MovieChat Forums > Politics > NO ISRAELI BABIES BEHEADED! IT WAS FAKE ...


One Israeli reporter had reported live that she heard an anonymous soldier say babies were beheaded. No photos, no officials, no soldiers, nor bodies confirmed her story. People just repeated it without confirmation!

"It wasn’t until Sky News decided to “separate facts from speculation” that the world started to catch up and pump the brakes on jumping to wild conclusions."

Some reporters did warn that it could be fake and not jump to conclusions WITHOUT PROOF!

"The story, though shocking, remains unconfirmed, and many users on and off social media — including celebrities, influencers and politicians, like U.S. President Joe Biden, though he later walked back his comment — repeated the un-factchecked claim. In the days since, even officials are refusing to clarify and confirm the claim."

It sounded like a fake story to me which is why I patiently waited for confirmation. It took days for the truth to appear, but only after the lie had been repeated by politicians and different news outlets.

"Disinformation and digital media expert Marc Owen Jones said that the “unconfirmed report about 40 murdered babies had at least 44 million impressions, 300k likes, over 100k reposts, despite the original report never claimed 40 babies were decapitated”.

B1cKsurN Who Posted Fake Story "Hamas killed 40 babies..." needs to run a retraction!


there are pictures, theres evidence. you more than likely believe holograms were used instead of planes on 911, that the families from colombine were at the boston marathon and the orlando nightclub massacre was the work of mossad.

more unhinged lunacy from the left when the truth doesn't support their narrative.

men can be women, the vaxx makes you immune, pay more taxes and we can control the weather and nobody died in israel....


Funny how the left called Conservatives "conspiracy theorists" for asking questions about Covid and now the left have become the conspiracy theorists.


You are a dishonest, deceitful, cowardly liar. Show your evidence.


tell us about how missiles hit the pentagon and the reptilian shapeshifting zionists did it. you l00n! and you're obviously a fruit.


Good job, misinfo account. Keep obfuscating and not having proof.


good job iqbal


I hope your job is making the pro-Israel side look like lying fools, 'cus that's all you're good for.


more loony conspiracy theories? so along with the old holograms instead of planes on 911, missiles and the rest of it. you think mossad is paying me to post propaganda on a website 12 people use to discuss robocop and taylor swift?

how many months were you born premature?


That's like the 5th time you just made up a strawman to respond to me. Don't you know how evidence works? Whoever pays you ain't mossad, that's for sure. I hope you're getting paid at least, making up bullshit is hard work. If I believe in a conspiracy theory, I have to actually back my shit up with evidence, or at least reasoning. Your commentary is just embarrassingly bad.


answering everything with "strawman" was cool as hell in 2008 on reddit. now it's old. i'm guessing you're a shine based on the strong victim mentality.


I'm guessing you're a troll or bot. Nothing you write sounds like it was written by a serious person.


i'm a paid mossad agent who also directed the holograms and missiles on 911 and a paid crisis baby actor in israel, you've caught me.


Troll it is.


sometimes i freelance in NY, in blackface looting demz jordanz, flat screenz to be makezing demz brothaz look bad, ya feel me?


No photos of 40 beheaded babies. One reporter made it up during a live broadcast.


So we will just acknowledge that Leftist Women are still the Pioneers in baby murder instead?

You're weird. I'm not doing shit.


Cows and chickens are more self aware than those "babies", and chances are you ain't vegan. I can't really take seriously the idea an embryo is more important.


100% of pro-abortion people are born.

Have a nice day.


A topic header in all caps by someone who tried to talk down to me about 'yellow journalism.' 🙄 Why am I not surprised by this blatant hypocrisy? Rent a neon sign in Times Square to revel even more, you completely narcissistic bitch!


The only way to defeat the NPC is to ignore it. Unfortunately, no one is able to resist the troll power. Sad.


Countering a horrible lie with the truth is important.

Why aren't you relieved that 40 babies weren't beheaded?


Disinformation by the Russian media to surpass the information. We know when they crossed over they lost controll of themself and did all kinds of hatred killings. It was the same back in the Japanesse war with them and the Germans killing prisioners.


Asking for proof is Russian?


Trying to put down the story is Russian.


If there was evidence, I wouldn't "put down". Lol.


President Biden said he saw footage/pictures of it. So, is he spreading misinformation?

Here's his exact quote, although he did say "children" not "babies".

Do you feel much better about your support of Hamas now that you know it was children not babies?


Oh well Biden said it, so you know it's a fucking lie.


