MovieChat Forums > Politics > Question for the Anti-Vax people?

Question for the Anti-Vax people?

You all are so afraid of a little shot that might contain something
that will hurt you in many months of many years but save your
life or health from Covid-19.

Question - Now Covid-19 kills a relatively small percentage of
it's hosts ... somewhere just over 1%.

What would you do if there was a new Covid-19 variant that
killed 5% of it's victims, or a full on Black Plague pandemic
where a disease kills 30% of it's victims?

Would you still be so picky and terrified of getting the shot?
Would you really bet your life that you are not going to get
it or that you body will develop some kind of natural immunity?

I got my vaccination, and when I can get a booster I will
happily stand in line to get that as well. I don't really understand
vaccine hesitancy - so explain where they lines is to me about
why you don't get vaccinated.


the funny thing is these people think "unless it makes you 100% immune it doesnt work!"

it took 5 minutes of research to find out the MMR vaccine for measles is also only 97% effective. you can still get measles its just less severe. people who are immune compromised may require more than the two shots. and you still may be required to get the shot again later in life as immunity drops.

any of this sound familiar? now covid is a completely different virus and hence the differences and similarities.

so what happened to measles? well there are still currently outbreaks in low vaccinated areas in the USA.

but it has largely been wiped out as almost every child gets the vaccine. meanwhile in the usa, you have 40% of republicans saying they will not get the covid vaccine. then acting shocked and dismayed that the "vaccine doesnt work".

ya. no kidding. you won't do your part to get america up to herd immunity and are letting it rampage among millions still unvaccinated.

these people use their circular "logic" to prove the vaccine doesnt work because the virus is still rampaging, because they refused to get vaccinated to slow its spread, because the vaccine doesnt work... and on and on and on.


How long was the measles Vaxx tested before being brought to market? Google that one

How quick was this rushed out?

By the way posted all my links at the bottom, gonna comment now or still be a blind fool?


Why should that matter?


Why would long term testing of a vaccine matter? LOL smooth brain


I never said testing did not matter. You spend your whole existence trying to twist the facts and what people say to suit your right-wing propaganda messaging. I am just pointing it out.


You're pointing out how dumb you are? No need, we got it


Plus the measles a vax.


What would we all do if donkeys could fly?

Seriously, OP, I am interested in your reply.


What would we do if asses were not able to get on the Internet .... not have to hear from TimMC.


Considering how shit falls from your mouth I'd say you're the biggest ass on here


Your every posts comment otherwise.



I consider myself pro-choice, I'm not against any vaccine....but for a flu with a 99.8% survival, I see no reason to mandate it. Especially now, since we know it's leaky.


I've seen zero evidence that this vaccine works and I'm concerned that mrna vaccines will be used for all future ailments. I don't trust a new shot that sends instructions to my body through my RNA. There have also been reports that the spike protein is harmful and it could potentially spread throughout people's bodies. The reddit threads /covidvaccinated and /covidvaccinateduncut have a lot of stories from people who had their shots. You can go there and tout the vaccine. If the mortality rate hits 30%, I will not leave my house.


Your last link there is probably the most significant. The other links are anecdotal and not surprising: breakthrough infections will occur, some people will have bad reactions to the vaccine.

But the last link is specifically about the spike protein which is the basis of many of the vaccines. Now the lede of the article has a part thrown in saying "[the spike proteins from the virus] behave very differently than those safely encoded by vaccines" with no reasoning why. If the spike protein alone is causing damage, then so will the vaccines, maybe not to the same extent because the amount of spike protein in the body will be lower, but it is reasonable to think it is possible.

I've had the vaccine (pfizer), and encourage most other adults to do so. If there was free choice of all the vaccines in development with no political considerations, then I wouldn't choose any of the ones used in the UK. But it's what we have on offer, and they are *probably* safe enough to justify using. But it is possible, if unlikely, that there will be yet undiscovered long term side effects, or the possibility of antibody-dependent enhancement, so it should be a free choice.
The push to vaccinate children and teenagers has no justification, both in terms of how likely they are to suffer side effects from the vaccine versus the effects of covid, and in terms of reducing the spread.


The Dark Horse podcast had a discussion of the spike protein dangers but a lot of scientists are saying that the spike proteins in the vaccines are harmless. I don't have a science/medical background but the Brett Weinstein panel discussion was somewhat easy to understand. *** Brett Weinstein panel discussion ***

There are a few more links below of people who suffered shortly after getting the vaccine. For the record, I'm glad you emerged without any issues. My mom took the pfizer vaccine and didn't have any major issues. I don't see how this vaccine can be forced on people when there are known side effects for some people and the efficacy rates against the Delta variant range from abysmal to mediocre.


I've had the vaccine (pfizer), and encourage most other adults to do so.

But unless you're a doctor, you shouldn;t be saying this. You should only be encouraging people to talk to their doctor.


I've got a medical background ;P


> I've seen zero evidence that this vaccine works

Really. Maybe you just are not looking. One massive bit of evidence that cannot be denied ( by any sane person ) is the fact that where there are unvaccinated people Covid-19 is breaking out again. How do you dismiss that one?


Same way vaccinated people are still getting, passing and dying from Covid jackass


You're right!
vaccinated people are still getting, passing and dying from Covid jackass

but how is that an answer Brux's point?

which I'll spell out for you just in case:
"The proportion of people getting, passing and dying from Covid is far far higher in the unvaccinated"


UK, Israel and Massachusetts data disagrees with you


Thats data written by moronic journalists who cant count or do maths.

