeap, the other 26m were non-existent, the dead, and duplicates/triplicates ballots.


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.

Do you have proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else does? You keep making claims here but you never back them up. Why is that?


Yesterday, you trolled me with 20+ replies within four hours.

Today, so far, this is your twelfth reply within three hours. You have escalated from trolling to stalking.


Yet you keep replying to me every single time I post. I'll tell you what. Show proof of your claims that Trump actually won in 2020 and I'll quit calling out your extreme stupidity.


Ballots from addresses that don't even exist.


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.

Do you have proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else does? You keep making claims here but you never back them up. Why is that?


you still think that Putin logged into all the voting machines and changed the votes, lol


nobody thinks that , only batshit crazy magas think 2020 was rigged in that way.
in 2016 , Putin put some adverts on facebook


nancy thinks that, she got Mueller to investigate Russian collusion.

why did Obama let Russia put fake ads on facebook?


"magas think 2020 was rigged in that way"

- A massive amount of video footage says otherwise. 📹
- A massive amount of computer data showing all the duplicate votes says otherwise. 💻
- Testimonies from the guilty culprits says otherwise. 👀


Do you have proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else does? You keep making claims here but you never back them up. Why is that? How about you just post your links to testimonies of the guilty culprits? That should be easy for you.


" A massive amount of video footage says otherwise"

and yet no judge or prosecutor in the country gives AF , weird.


You mean like the CT Dem that was caught on video and a judged overturned the election? lol.

Those judges or prosecutors have yet to watch the footage that I'm referring to, be patient.


Do you have any examples of these adverts.


They were the ads that the DNC/DS/Zuck planted in FB so they can scream "Russia, Russia, Russia."


Zuckerberg? Do you have any proof of this? Why do you refuse to post links to all these claims you've made? If you don't now how ask your mother/sister to help you.


yeah, here


He said "examples" not Wikipedia propaganda.


well , just pick any of the books , articles, news reports citations and further proof all linked at the bottom of that article :

Why is there no wikipedia article on 2020 being rigged ?
Anyone can edit wikipeadia - why havent the MAGAS done a similar page ?
oh yeah , cos it didnt happen
Its so patently absurd it would be immediatley taken down for misinformation


MAGA doesn't own wikipedia.

Wikipedia co-founder says site is now ‘propaganda’ for left-leaning ‘establishment’


ok , fair point , that guy guy said that that time .
so no trump page .

But back on topic ... look at the wealth of external-to-wiki evidence cited at the bottom of the article.


None of those external links includes "examples."

Those are government documents, statements, and propaganda.

Oh, in case you missed it:

Wikipedia co-founder says site is now ‘propaganda’ for left-leaning ‘establishment’


I dont know what kind of "examples." you want that you wouldnt just brand propaganda anyway, but heres a guy talking about his book on the subject if that helps.

I thought it was universally acknowledged by magas and democrats alike that Putin did in fact attempt to influence the 2016 election but didnt influence it enough . Trump won fairly (in spite of Putin trying to help him).
Everyone knows that .
what are we actually arguing about ?


The Facebook adverts.


what do you want, a screenshot of an ad on facebook saying "vote Trump!" ?

would that prove anything?
or do you need it signed "love from Putin x"

also could you answer the second part of my post ?
are you actually claiming that Putin did not attempt to influence 2016?


I was referring to the other poster's request which you didn’t understand or deflected.

You said: “in 2016 , Putin put some adverts on facebook.”

And he asked you for examples of those facebook adverts and you responded with propaganda.


what exactly is an "example" of the adverts?
how would that work?
would it be a pdf file?

Its a well know undisputed documented fact that this happened , I dont know why you and the other guy are disputing it now , years later.


ohhh NOW you want evidence of claims?

too bad according to you, YOU need to go out and find evidence for Moviechatters claims.


I always thought it was 81 billion. lol


That's because you have poor math skills.


No, I dont smoke the weed anymore.


Let me guess…

Stumble, bumble, mumble, stare off as he shits his pants. Wander off in the wrong direction.

The 3 Lemmings in attendance scream “brown Brandon!”


Brown Brandon! Thats something you never want to hear in a closed room. lol




stolen election


“I was so busy in the White House with China, Russia, and keeping the country safe,” Trump said.

“You were not the president in 2021,” Wallace reminded him.


I'm just waiting for Trump and his band of inbred minions to release the evidence they all claim to have. What are they waiting for?
