MovieChat Forums > Politics > Would African Americans be better off re...

Would African Americans be better off returning to their homeland than remaining in the US?

It's an interesting question.

Since African traders started trading their African slaves around the world we have seen a large dispersion of African natives in other lands.

Regarding recent unrest and general disillusion from African Americans in the US, would the community benefit from pathways to return to their historically native lands - in the name of closing the circle of injustice?


As much as they complain about how unfairly they are treated in America they know they would have it much worse in Africa. It's too late now but it would have been much better to have left the Africans in Africa.


If they were genuinely oppressed, they would either want to move out or secede. All ethnic groups throughout history that believed they were oppressed wanted to escape their oppressors.


Another local MC KKK meeting so soon?

Next the resident racists will be asking if "Native-Americans will be better off returning to their homeland than remaining in the U.S.".

Just a reminder that Native-Americans, African-Americans and Hispanics were in the Americas long before Europeans-Americans whining that everyone else should leave.


Native Americans are a little different - they also believed in fighting for land (which they did internally often), just they lost to a superior force.

Africans were traded here against their will by their African overlords.

Also no problem if they stay, just that apparently they are severely oppressed so I'm surprised that many aren't wanting to move back to their traditional homelands where they won't be oppressed by the white man.


White racism is the cause for both African-American and Native-American misery. It would be more constructive if you didn't start racist subjects adding to the racism problem on the MC website.


An even better reason to head to a non white country in Africa where there is no racism.


Actually, there is racism left over from colonialism.


But this thread is more about preserving historical African culture and providing avenues for those who wish to recapture it.


"Regarding recent unrest and general disillusion from African Americans in the US, would the community benefit from pathways to return to their historically native lands - in the name of closing the circle of injustice?"

Actually, there is racism left over from colonialism.


So should Africans just forget about their heritage?


Would MAGA hats be better off returning to their European homeland?

It's an interesting question.

Since Europeans have conquered all of the Americas and interbred with many of the natives, the Americas have become very diverse, mixing European DNA with native DNA. However, it's a little too diverse for today's North American republican party.

Regarding recent disdain for people of color, would the MAGAs benefit from pathways to return to their historically native lands - in the name of closing off the "browning" of their country?

I mean, repubs are already trying to kick out the descendants of black people who had no choice but to come here. And because the optics look so bad, repubs are trying to pretend it was the African slave traders who did the deed, even though those African slave traders knew they would be killed if they opposed it when the European boats came.


Thing is, European migrants don't want to because they've conquered and bought these lands through blood and sweat. That's how it worked back in the day and how you make your country and grow an empire. Nowadays it's mostly been plotted out so there isn't really much expanding as much anymore although you can start doing what Russia is doing by taking bit by bit through the years. I think it's just silly to tell 'them' to go back when they've made it their home.


And another thing is would Native Americans want to go back to their traditional way of life or Australian Aborigines go back to being hunter gatherers ? I don't think so. The Aborigines had Australia all to themselves for 60,000 years so the scientists say and that's a pretty good run. And the modern world was going to catch up to them sooner or later.

And anyway there's no going back so all they can do is assimilate, like it or lump it for the sake of their children.


Europeans were the only ones who were miserable and fleeing poverty, hunger and persecution.

Native-Americans, especially on the East coast, lived in democratic Confederacies where people had plenty to eat, shared resources and treated each other fairly including women who held power in society.

You need to learn history! Not the white supremacist crap that strokes your tiny ego to make you feel good about land theft, genocide, kidnapping, slavery and rape. Real history aka: the truth.


You talk about truth after you have just trotted out your cosy little Woke fantasy-land fable ? You are a joke. Still that's what post-modernists do, they just make up whatever crap suits them and call it history.

And I see you haven't bothered to comment on the BLM mansion thread. Funny about that.


You obviously have a miserable life.

Losers like yourself attack African-Americans, Native-Americans and whichever group is in favor for current attacks to feel better about yourselves.

Your false god Trump did zip to improve your life.

You fear history which is the reason you're trying to ban it.

You should return to whichever country your family originated from since you're so miserable.


That is quite a collection of ad hominem attacks. Just what you were accusing me of the other day. Hypocrisy much ? Not to mention the desperate scattergun deflection.


Nope! It's an observation.

You repeatedly attack POC!
Trump didn't improve your life!
Your cult is banning books because the truth upsets you!
You're definitely miserable, therefore I'm only suggesting you do what the OP suggested!


Did you get a BLM mansion?


You didn't complain when Trump did the same thing with his "charitable" foundation.


Yes I did.


Interesting, mind linking some sources about these democratic confederacies? I thought it was mostly tribal wars with some allying up with each other until the settlers came. Even then you got Native scouts or smaller tribes that worked with the settlers to undermine Native settlements in general if not rival tribes.


You never heard of the Iroquois Confederacy? Our form of government and democracy borrowed from it. Congress officially acknowledged their contribution to our Constitution in 1988:

My sources have been history books:

Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen

1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
Book by Charles C. Mann


You mean stole the land and forced Africans to work the land.


Everybody who could took land back in those days and held it until someone took it from them. That was the way things were done. Your problem is you're looking at the past as if it was the present.


You're attempting to justify land theft and genocide. Congratulations! You sound like the psychopath Putin.

The present is influenced by the past. That's the reason history is important to study.

Your cult prefers to ban and burn books instead of read them. Stay stupid!


Natives believed in fighting for land too - dont need to feel bad just because they lost lol!

Africans started the slave trade dude.


The Native-American population was decimated by Europeans. They were doing fine before whites arrived, therefore your Putin-like justification for land theft and genocide have failed.

