MovieChat Forums > Politics > Can the moderators please do something a...

Can the moderators please do something about the frequent accusations of being paid propagandists or just being insulted

I've been called every name under the sun, I've been accused of working for big pharma, China. It's pathetic. Rules relevant here:

(2) No trolling, flaming, spamming or unsolicited advertising


You're a Film Board troll for sure...coming here making problems.


WarrenPeace and the rest of the new accounts are all trolls from Filmboards. They are just trying to stir up shit here. They have been doing this since the IMDb days on the Soapbox.

All their accounts are 30 days old or newer.

From Filmboards:
Who wants to go over to Moviechat and tell them they have an infamous Paki stalker, doxxer and troll in their ranks going by the nane of Ben Caesar. How many of them will gladly join filmboards than getting their information compromised by him and Pink Giraffe.

Last Ben refugee flee was in 2013 when the entire soapbpx went to the Politics board!


I am not whoever "WarrenPeace" is.


Oh geeze, these new idiots are a board brigade?

Makes sense now.

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Yeah they talk about Warren and others making trouble at Movie Chat. I visit Filmboards every once in a while but its infected with trolls.

Also, there was a group of people that got the general discussion shut down on TMDB a while back. They spammed it so the owner just shut it down.


exactly ban these hateful accounts


What does "exactly ban" mean?


It’s amazing how many people there are here that want to weaponize the mods.

Hey mods, can you just delete any post that doesn’t agree with me? Thanks…


Nothing in this post has anything to do with not wanting people to disagree with me.


That about sums up many of the reports.


I've been called every name in the book here. I've been double-teamed to a whole village coming after me with rakes and pitchforks. I've never reported one single person in three years. No need to...sticks and stones. Plus I know I post hot-button topics that will get plenty of pushback.

Seriously though...Mod4 is my new hero. All his/her responses to Skavau are exactly how I would expect someone in charge to handle a situation like this when it's clear that Skavau is only trying to bait people so he can report them. It's really scary to think that this is one of the few places left that truly believe in freedom of speech. Members need to appreciate this more and try and hold on to it for as long as we can before everything starts becoming all Demolition Man like. Just sayin...MF'ers don't realize a good thing until it's gone.


We did. We got you an 'ignore' button.


So am I to take it that there are no rules against insulting people on here?


When both parties get into an argument and are calling each other names, we don't often get involved unless it's obvious targeted/sustained harassment.

In most of the cases reported, this is the usual scenario so either the person reporting the other has absolutely no self-awareness that they are just as bad as the person they reported or they think they are special and should be treated as such (we don't take sides).

It's easier to just ignore someone or hit the ignore button if they really piss you off, because everyone at some point will end up in an argument with someone here but if we banned all reports, there would be hardly anyone left here.


I mean I just took it that the rules are what they say they are. And I don't see how if someone who is not insulting (as I have not been) is somehow *as bad* as the other person who is insulting just because they hit the report button because, well, they assumed that "flaming" is as stated, against the rules.


This is a free speech board (as much as possible).

Calling someone a 'dork' or 'dumb' in reply (i.e. the content of some of the posts by people that you have reported to us) is just kindergarten level insults and if those type of names offend you and you have nothing better than to try to provoke people, (as many of your posts appear to be designed for,) then this site really isn't for you.


Asking them to provide evidence of claims they make = provoking people? If I am "provoking people" then by that logic everyone who makes any political claim on here is also provoking.

And some of the posts I've reported are them accusing me of being paid by China, or big pharma, or more insults beyond being 'dork' or 'dumb'.


And the really nasty ones were deleted but that doesn't negate that you still report things that are at the level of bickering children.

There are many people who will provoke a reaction and for many different reasons, not all bad, but don't expect replies to be all rainbows and unicorns when you know your post was intended to push someone's buttons. Not all your posts are innocently framed and virtually all of them are in the Politics section, so don't be surprised about pushback to them.

Or maybe follow the rule of not talking politics or religion at the dinner table if you aren't looking for arguments.


So what were the nasty ones (or the content of), for context? So I know where the line is.

