MovieChat Forums > Politics > If a Republican president won, would you...

If a Republican president won, would you rather it be Trump than someone else?

I mean the guy never lies and is so honest and yet everyone, including many members of his own team, try to make him look bad! How do you feel if we had another 4 years of Trump rather than someone else for a Republican President?


Don't quit your dayjob, the comedy gig isn't working for you...




"I mean the guy never lies and is so honest"


“Yeah, ‘2,000 Mules’ was one way,” Trump replied. “That was a very conclusive way because you were taking government tapes. ... And then, of course, they voted six, seven, eight times. As much as they could in the local area. Some of the people went back, I guess they said 28 times in one day, to vote at different places.”



Trump, because then he'd have his 2 terms, and wouldn't ever run again. The media will be beating this dead horse until the man himself dies, and even then...they'll still go on and on forever. TDS is a lifetime ailment.

EDIT: I'm sure the ignored idiot that replied to this said something really fucking stupid. Am I correct?


You mean the way Putin had his two terms and wouldn't ever run again?
You mean the way Xi had his two terms and wouldn't ever run again?

You don't appear to understand how dictatorship happens.


Yeah DeSantis has time, Don doesn't.


And he's a more capable politician, which shouldn't matter, but it does. Public persona is important, unfortunately.


What do you base this opinion on?


Which, that public persona is important, or that he's a more capable politician?


The capability part. Trump accomplished a great deal while in office, despite having the system opposing him. I'm just curious as to what would make DeSantis more effective.


I simply meant more capable as a politician from a public perspective, not his administrative abilities. Trump lacks a certain amount of decorum, which seemed appealing at first, but playing the role properly is exactly what gets people to work with you and helps avoid the stifling opposition. A slick car salesman makes his customer think he's his best friend, while getting exactly what he wants at the same time. Sadly, this is the reality of politics too.


Politician- the word it's self is a pejorative. That Trump was not a politician was what made him unique IMO. He did not have to be approved of by the corrupt powers that be. They did not have dirt on him like they do on approved figureheads. What you're proposing is that a conservative POTUS work together with those that would kill us off. What exactly is the medium ground there? Only kill off some? I don't want a president that will want to work with the evil. If they truly represent us in earnest then they would be as defiant as Trump.


But you said it yourself. Trump was constantly opposed, so regardless of intent, it made him less effective. You have to work with the world that exists, not what you wish it was.


And you think that some other populist leader won't? So they're not opposed to the ideals of conservatives, they just didn't like Trump?


I didn't say that, but as I did say, a slick car salesman doesn't let you know he's pulling one over on you.


That's your argument? OK.


Who's arguing? If you're goal is confrontation, I'm not your guy. I simply deal in facts.


I meant argument as in debate, not the popular definition of confrontation. I'm sorta like you in that regard. I divorce myself from emotion when in conversation like this. It seems to suit me better. God bless


BTW I'm not a Trumpian. He does things which I disapprove of greatly.


lol, maybe you shouldn't have been a sensitive little snowflake and put them on ignore if you have to ask what they said 🙄


Once someone convinces me that reason, truth, logic and facts won't sway them I put them on ignore too. I don't see the purpose of engaging someone that far out there.


Exactly. Nothing of value has been lost.


yeah but why would you care what they replied to you if you blocked them?


Yeah well there I deviate- I don't


I only ignore the people that post stalk me to the point of being annoying, but I've never let the content of a post bother me.


Loser has been stalking me for months.


Yeah, once there is no longer conversation, even if heated, and its just an attempt at annoying me, I'll block them.


Me also.


Yeah, no. When someone destroys any credibility they had, all on their own, and continue to be retarded and stalk my every post...


You should call his ass out for creating a sock to continue stalking me.


I'm sure the ignored idiot that replied to this said something really fucking stupid. Am I correct?

Why ignore someone if you're still interested in what they say? Ignoring someone means you couldn't care less about what they say. No point in ignoring them if you're still going to acknowledge them.


The republicans would probably gain millions of votes if non-Trump ran .

Democrats would fell better about losing "hey the pubs got in , but at least its not an insane nutjob this time"


Perhaps, but why try to gain more votes when you can just restrict the voting?


Anyone who will bring back remain in Mexico

Anyone who will build a physical barrier

Anyone who gets rid of no cash bail and the Democrat prosecutors acting as defense attorneys.

Anyone who opens oil pipelines, drills and fracks

Anyone against non citzen voting, reparations and student loan forgiveness.


Anyone other than Trump.


Nope. No Biden or Trump. Old people out, in with the new. Abelist my arse.
