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The US stands on the brink of global war. WWIII

The war between Israel and Hamas is set to intensify, with a ground invasion of Gaza believed to be imminent. Israeli forces are gathering in strength along the border, and defense minister Yoav Gallant, has told the waiting troops that they will soon see Gaza “from inside. The command will come”.

This is what happens when you have weak and senile leadership. No new wars were started when Trump was President.

The 2 wars will turn into 3 soon. Thanks Joe.


What the hell does the Gaza situation have to do with Biden?


With military recruitment in the toilet thanks to trannies running it now courtesy Mr & Mrs Big Mike.

300 billion in weapons have been given away in just 3 years under pantshitter.

Strategic oil reserves at record lows thanks to Democrats blocking Trump from filling it when oil was $20/barrel. It’s now $90/barrel thanks to Democrat inflation.

And the American people would rather invade DC and take out the corrupt govt than get involved with another unwinnable 1000 years war in the sandpit.


>With military recruitment in the toilet thanks to trannies running it now courtesy Mr & Mrs Big Mike.

Provide evidence that the presence of "trannies" has anything to do with declining recruitment.

>300 billion in weapons have been given away in just 3 years under pantshitter.

To be used to seriously dampen Russians stockpiles and resources.


For the first time since the cold war scares when I was a kid... I'm genuinely fearful of the near future.

Thanks Joe.


Still waiting an explanation as to how the Israel-Gaza flare up has anything to do with Biden


They've got nothing but Reicht wing propaganda.


the price of a barrel of oil is the same the world over , it is not affected by democrats.


Stolen Elections Have Consequences.


What the hell does the Gaza situation have to do with Biden?


Prove it was stolen in court. ;)


They sure do, don't they... Trump was right about everything.


This is what the dems wanted though. They need chaos during next years election so they can hijack it again.


Show evidence that the 2020 election was stolen. Quit being a coward and run away every time you are pressed for proof of your claims.


Show me evidence the 2016 election was hijacked. Nancy said that Putin hijacked the election like 1000 times.

Did you watch my recommended movie yet?


I never claimed that the 2016 presidential was rigged so why would I have evidence of something that doesn't exist? You're so stupid it must hurt.


I know there is no evidence of election rigging in 2016, but Nancy and the entire left wing media repeated for 2 years that Russia stole the election and Trump colluded. Mueller said Trump won fair and square.


Your next movie recommendation is:


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.

Do you have proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else does?


You were outsmarted by Putin and Trump. Oof thats embarrassing.

Did you watch my recommended movie yet?


I wasn't outsmarted by Putin or Trump but it's obvious you were. Unfortunately for you stupid cannot be cured. That's embarrassing!

I already told you twice that I saw the movie you recommended. It's not bad.

When will you provide evidence that the 2020 election was stolen?


You never responded to me. That must be a some dank weed bruh.

Your next movie recommendation is:


I just responded to you, moron. What is a some dank week?


I see you edited your post from dank week to dank weed. Your really are a retard.


Week dank? You might need a new dealer.

Your next movie recommendation is:


Your reading comprehension is fading fast. You might need to lay of the tweed for a while.


Trump outsmarted liberals so much that he... lost the 2020 election?

How did Putin outsmart anyone?


Just like Trump is still president. Middle East is NOT the world. What a Moron!



Nice find. Joe is clueless, the US cant keep policing the World. We cant even secure our own border but yet we spend trillions on other Countries.


So if the US shouldn't help police the world, then why do you care about Ukraine/Russia or Israel/Gaza at all?


A 3rd WW or another long-war. The 💰💸washing cycle has to keep going somehow.


Pretty much. War is good for business and its good for money laundering.


The Democrats are gripped by destructive Marxist ideology and the Rinos are just greedy and corrupt beyond belief.


They all are corrupt and have no problem the Military–industrial complex rolling on. Now we kerfuffle's going on in Syria and Iraq. Dems seem to have no problem with war now after they whined about Trump starting WWIII.


I’m going to summarize the threats that the Iranian regime poses to the United States homeland, but first, I would make two short points. The Hamas terrorist attack on October 7 ranks among the world’s worst terrorist attacks in modern history. In addition to the more than 1,400 Israelis killed, at least thirty-one American citizen deaths make this one of the worst terrorist attacks against Americans since the Pulse nightclub attack in Orlando, Florida, in 2016. American resolve, as shown by the President’s and the Congress’s bipartisan support for Israel, the deployment of two aircraft carrier battle groups to the eastern Mediterranean, are an essential response to this terrorist attack and a warning to Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah. Americans have a stake in what will come after Hamas’s military defeat. The United States is already in discussions with the Israelis and other allies over the future of Gaza, to ensure these terrorist attacks do not repeat in a few years—and to ensure that Iran does not determine the future of Gaza. There is a role for our homeland security agencies in supporting this. But Iran’s role in funding, arming, equipping, and helping train Hamas terrorists is something that our government must, and will, address.

Second, today’s hearing takes place against the background of unprecedented efforts by the Iranian people, women and men, to fight for greater freedoms and justice against the current Iranian regime. We should acknowledge the historic importance of this struggle, which is led by Iranians and should have the support of all Americans. The Iranian regime has chosen to make the United States an adversary. The Iranian people want to make different choices.


Yeap, this entire crisis involving Iran is going to escalate into something more catastrophic.