There are many people who will provoke a reaction and for many different reasons, not all bad, but don't expect replies to be all rainbows and unicorns when you know your post was intended to push someone's buttons. Not all your posts are innocently framed and virtually all of them are in the Politics section, so don't be surprised about pushback to them.

I don't expect to be treated with "rainbows and unicorns". I expect pushback. Not sure what that means that people can't help themselves and get really unpleasant (and I'm not talking about the 'dork' or 'dumb' posts which I don't recall filing reports for where that was the ONLY insult).

I am not complaining about being hit with people arguing back with me. By all means I expect them to challenge my claims, or questions.


But you are complaining. That's why you made this thread - you made a post and someone said shut up troll or whatever, so you reported many people and you came here to complain too.

Can't cite any posts I removed because we don't have access to them once removed but there were some I deleted that crossed the line. Honestly though, if you really don't know when something a person or yourself says crosses the line from mild insult to deliberate nastiness, perhaps do some soul searching?

You did report some posts that stooped to the mild level whether you recall doing so or not.

Again, and this applies to everyone here, we are one of the few sites on the internet that allows free speech as much as is possible and people may not like that or they may love it, but nobody is forced to come here or stay here.

We aren't going to change because we value and welcome all opinions whether we agree with them or not, so long as they are not promoting hate or harm, but we will not take the woke left's version of that which is to denounce and ban everyone they don't agree with or want to shut up for X reason.


But you are complaining. That's why you made this thread - you made a post and someone said shut up troll or whatever, so you reported many people and you came here to complain too.

Well, yes, but chiefly not about being called a 'dork' but more about being accused of being a CPC paid propagandist, or being more nastily insulted.

What is the sites policy on people accusing each other of being those sorts of things?

We aren't going to change because we value and welcome all opinions whether we agree with them or not, so long as they are not promoting hate or harm, but we will not take the woke left's version of that which is to denounce and ban everyone they don't agree with or want to shut up for X reason.

At no point anywhere here did I say that someone should be banned for holding any specific political opinion. I've said this repeatedly. I don't care that someone believes in a weird far-right conspiracy theory, or thinks liberals are wrong about everything.


As I said, the reported nasty ones were removed and if someone called you a CCP paid propagandist, that is their right to do so because that doesn't breach any rule here. They can call you that, a clown, a troll or a bot etc. You have the choice to ignore in 2 different ways or to reply as you see fit, either by childish or reasoned argument. If the reply crosses the line of nastiness, hate or harm then we step in. This applies to everyone.

If you don't care what others believe then why are you complaining so much and reporting their replies? The majority didn't break any rules as they were at childish insult argument level. There's a lot of that here and if people don't like it, just don't reply or put the person on ignore. It's hard to have a two-sided conversation when nobody rises to the bait.


As I said, the reported nasty ones were removed and if someone called you a CCP paid propagandist, that is their right to do so because that doesn't breach any rule here. They can call you that, a clown, a troll or a bot etc. You have the choice to ignore in 2 different ways or to reply as you see fit, either by childish or reasoned argument. If the reply crosses the line of nastiness, hate or harm then we step in. This applies to everyone.

So what kind of insults do broach the rules here exactly?

If you don't care what others believe then why are you complaining so much and reporting their replies? The majority didn't break any rules as they were at childish insult argument level. There's a lot of that here and if people don't like it, just don't reply or put the person on ignore. It's hard to have a two-sided conversation when nobody rises to the bait.

Because I was under the impression that being directly insulting was actually against the rules, because it actually says that it is it in the rules. And again, I don't care that others hold specific opinions - no matter how weird they may or may not be. The context of this thread is specifically towards being directly insulted.


And I have answered your question as to what types are not allowed, so yet again and for the final time - anything hateful or harmful (and I'll also add illegal).

We have our rules as Moderators which tell us to be mostly hands off when it comes to moderating unless it falls under certain criteria.

We don't want to have to keep telling off or banning for 'grow up children' type posts but we don't tolerate deliberate nastiness or targeted harassment. If you can't tell the difference between the two then I'm sorry that your comprehension or emotional skills are lacking.

Maybe you really shouldn't venture into internet forums where other people may offend you? Plenty of echo chambers around to post to. This isn't one of them.