Democrats don't lie.


like when they said COVID was harmless and Trump was being xenophobic by banning travel from China?
like when Biden said the vaccine would stop the spread of COVID?
like when Biden said Putin was the reason for gas prices and not every executive decision he made in his first days as president?


I was being a wiseguy when I said they never lie. Of course, all politicians lie.


Yes, they do. It would be nice if one side was held accountable like the other, instead of protected and sheltered.


Cry more, Goober.


Excuse me, WHO was it that said Covid was the flu and would just go away?

Saying that the vaccine would stop the spread was what was believed by science at that moment, he corrected himself when given more information. Have you ever once heard Trump admit he was wrong?


Covid literally was like the flu. Lol. Did the flu just go away? People still die from the flu. Oh, the horror! No one was dying from Covid except the obese and elderly, mostly from the ventillators ripping their lungs open, not the Covid. The "science" never said it blocked the spread either. Science doesn't "believe" anything, it's not a religion.


"Covid literally was like the flu."

Not like, it was.

"Science doesn't "believe" anything, it's not a religion."

To leftists, science is a religion by which they worship at the altar of scientism.


I don't like when people call democrats "leftist". I'm a leftist. Jimmy Dore is a leftist. Russel Brand is a leftist. Joe Rogan is a leftist. Democrats are just corporate cock-lickers using identity politics to funnel minorities into supporting candidates who push RIGHT wing economics, AKA "centrism".


Nevertheless; "Democrats are leftists."


Then why don't we have medicare for all, or reparations for descendants of slavery?


slavery was paid for by the thousands who died in the civil war and the billions spent on welfare and housing, and prisons and court fees from them still not progressing when completely broke immigrants make it in two generations. They're also the reason we dont have medicare for all. We have to spend billions to drag them along in a modern society they still cant grasp the concepts for.
If any of them still want more money (that WONT help them anyway) they should be asking the Africans who enslaved and sold them like the Dahomey Dynasty.


Look, I get having that perspective, but none of that is their fault, so I don't really give a shit. Both welfare and reparations are inevitable. Comparing a random African immigrant to a genetically and culturally altered people doesn't make sense. It's like saying we should release domesticated pets into the wild, 'cus there are wolves and lions who made it. No, you are gonna get arrested for neglect. But when it's humans, we just say it's their own fault for how they were socially, and in this case GENETICALLY engineered. I tend to agree CASH reparations won't help, but that's up to them. Reparations from Africa is a completely separate issue.


They are owned NOTHING, especially not from Americans. The 3rd President of the United States banned the slave trade. That's less than 20 years into the country's history/creation. Reparations have only ever been granted to people who have LOST property. These slaves never had any. They were captured by Africans who all had nothing to start with. Since, they've been given freedom, free housing, free food, free education, free phones, free money, rights, and still demand more, but why? Because they think they're oppressed? Bullshit.

The model on how to succeed in America is NOT a fucking mystery, or some well kept secret. Blaming others for issues doesn't hold water. We have thousands of successful black people and most black millionaires anywhere.


When Africans were given freedom, where did they live? How did they get money? They had no place to live except if they continued to work for their slave owners and continue to make slave wages.

What would you do? You think that you'd just go and build your own place? Where would you do that when you weren't allowed to own land and had no money to buy land or materials? You have ZERO perspective on what it was really like for African Americans.


You mean to tell me people who spent their entire lives farming, couldn't find land to make a farm. What do you think the people who headed west did? Just found work along the way in the wilderness and wild? Like get real. Give me a fricken break. Make more excuses. There was an entire uncharted land for free and thousands of people made their homes on it FOR FREE.


You don't know how to read. How are they supposed to BUY land? You think that they could just go somewhere and plop down on the land? You don't realize that all that land was owned by then?

Where would they get the seeds to plant when they were only given enough to survive off off? How could they get 'jobs along the way' when no one would hire them?


You didn't need to buy land! Half of the U.S. was uninhabited. How did people who went west do it? Like you're just clueless of history. All you know is what you were taught by your middle school teachers from their highly scripted textbooks of black history month, which was written by people also clueless of history


Lets take this slow because you still aren't getting it. These freed black people couldn't just leave and settle on some land. People who went west had wagons, food and horses to help them. That is essential. Did these freed slaves have ANY of that? I want you to answer where they would go, how they would get there and how they would be able to survive without tools, food, farming supplies or cattle please.

I wasn't taught this I had to learn it on my own because I was a racist so I studied this stuff so I would know why there is so much black crime.


