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Biden approves Visa for Iranian Official who approved of attack on Israel.

Wtf is wrong with the Biden?

The United States allowed Iran’s foreign minister to visit New York City this week to address the United Nations, drawing the ire of critics who insist the Biden administration should never have allowed him into the country.

"Iran-backed terrorists have attacked our servicemembers and are currently holding Americans hostage, but the Biden administration has granted a top Iranian official a visa — welcoming this regime on U.S. soil with open arms," Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, wrote on social media platform X.


Not only that, he threatened the U.S.A while on our soil! This is what Biden's policy of appeasement with Iran, aka ass kissing, has brought us to.


Bidens open borders is also allowing Hamas to enter our Country. They will more than likely go on a killing rampage like they did in Israel.


600,000 "gotaways" (people who have entered the U.S. illegally and have not been apprehended) during this year. The potential for a lot of Americans' blood on the old creep's hands.


I think the dems are doing it on purpose to create chaos in America. Then they will say vote for us so we can fix it.


Maybe there's a diplomatic reason we don't know about? Biden is trying to deescalate the war in Gaza and sometimes to do that you have to talk to your enemies, hear their concerns. This is low hanging fruit, an easy opportunity for people like Tim Scott to exploit for political gain. He's trying to increase ridership on the outrage train and what do you know Bubba you fell for it.


Why is Biden negotiating with terrorists on US soil to end the war in Israel? If the #1 sponsor of global terrorism is low hanging fruit than I am Taylor Swifts identical sister.


You have a very stupid response to a reasonable and well articulated post.
This is just me giving feedback.


Why are we talking to an Iranian official to end the war in Israel? The war is between Hamas and Israel.


The purpose is to end the war, right?
Its a good purpose, it serves the interests of both you and me.
If someone wages war, and that someone can be negotiated with, that means you have an opportunity to end war. Regardless of what that person is.
I mean, the true purpose as I see it is to stop innocent people getting killed. Or maimed.
If I had a choice, I would choose to hear the other side.


I am all for ending wars, but why is Biden negotiating with Iran to end the Hama/Israel war? What does Iran have to do with the conflict?

I would assume that Biden is negotiating with China to end the Ukraine/Russia war as well?


Why? Probably preventing Hezbollah getting involved.


Hezbollah is also funded by Iran.

Why isn't Biden not negotiating with Hezbollah?

Why are we talking to an Iranian official to end the war in Israel?


Sorry, I was assuming you were not retarded. My bad


Nope, just wondering why no one can answer my questions.


"The purpose is to end the war, right?"

Tell that to the bankers, corrupt politicians, and the establishments profiting from wars, so to them, the longer the war lasts the more they profit.


dems dont want the war to end, they have a lot more money to launder...


"Biden is trying to deescalate the war in Gaza"

Like he did with Ukraine/Russia?

They want the war to go on as long as possible. Wars are bankers wars. They use these wars to funnel/launder money that eventually, a percentage ends up back into the pockets of those corrupt politicians/gov of 'the establishment'.

Didn't you learn anything from the war started under Bush?


Biden could have done nothing and let Putin demilitarize all of Ukraine, sent the military to fight & die in Ukraine, or apply sanctions, diplomatic pressure & send money/weapons to Ukraine.

Are you saying you would have gone with option one?


It was the Biden regime/NATO that continuously refused and denied any peace treaties and negotiations between Ukraine/Russia.


There was never any good faith peace proposal offered by Russia to Ukraine.


Not a perfect one, but certainly one that would have prevented all the death and destruction because the establishment/NATO profited from it.


You used your wrong account to respond to me. oops lol


worst fake potus ever


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.

Do you have proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else does?


If the election was so secure...why do you feel the need to come to it's defense like you do?

You passed the point of "Doth the Poster protests, too much, me thinks" over a year ago.

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.
Otherism is worse than Racism.


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.

Do you have proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else does?


Oh, and the election was decided by 100,000 some odd votes in like 4 swing states... you don't need millions of people. You are completely disingenuous in your (bullshit)argument. You create an improbable scenario, and present it as fact to support said (bullshit) argument.

This is why we don't take you with any degree of seriousness.

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.
Otherism is worse than Racism.