I won't be pointing this out to you in reply again as I have made the answer very clear several times already.


I'm not offended - takes a lot to make me cry. I just think it cheapens the discourse. My post here had nothing to do with trying to censor people purely for disagreeing with me, and I pointed that out multiple times.

But clearly your rules aren't enforced as listed.


The moderator rules ARE enforced. They are just different from the member rules.

If you invite children to your house, tell them to be on their best behaviour and some start squabbling, you don't throw them out but you let them try and learn from it to be the better person or sort it out amongst themselves and realise their pointless endeavour. However, if they start kicking and pulling hair then you take action. That's pretty much this place.


The moderator rules ARE enforced. They are just different from the member rules.

I don't get the distinction you're trying to make here. Don't the rules specifically refer to member conduct?

Also I never suggested any sort of support for instant bans of any kind of any indiscretions.


Mod4 is saying that the mods do enforce the rules from the sacred MC Mod handbook.

They are just different from the member rules.

You really don't get this part? Mod4 is saying that some members are so entitled that they think special rules apply to them. You know like you.

Which reminds me. Did try identifying as a mod? Maybe that will get you better results. I mean I've never seen a person ask a question 10 different ways just to get the same answer every single time. You should really try identifying as mod...put it in your pronouns.


You really don't get this part? Mod4 is saying that some members are so entitled that they think special rules apply to them. You know like you.

What "special rules" am I saying should only be used for me? I'd argue the same for when anyone would be personally attacked, or were hit with baseless allegations.

reply're gonna make go all Kowalski now.



Clearly. But your claim I expecting special treatment is just wrong. I also still say they need to change some of their rules wording.


If you have to make a thread to mods then you do expect special treatment. That is me accusing you whether you like it or not. Now report me for that since you think you're special and deserve special rules.


That does not follow at all. I was pointing out an issue I saw with their "no flaming" policy (which is apparently hardly enforced).

That is me accusing you whether you like it or not. Now report me for that since you think you're special and deserve special rules.

There's a difference between that type of accusation, and accusations about being a paid propagandist for the CPC or big pharma.


I let my twelve-year-old read some of your posts. He said to grow a pair and stop working for the Chinese.


Ah yes, a Chinese shill who supports Taiwan and Tibetan independence. Makes sense.




They literally can't help themselves.

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I didn't really report. I was just being stupid and silly like this whole thread.


Oh lordy! No! This site couldn’t handle another distant Pollack cousin of mine! I’ve read this thread from the beginning and by this time I was going Kowalski in my mind! 😖😖😖😖 The problem with Skavau is S/HE IS TOO DAMN OFFICIOUS!! Whew! I feel better now. 🙇🏼‍♀️

Assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way, especially with regard to petty or trivial matters.


I mean, most discussions I've had here have devolved into people throwing insults and unfounded accusations at me purely because I'm socially liberal. I don't take it personally because most of them do it to anyone who isn't socially conservative.

But it's still fucking pathetic.


Fake news! InquiringMind is a socialist (barf) but nobody does to him what supposedly is being done to you.


Social liberalism =/= Socialism

Also InquiringMind likely burst on to the scene ranting about democrats and wokeism.


I’m biting my tongue! I’m biting my tongue! Oh hells bells! I’m going to say it. It appears you fall into that camp. The pathetic camp. 😬


"no u"


OMG welcome back! I knew someone was missing. Why have you been radio silent?


She was just released from the mental hospital.


Close to it! Still recovering.


welcome back to the jungle., lots of new accounts to deal with. they all seem to be dems too, go figure. lol


Thank you much for the “welcome back”. More damnable dems, huh? I may read what they write because 10 minutes later I won’t recall what they wrote! 😳😅😂🤣


maybe thats a good thing? lol but glad you are back and feeling better. I know covid isnt easy to go through.


What pissed me off was I had gourmet meals served to me in the hospital and I couldn’t eat! I had just started drinking again, not the good stuff, but water. I was living off Coca-Cola which was the worst thing to do. It’s why I had kidney failure when I got to the ER. I hadn’t eat for over a week. Lost 10 lbs. Funny thing is with all those meals being served & with my foggy mind I thought I had been there for a week…it was only 2 days! 🤭


BTW, what happened to my nemesis LogicalLeft? I was checking when I last posted. It was 3 months. I read his lovely reply to me & noticed he disappeared about the same time I signed off.


