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Portland woman shoves a 3-year-old girl onto the train tracks

No bail for woman accused of pushing child onto train tracks

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A woman accused of shoving a 3-year-old girl off a Portland light rail platform and onto the train tracks will be held without bail.

Brianna Workman, 32, was arraigned Thursday on charges of assault, attempted assault, interfering with public transportation, disorderly conduct and recklessly endangering another person, the Multnomah County District Attorney’s office said. Court records show Workman has been living without shelter in Portland, The Oregonian/OregonLive reported.

It wasn't immediately known if she has a lawyer to comment on her behalf.

On Wednesday, Workman and her child were waiting for a train at the Gateway Transit Center MAX platform in Northeast Portland when Workman allegedly shoved the child off the platform and onto the tracks without provocation, the district attorney’s office said.

Again no one did anything.


“Living without shelter….” Virtue signaling just produces more and more ridiculous euphemisms in the futile effort not to offend. Soon it will be “shelter-deprived”


She didn't murder a child, she attempted assault, interferred with public transportation, had disorderly conduct and recklessly endangered another person.


Your post appears intended for some other commenter


Just absurd euphemisms


Sorry about that. I get it now.


Wonder what race Brianna is. Impossible to figure out since the media source chose not to mention it.


If you let it repeat a few times you'll get enraged. That's not really a kid, it's more like a walking baby. She really took a dive, and imagine if she face-planted the track.


Yeah Brianna is a waste of space. Off to the lava pit.


Briana is white. Yes, the media and certain people like to stereotype if YOU know what I mean.


"Again no one did anything."

That's true! We clearly need to make drastic changes:

1. Build affordable housing
2. More psychiatric workers are needed to meet the high demand.
3. Overhaul the economic system. Middle-class people should not be struggling financially. Tax the rich fairly.
4. Keep marijuana illegal. Discourage drug use.

If the U.S. didn't coddle the rich, we'd have affordable housing, a strong tax base, prospering middle-class, affordable national healthcare, good paying jobs with decent benefits, public not drugging themselves into a stupor.


A lot of good suggestions and I agree we should discourage hard drug use, specifically meth and heroin/fentanyl, which is a driving factor in this problem, but I see no reason why we can't regulate marijuana like we do with alcohol.


Legalized recreational marijuana only encourages increased use including among teens. Let the government find a more ethical way to make money. I read their next great idea is to legalize prostitution nationwide. How is encouraging women to be hookers good for society?

Alcohol is a horrible example considering the high rate of alcoholism, drunk driving, medical problems and violence associated with it. Another scourge on society.

We need to move in a more positive direction.


I guess arguing the pros and cons is redundant at this point because the overwhelming majority are in favor of it. Legalization is inevitable, so it only makes sense to set up a workable and well regulated industry.

Weed is already widely available to any teen who wants it, so maybe with a regulated market, we can slowly cut out the black market dealers. I mean, how often do we here about kids buying illegal moonshine? We don't, because it is a tightly regulated industry.

Do you at least agree with decriminalization? No consenting adult should be arrested for personal amounts imo.


The only possible (very slight) hope humanity has is for people to realize that impairment is idiotic and it sucks.


I get it, but there's no reason to criminalize things that consenting adults can responsibly use.


I agree, which is why I said that the only hope is that people, as individuals grow up and come to realize that drugs and alcohol are stupid even if they're legal and "acceptable".


The black market is not being cut out. Furthermore, the government now wants to legalize Psychedelics. When does this end?

Kids can get liquor at home.

Fewer teens wanted it before the government encouraged drug use by normalizing it. Btw, it's illegal for anyone under 21 to buy it, but that's where the new prospering black market comes in. Adults buy from them, too.


Do you at least agree with decriminalization? Its actually a campaign promise by Biden which I hope he fulfills.


I had no problem with medical use since it appeared to be the only thing that worked for some cancer patients, etc.. I'm 100% against decriminalization for recreational marijuana when it's a dangerous product and forces other people including children to breathe it in as second-hand smoke.


Why are you saying words that I'm agreeing with?


Someone probably got on her phone or computer.


I can't believe you said some sensible things.


Wish there was more video. I'd like to have seen the crowd all take turns on her. Assault and attempted assault???? I'd say attempted murder. Hopefully she'll get the Jeffrey Dahmer treatment while in lockup. And I don't give a fuck if she's mentally ill or not. There's no fixing that type of person.


Kind of the same but not really, there was also an attack in Chicago that involved a 12-year-old girl and her dog. A crazy lady approached the both of them and started stabbing the dog. The young lady fought off their attacker.


Trying to live up to the expectations of that last name surely drove her crazy. She might be able to become a man, but work?..come on.


How do Democrat voters support this no cash bail and fast release of people like.this?


Because it favors black people. It's mostly black people getting arrested who can't afford bail.


That's why they have bail bondsmen...


OK but someone's house still has to go up for collateral.


Thats not true


they dont , hence this woman is being held - in portland - isnt that democrat territory?


When you say no one did anything, I'm not sure what you mean.


When children are involved eye for an eye justice seems validated. This comes to mind.


Some guy did a mini docu on this