Chattel slavery practiced by Europeans during the Atlantic slave trade was the most brutal form of slavery in history because whites denied that Africans were human and based it solely on skin color. African slavery was based on punishment for a crime or prisoners from warfare, but were still considered human, allowed to own property and have families.

Europeans encouraged Native-Americans to enslave Blacks in order to prevent them from creating an alliance. The Seminoles refused. Even though other tribes adapted slavery, most of them treated blacks much better than the Europeans did. They were allowed to marry, own property, became a part of the tribe and move up in status. Europeans were upset because Native-Americans weren't brutalizing Africans. Native-Americans thought hating people based on skin color made no sense and continued to treat blacks much better than whites.

BTW, you know nothing about Native-American warfare before Europeans came. When Native-Americans fought each other, their intention was never annihilation. Maybe a few would get killed. But, wiping out entire tribes didn't happen.

Europeans came from a cruel place and transported that cruelty to the rest of the world.

Continue to justify the evils of the Atlantic slave trade, land theft and genocide if it allows you to sleep better at night.


This never happened in Africa?




Africans in Africa stealing lands from other Africans.


How about you fucking pointy hat wearing neo nazis return to the primordial ooze that you've barely evolved from?


Or you could just get a functioning brain and learn how to use it.


People with functioning brains dont come out with shit like this:

As much as they complain about how unfairly they are treated in America they know they would have it much worse in Africa. It's too late now but it would have been much better to have left the Africans in Africa.


"They" are americans. they have as much right to be there as you do.
A better solution would be to stop treating them unfairly.


"They" are americans. they have as much right to be there as you do.

Firstly I'm not an American. And secondly if "they" had stayed in Africa "they" wouldn't have been Americans either. You do understand the difference between past and present I assume ? Because that would be a sign of having a functioning brain.

A better solution would be to stop treating them unfairly.

Why can't we all just agree to give people special treatment because they say it's their due ?

Speaking of unbelievable.


"WHY do people call us conservatives racists? you just call everything racist!"

also conservatives "should black people go back to Africa?" its literally word for word from the text book of white nationalists. "each race should be in their homeland". good job scumbag


No I'm asking if there should be pathways back, should they choose to return.

Or don't you believe people that were displaced against their will from their traditional homeland are entitled to return?


Races shouldn't be allowed homelands? Careful with the anti-semitism, there.


learnt to read and try again. its a common position among white nationalists. They say "im not racist, im not against other races, I just think every race should have a homeland that they live in rather than mixing with others".

you are a new troll clown though so why I even bothered lol


If you don't see how I inferred that, I suggest it's you that needs a literacy refresher.

Nationalists of any ethnicity can, and do, hold such a position, and it's not unreasonable.

And I've been here far longer than you, going by your post history. I just don't spend as much effort arguing with idiots.


its not unreasonable that people should be segregated based on, often mundane insignificant racial lines?

LOL advocated for racial homelands, calls me an idiot. hahah get back to your kkk meeting.


I dont know how on earth you inferred that from Leodicaprio s comment

must be a literacy thing


Is this a serious post, or are you trolling? How does one even classify and quantify what constitutes an "African American" in that scenario? If I were .1% of African descent, should I go "back" to Africa? If I were over 60% Irish descent, should I go back to Ireland (even if I were about eight generations deep into being American)? And what do we do with that 6% Cherokee? Maybe if you're predominately some variation of European you should go back to Europe. Should someone who's 78.2% of African descent go back to Africa? Never mind the fact that the vast majority of so-called African Americans, a misnomer if I've ever heard one (although that's an entirely different discussion), were born right here in America and have never set foot in Africa, nor would care to, rendering the statement of "go back" moot. Not to mention some perceived as African American due to dark skin aren't any more of African descent than my Irish ass. Plus, how far back do we go? Trace back 200 to 300 thousand years and every single one of us descends from Africa. All humans do.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


No I'm not talking about forcing anyone anywhere - more asking if African Americans, by whatever definition, would be better off moving to their traditional lands of their own volition? - since I don't think there appears to be much progress in the US regarding equality and discrimination? According to recent reports there has been SIGNIFICANT regression.

Or not, it's completely up to them but just a thought.


Oh i see, well that does put a different spin on it. But I'm not sure we're qualified to judge that. That'd be up to each individual. Most of them probably don't have a strong identification with Africa, so it wouldn't hold much meaning, but I'm sure there are those who might. But why limit it to just Africa, even if they are, genetically speaking, predominately of African descent?

Honestly, they could try anywhere else. In fact, that kind of shakeup can sometimes induce a positive reset, a fresh start somewhere else, putting oneself in a position to see a very different perspective on the world. I'd actually recommend someone considering this to seriously think about not going to somewhere familiar, but the opposite, to challenge themselves.

Sticking with what we know and feel comfortable with only leads to stagnation. But ultimately, it's their choice.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


So basically , despite you and other right wingers constant cries of:
"There is no racism anymore , black lives have total equality and theres nothing to complain about "
You're now saying
"They would be better off going back to Africa because we are still treating them like shit here in the US" ?


Are you actually reading this thread or do you still have your sjw glasses on and are reading what you want to read?

I'm merely asking the question.

If you think African Americans don't deserve to have pathways to rediscover their cultural heritage, that they were taken away from, than that's on you.


You asked if they would be "better off"
If that is indeed the case then it implies they are being oppressed at their current location.


good reply to this silly post


African AMERICANS ARE in their homeland. What a moronic post.


I can’t decide if it’s cute or sad that bigots have to congregate on the politics section of a movie forum to spout the bullshit that they are too piss weak to say in real life.

But yes, eye-wateringly moronic post. Not that it’s exactly out of the ordinary here in redneck wonderland.


The idiot could have just said, "If you don't like it here, leave." Fucking idiot had to bring the "yOuR oWn CoUnTrY" crap into it.
