MovieChat Forums > VodkaPopinski

VodkaPopinski (125)


The scene that gets me the most Sci-fi for normies Boy did this not age well. Steps down as Disney CEO Wonder if it will be related to the High Moon games Why not have Kylo just make a new helmet? "See if you can get a few of those typewriters to follow you" Much more than just a dumb slapstick comedy For people who have not read the comics... Rank the Sharknado movies View all posts >


It really was. Watched recently. This movie was "Spider-Memberberries". Plot was a complete contrivance to bring back all the old cast. It was just another well-crafted nostalgia trip ala SW:TFW. A movie whose premise is "hey, 'member these other movies?". Credit where credit's due, though, I guess, Disney still can still make a schlocky movie that the lumpen-moviegoers will fork over good money to watch. I'm more disappointed in them than Disney at this point, honestly. If you don't see how I inferred that, I suggest it's you that needs a literacy refresher. Nationalists of any ethnicity can, and do, hold such a position, and it's not unreasonable. And I've been here far longer than you, going by your post history. I just don't spend as much effort arguing with idiots. Races shouldn't be allowed homelands? Careful with the anti-semitism, there. I'm happy to see it garnered enough of a fandom to have that many movies. I remember seeing the movie's box on rental store shelves for years as a kid (parents would never let me watch it of course), and had always been curious so a friend and I watched all seven recently. They're awesome goofy monster movies -- it reminded me of the Sharknado movies and I was kind of amazed another such long running movie series started so much earlier. Opinions vary on the sequels but I think they're all at least worth a watch. IMO the first 3 are the best, 4 is a fun creative twist, and 7 is a good send off to the series. Not at all comfortable. People want to live like first worlders but breed like third worlders and it's simply unsustainable. Either the first world takes it upon itself to forcibly apply baby-making brakes to the rest of the world, or, the third world overruns and eats the first world and lowers all our life expectancies back to a dark-age equilibrium. :-/ The Trinity thing was from rumors / trailer analyses, not the trailer itself, my error. Anyway, replacing the male main character with a woman. That's how. Enjoy. A friend and I recently marathonned them too. I'd never seen any except part of the first one. They're awesome action movies and most of them, excellent dramas also. With 2 and 3 you can kind of tell they were steering it toward more campy action but 4 and 5 are much more serious. It's an overall tragic hero tale of an elite Vietnam veteran with PTSD born of a war the US government wouldn't let its soldiers win. I had an uncle who was a veteran of the same war and it hit home what he and his brethren went through. Yep. About all that needs to be said. From what we've seen so far this looks to be yet another nostalgia bait, cash grab, woke(r) recontextualization of a franchise made good by a previous, better movie. The trailer makes it look like most likely just a retelling of the first movie, only with, surprise, Trinity replacing Neo. Think I'll be passing just like on Terminator 6 etc. I wish everyone would stop supporting this crap so Hollywood would stop making it already. While it might make sense in the movies' mythos, it would be really hard to believe that such a change didn't come at the behest of the directors' politics and/or hollywood Woke Stasi. I enjoyed the original movies as a teenager because they were good sci-fi (basically a stylish cyberpunk "I, Robot" if you ignore the humans as batteries BS), and good action with groundbreaking special effects at the time. I'd always viewed the depiction of the architect and agents in particular as more "oppressive government bad" and not "whites bad", but it's a little harder to enjoy the movies now that I'm more aware of the messaging the directors really intended. Not too keen on the animation either - the style is more reminiscent of something like Clone Wars or Overwatch - but it is nice to see He-Man may be the star of his own damn show again. This might be worth following. View all replies >