So you moved the goal posts to cant afford buying land (which is just freely available all over the country), to they cant afford ANYTHING, not even a wagon and tools. So apparently, when they became sharecroppers, none of that money earned could be used? Okay. So somehow the odds were stacked so great, that couldn't overcome the way immigrants who came here with nothing but clothes were able to. AMAZING! Maybe slavery wasn't there problem, and never was in the first place.


Just repeat the same thing until you pass out for all I give a shit. I doubt you need a history lesson. You just find it easy to disregard what doesn't affect you, so go ahead and mind your own business. No one's begging you to agree.


He retracted his statement.

He and journalists should have known better than to repeat an unconfirmed story.


He didn't say he saw footage of 40 dead babies because there is none. He retracted his previous statement about the babies.


Whatever makes you sleep better at night. Underneath it all, you know your support of Hamas is misguided.


"B1cKsurN Who Posted Fake Story "Hamas killed 40 babies..." needs to run a retraction!"

He didn't mention how they were killed in his OP.

More than 1,400 dead and yet you find it impossible for 40 babies to be dead regardless of how they were killed.

Your sources are FN.


Read the article carefully. There were no 40 dead babies.


The Jerusalem Post can now confirm based on verified photos of the bodies that the reports of babies being burnt and decapitated in Hamas's assault on Kfar Aza are correct.

NEW: The Israeli Prime Minister's office has confirmed the story that babies and toddlers were found with their heads cut off.


Well, I guess hearsay proves it's true, and definitely that there were exactly 40...


And according to the OP, hearsay proves it's false?!


Can't prove a negative.


And that is precisely why it is not fake news.


And that is precisely why unicorns are real.


Here is the reporter in question who first broke the story: Her pushback looks a helluva lot more credible to me than Kellai's style of brazen, lying, denying and dismissiveness. She didn't "make it up", as the bitch alleges. She relayed the accounts of traumatized Israeli soldiers she interviewed. Plus, I saw her in an interview in another news outlet today and she came across as very impassioned, distraught and traumatized herself!


Why is it that all the replies are outraged conservatives?

Surely the truth of the matter does not depend on your left/right voting policy?

Answer : Truth is irrelevant to conservatives if it gets in the way of the narrative.

Translation for the hard of comprehension:
Repubs think: "Hamas be bad shit , so it doesent matter if someone makes up stories of war crimes because they are the enemy - truth is irrelevant"


You'd think they be relieved that 40 babies weren't beheaded.

There's another story about three Muslim hosts being removed from MSNBC since the attack. I'm still trying to confirm that one.


I guess I wouldn’t be surprised if it was an exaggeration. Still, I did see the videos of all those terrified people being shot at the music festival. Did you see those images of all those desperate, completely innocent people being shot and the dead and bloody bodies stacked up? Didn’t you find them horrific and disturbing?


Looking at a horror like this and focusing on one possible exaggeration of the mass murder, and harping on THAT, instead of the massive and horrible loss of life,

is the type of thing that only someone consumed by ideological madness to the point of being a soulless monster, could do.

I AM glad, if 40 babies were not purposefully beheaded. I suspect that someone saw a mutilated child and that got conflated with number of children murdered.

This is, techincally "better" than a single purposefully atrocity.

BUT, to be clear, the whole thing is a massive crime against humanity, and EVERYONE involved deserved to be treated like the war criminals they are, ie summary executions.

Do you not agree?


She only agrees if it fits her lunatic agenda.


Her agenda is to constantly exalt herself.


Well it is Daily Mail but a soldier here says he saw beheaded infants. People burned alive in there cars and in shelters.


Yeah and this (warning, graphic images):

It's pretty obvious that the very specific an oddly even-numbered "40 beheaded babies" claim isn't technically accurate (typical anecdotal human nature), but that doesn't mean it's not based on reality. There's absolutely no doubt that many people, including babies, were killed, beheaded, burned to a crisp, murdered in other ways. There are numerous eyewitness reports and images.

Anyone denying this happened is a shameful piece of shite. But the situation also isn't nearly that simple.
Never believe or disbelieve. Always question. Rebuke bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


My point isn't to deny, but to "both-sides" it, or do "whataboutism".

Look at the HUNDREDS of children HALAL SLAUGHTERED by Israel! Throats cut while still alive! Barbaric!!

Whoops, I forgot halal is muslim... I meant KOSHER SLAUGHTERED!! Barbaric!!