Do you have proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else does?

It's a yes or no answer.


Is that their requirement for you?......If that is the case, you are wasting your time.

1.) The DoD-SF has it.
2.) Trump and his team has it.
3.) We the people have it.

Be patient and wait like an obedient little shill.


Do you have proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else does?

It's a yes or no answer.


he said yes - see item #3

Imma guess he cant show right now because Mike the Pillow is looking after it and he left it in his other pants....


You'll just continue to move the goal posts regardless...because that's what cultists do.

Besides, convincing you of anything is never my goal.

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.
Otherism is worse than Racism.


The way I see it is that when they insist, they are actually trying to convince themselves one way or the other.


Do you have proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else does?

It's a yes or no answer.


Do you have proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else does?

It's a yes or no answer.


Correct me if I'm wrong... But isn't that the kind of thing that is more in line with Trump? If so, then that proves Biden is a hypocrite and not much was going to change when he became President.


Biden is a huge hypocrite. He has been a hypocrite for over 55 years. He said nothing when Talib supported Hamas.


He's slowly revealing himself as a Manchurian Candidate.

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.
Otherism is worse than Racism.


Remember in 2020 what Biden said about Trump:

"As the walls close in on this man, I'm worried that he is going to get us into a war with Iran. Unfortunately I may have been right."


No wonder they chose Biden then. I wasn't fond of Trump's ways and still am not, but it's sad when Biden and his supporters want to do what most people complained about Trump doing.


Because when the Biden regime does it, it is OK; when Trump does it, it is bad.


I guess you forgot. I'm still waiting for your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen. Do you have proof or not? It must be very uncomfortable for you to have all this proof and too frightened to
tell anyone about it. Quit being a pussy!🐈‍⬛



When will you release your evidence that the 2020 election was rigged? Hurry! Then the 2020 presidential will then be overturned and Trump will be reinstated as president and will easily win in 2024!


Don't waste your time with tvfan. He's a psychotic Trump supporter who thinks routinely in Black and White terms. Can't even acknowledge that Trump wasn't perfect even when our current President is shit.


So you criticize, blame, and judge Trump for not being perfect...a TDS sufferer indeed.

- At least Trump didn't create a border crisis where our country is been invaded.
- At least Trump didn't start two wars that is draining and destroying our economy.
- At least Trump is not taking us to the edge of WW3.

Perhaps when you feel the heat of those nukes, you will reconsider about the "wasn't perfect" bit.
Or perhaps you will reconsider it during an eternity of bathing in liquid fire.


When will you release your evidence that the 2020 election was rigged? Hurry! Then the 2020 presidential will then be overturned and Trump will be reinstated as president and will easily win in 2024!


Either you think Trump is perfect, or you blame Biden for every bad thing in the world and you are using Trump as an excuse to bash him. Which would it be?


We don’t expect him to be perfect; only sufferers of TDS do.

Your side made those rules. You blamed Trump for everything while he was in office and you still do. Therefore; all my points and several unmentioned fall under the current POTUS......own it.


When will you release your evidence that the 2020 election was rigged? Hurry! Then the 2020 presidential will then be overturned and Trump will be reinstated as president and will easily win in 2024!


I love your blatant black-and-white thinking. You accuse me of being a democrat for a fact when you don't even know it for an absolute fact.


lol, where did I specifically say that you were a "dem"?
You are obviously anti-Trump and a sufferer of TDS.


You are obviously a narcissist. You act like you know where I stand based on what you percieve when you really don't. You like the attention I'm giving you, don't you?


Considering Obama is friends with the monsters in charge of Iran, and he's the one running the country behind the scenes, that doesn't surprise me. He spent his entire presidency kissing the asses of every mudslime leader in the Middle-East. After all, he loves the sand rats far more than he ever loved Americans. The CIA really did us a disservice putting that slime in office in 2008.


It was their 16-year plan to destroy the USA. Now that demon is running his 3rd-term as a shadow president.


Of course you have evidence of this nefarious 16 year plan? Right?


He's just Satan's butt boy, he's not a chief demon.


lol, well put.


China Joe is a master of military strategy.


Particularly when it comes to F-ing up and handing over our weapons and secrets to our enemies.