I believe he or she or it was banned. feels longer than 3 months. life sure is going by fast.


It looks about the time I went “radio silent”. If I recall, which would be great if I could recall things after Covid, he was one of those who attacked me daily. He actually persecuted me when I wasn’t in conversation with him. I told myself I don’t need this 💩 so I took a long break. I could have put him on Ignore, but I would miss what y’all wrote. And I don’t mean just those who agree with my ideology, but also those who can have a civil discourse different from my way of thinking. We once had a die hard liberal on this site. We would go back & forth, but we never got into name calling, insults, etc. If I saw it was getting heated I would let it drop…just have to agree to disagree & go elsewhere. It wasn’t worth getting riled because he wasn’t going to change his mind anymore than I was. The thing is I did learn things from him. He just called it quits one day & left. I miss my confabs with him.



It has been awhile hasn’t it? I may have been radio silent, but I’ve been here at times. I had to take a break. Also, on January 25 I came down with Covid followed by kidney failure. It was my first time in an ambulance. Damn they ride rough!

I’m still dumbfounded two friends came over knowing they had been exposed to Covid. “What in the hell are you doing here?” They came over to do the tests! I’m going crazy wiping everything with anti-Covid wipes including myself. I shoved the damn wipes up my nose! I then got the best gift you can give someone…a big cough right into my face! Four of us got it. I’m now in that Covid brain fog stage. I can’t remember where my firearm is (that may be a good thing🤭), I can’t find other things like stock certificates, etc., etc. I’m doing a grocery order, I ask my friend “Need anything?”, she tells me 2 items, I walk 10 feet & forget what she told me. Driving my truck again was a new experience. I got lost in the Winn-Dixie parking lot! 🤷🏼‍♀️




Well, I'm happy you are okay. Are people still catching covid? Are you vaxxed?

Welcome back to hell....lots of newborn trollz running around. Hope you brought your Mithril and battle axe with ya.


As I was informed by Jowilli we have a new herd of whatevers.

Nope! Not vaxxed. The person who coughed in my face is fully vaxxed & also has Covid Brain Fog. This person caught it from someone who’s fully vaxxed & has had Covid 3 times. Each time causes the auto-immune system to weaken.

Everyone I know who has been fully jabbed has got it & some more than once. I was doing fine until 2 people who were knowingly exposed came to my house to do the tests! As I wrote prior I asked them “What in the hell are you doing here?” I told them if you know you’ve been exposed go home & stay there! Dammit! I wasn’t lying when I wrote I shoved wipes, which kill the covid-19 virus, up each nostril. I also wiped my face, eyelids, arms & before I could grab a useless mask this person coughed right into my face! Talk about being pissed! That isn’t strong enough.

I still believe it’s a WMD designed to mutate or replicate into something stronger. Too many variants came from this virus. BTW, come the month of May it will be proclaimed the pandemic is over yet 100’s are still dying everyday. Guess who’s in the White House…I forgot. 🤭


“Lord of the Rings” fan are ye?

No can’t find those either. Dammit! I just want to find my gun & stocks certificates and I’ll be a happy camper. 🙇🏼‍♀️


You've been gone for three months. I hope that time you spent in the mental hospital was beneficial for you. Welcome back!


You don’t know how you’ve hit the nail on the head! I am definitely mental.




Have I replied to your post yet? 🤔


Sunonym Republican: Officious:
Assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way, especially with regard to petty or trivial matters.




OMFG is this Whine Fest still going on?

Here: 🧀🧀🧀🧀 🍷🍷🍷🍷

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.


It only becomes a whine fest when you show up.


Sorry reality shatters the leftist narrative. 🤣🤣

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
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In light of what has been going on with Fox News, you talking about reality should be quite humilitating for you.


I suppose you could blame me. I jumped into the fray after being away for 3 months. I bumped it. Do you have any of the good stuff left? I think I’m talking about wine. 🤔
