MovieChat Forums > Politics > Cuba Has More Freedom & Rights than Red ...

Cuba Has More Freedom & Rights than Red States

"Around 200 Cubans marched in Havana on Saturday to the rhythm of conga, a popular dance, protesting against homophobia and transphobia, and celebrating the legalization of same-sex marriage.

Chanting "socialism yes, homophobia no", demonstrators swayed their hips and beat rhythmically on drums as they cheered the 'Family Code', passed last September.

The code permits surrogate pregnancies as long as no money changes hands and legally recognizes same-sex adoptions, as well as several fathers or mothers in addition to the biological parents.

It also defines marriage as the union between two people, rather than that of a man and a woman, while boosting the rights of children, the elderly and the disabled.

"It was a debt the revolutionary process owed" to Cuba's LGBTQ community, Ana Clara Leon, a student parading with a rainbow flag tied around her waist, told AFP."

At the same time, red states are attacking the LGBTQI community with book bans, drag show bans, open hostility, beer boycotts and violence.



often we don't realize how much we miss by not looking at other countries, many have more than usa but news media here keeps public uninformed


I was planning to start a thread about how bad 24/7 U.S. "news" programs are. They focus on a few poorly reported stories ad nauseam. Out of frustration, I just turned off the TV and I'm watching live foreign news on youtube.


news media here keeps public uninformed

You talk like this is East Germany in the 60s
You have the internet, You have literally all the information in the world at your disposal.


I do get most of what I call news on internet because all the tv channels just love politics and bad weather reporters


Move to Cuba then...?

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Or Russia. Or China.

It's easier for these folks to whine and moan and then when they get rescued, they stand for the anthem again.


If they actually followed through with any of it, they'd be back at the southern border within 6 months.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Red state = backwards


Living in Cuba means having to eat nothing but octopus.


How incredibly stupid you are, Keeliar. As usual, nothing but lies and deception.


I would for sure rather live in Cuba than Alabama or other shit-hole states. Imperialist America is viciously attacking Cuba with an embargo and keeping them from prospering:

"The United Nations General Assembly has passed a resolution every year since 1992 demanding the end of the U.S. economic embargo on Cuba, with the U.S. and Israel being the only nations to consistently vote against the resolutions."


Have you ever been to Alabama? Or Cuba? Doubtful. You're just another ignorant "tolerant" liberal with no self-awareness of just how prejudiced and bigoted you are.

Unlike you nihilistic scum, I'd rather live in any state in America (been to most of `em) than any foreign country. Though some would be a serious challenge.


There's no such thing as "red states". Plenty of Democrats in every state, just not enough to win recent elections.

Politics is a pendulum: first it swings to the right, then it swings back to the left.



My topic is specifically about anti-LGBTQ laws in the U.S in comparison to Cuba. These are the 23 states with anti-LGBTQ laws:

Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.

It's safe to safe to say they're red. These states have historically and consistently been conservative.

Democrats in red states have been gerrymandered and voter suppressed. They have less power than they should.

Red states are attacking basic human rights and freedom especially for women. That will come back to haunt the politicians so it should be interesting to see if the pendulum swings to the left nationally.


There are no "anti-LGTBQ" laws. Some states are just less accommodating to their bellyaching than others. It's a made-up civil rights issue. Their claimed victimhood is a charade. There are no rights straight people have that they don't have.


Then explain why straight people can read library books to children, but drag queens can't.


Because children should be shielded from people attempting to groom them. Why are you so accepting of pedophiles???


You admit there are anti-LGTBQ laws!

You admit there are rights straight people have that LGTBQ don't!

My work is done here.


Why are you taking up for pedophiles???

No, straight people can't wag their dicks at kids either.


"Pedophile" is a bigoted epithet for LGBTQ people similar to the N-word for blacks. Not cool, dude!


"Pedophile" is anyone who grooms children for sex. That applies to any and all alphabet people who think it's okay to do so. Sorry liar but your whole agenda here is to de-stigmatize child molestation. You can't bully me into submission by likening it to the N-word.


"Former GOP staffer and Republican National Committee aide, Ruben Verastigua, admitted to being part of a ring that traded child pornography that involved babies. He was sentenced to more than 12-and-a-half years in prison.

Tennessee Republican State Rep. David Byrd had been accused of sexual misconduct by three women who were underage at the time.

Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz is currently the subject of a sex-trafficking investigation which is looking into whether Gaetz had sex with an underage 17-year-old girl and transported her over state lines for the purposes of sexual activities, among other allegations.

Republican talking head Tucker Carlson defended Warren Jess, the fundamentalist cult leader who is currently in prison for child rape. Carlson said that Jess was in prison for his “weird and unpopular beliefs,” like the forced marriage of underage girls.

Jess was convicted on two counts of felony child sexual assault. Carlson said the conviction “was unjustified,” according to Buzzfeed.

Former Republican Speaker of the House in Puerto Rico, Edison Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughters when they were between the ages of 9 and 17, according to the Guardian.

Former Republican Waterbury, Conn., Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year-old girls, according to the New Haven Register.

Former Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortage was sentenced to three years’ probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year-old girl, according to The Guardian.

Former Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl, according to The New York Times.

Former Republican U.S. Sen. Strom Thurman had sex with a 15-year-old which produced a child, according to The New York Times.

There are more than 300 accusations or convictions that could still be written about."


*drops the mic

I knew about Strom Thurman's daughter, I didn't know her mom was 15!


Unlike you assholes, we believe in prosecuting people for their crimes. Though we require them to be actual crimes, with actual evidence. Not just politically-convenient accusations.

In other words, you have no point at all.


No underage child is safe when a Republican is near.


Liar. You're the one protecting groomers. We're passing laws to protect children, you want to victimize them.


Republicans = Child Molesters


Yes, that's why we're passing laws to protect children from groomers. It's why you assholes are doing everything you can to remove the stigma from pedophiles. We didn't coin the term "Minor Attracted Person". You degenerates did.

We shoot pedophiles.


Except the pendulum never swings to the left in southern states. They've been a solid block to progress since their birth.


I'm beginning to believe we should kick them out.


Yes, let them go confederate themselves.


Progress??? What I see in leftist ideology is 100% regressive. The celebration of losers, freeloaders, sexual deviants and a complete deterioration of moral fabric.


That's a very fatalistic idea of politics


Didn't they literally shoot their own people when they were protesting?

Mmm yes, more freedom and rights, lol. I guess if you were referring to LGBTQ+infinity rights then, sure, I guess. No one really worries about that since they're very small minority.


To be specific, I'm referring to LGBTQ+infinity rights in red states.

Persecution starts small and then escalates like it is now.

"No one really worries about that since they're very small minority."

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller


They have the right to stick their dicks wherever they like, as long as they don't victimize children in doing so. This should be a universal truth but liberals will sell their souls on any issue as long as they think it helps their cause. You are truly sick people.


Keelai = proven liar.