Example: (with easy round numbers)
population of britain: 102 people ,100 are vacinated,2 unvac

2 vaccinated die , on unvac dies

the Press : "Twice as many vaccinated people died as unvaccinated!"
Statisticians: "2% of vaccinated died, 50% of unvaccinated died"

as I said before "proportion"


481 vaccinated deaths

253 unvaccinated deaths

How's that for math?


thats pretty convincing !
can you link me to where that table came from?


That should get you going


I can't wait for his reply!


We won't get one, facts hurt they fee fees


Don't forget India and Gibraltar. Where were all these crazy variants before 2021? Oh that's right, none of them had any significance until mass-vaccination began.

dying from Covid is far far higher in the unvaccinated

But almost no one is dying now. Even the media abandoned the death toll as a means of fear. Where are you getting your data from?


This is the same foolish argument, but in reverse, that the Right-wing loves to use. Last year it was no one is dying at all from Covid - it was all from underlying conditions. Now that you argue against vaccines that are obviously working fantastically, you reverse the argument and say people are dying from Covid.

Have you looked into the very few cases where vaccinated people have been claimed to have died from Covid? The last one I read about was 80 years old with multiple underlying conditions and pneumonia.


And now you're saying comorbidites and old age are the lone killers of various covid patients and not the shots that you think are working "fantastically"


Wrong again moose breath.


Nah I'm right, smooth brain


And creating resistant strains!


LOL Brux Koresh back pushing the Branch Covidiot narrative

Praise Fauci!

Nice of you to finally admit the shot hurts people though


Answer the question dumbass. The shot does not hurt people, and I did not admit that ... but if it did I would. You just seem no to want to look at the numbers and compare them. Instead you just show of your intellectual dysfunction.

reply - First hand reports of vaxx related injuries and deaths - Flight attendance dies from vaxx - UK Covid data look who's dying more VAXXED - Pathologist from the Mayo Clinic explains how vaxx damages the brain and organs

So you answer the question, still think the vaxx is 100% safe? If so you're an idiot


haha imgflip and bit chute links... this is the hard hitting research by Randall



Since you've just showed your hand as a complete brainless monkey let me explain it to you.

Imgflip is what I used to draw 4 circles and add up the numbers on the UK's COVID DATA

Bitchute has to be used to show the doctor giving a lecture cause YOUTUBE bans it

Are you really this idiotic?

Don't answer I already know, smooth brain


amazing how table 5 couldn't be sent with a link to the report..instead its a photo on imgflp. its almost like its made-up...

ohh im sorry I thought a small child drew those circles.

but wait I thought the MSM and all those medical experts and British government have all been lying and been releasing fraudulent numbers and are part of the covid conspiracy. Now they are providing legitimate figures?!

this is what happens when you are a conspiracy theorist. everything proves your conspiracy even if you before claimed they were part of the conspiracy.

I love when a source is asked for. and you get an imgflip link

ive explained it to you already SCIENCE DOESNT CARE ABOUT the individual scientists opinion. I can find you scientists who claim the world is flat.

reading isnt your best skill is it?


>ive explained it to you already SCIENCE DOESNT CARE ABOUT the individual scientists opinion.

LOL and the moronic hits keep coming

Newton - Individual scientist formulated the law of universal gravity

Copernicus - Individual Scientist said Earth wasn't the center but the sun was

Darwin - Individual Scientist taught evolution

Shall I go on? Maybe you should go back to 3rd grade and learn what the Scientific Method is GaLaXy BrAiN


Einstein could say evolution isnt real. Hawkins could have said gravity doesnt exist. its about consensus after research and studies. I am sorry you dont understand this.

Yes you dont understand how individual research vs the scientific community confirming these things are two different things. the key word. OPINION. OPINION. OPINION.

holy crap Randal is reading that hard for you?

how do you get dressed in the morning? you dont even have the knowledge of grade 6 children being taught science in school.


You obviously don't understand it but do keep showing us how dumb you are. Don't forget to breathe idiot

Opinions become facts when proven to be so don't they?

Is enough testing being done on the harms of the vaccines or not?

How fast were they rushed out and forced on to people?

You would prefer everyone shut up and take it cause you're a bootlicking bitchboi


yes the drool chin is learning!!! so facts are what matters! verifiable facts and proven evidence not any one individuals opinion. haha finally Little randy admits she is wrong :)


Plenty of evidence is being shown and presented, pull your transmans cock out of your mouth and read it sometime


it actually hasnt been presented. that'd way your rent a scientist and dont understand it even the slightest. anecdotes < science



Your opinion < Science

Learn the difference


finally she agrees! thats why I have every single medical and scientific institution on my side :)

and you have

-1 dermatologist
-first hand anecdotal accounts.

science bro. you should try it before your mind is fully lost and consumed by the conspiracy lies.


Who's she? You bring your blow up doll on a moviechat date? How sweet

The fact that I'm posting from various doctors and "scientific institutions" shows you don't have them all on your side

Just like science says there are two genders and non binary isn't one of them.

Cry more


You haven't posted "various doctors and scientific institutions"

-you posted one table from the UK
-you posted one scientist in a largely unrelated field who has no specialization in the topic at hand. he has been also debunked
-you posted anecdotal first hand accounts from non scientists making claims to be victims of the vaccine.

your only good source is that UK covid table. thats it. thats all!

this isnt how scientists present arguments. you really think they scour the internet for a site about anecdotal reports of vaccine damage?

so again. why is it all medical and scientific institutions who represent experts in these respective areas all agree with me. and not one agree with you hence why you can only present one dermatopathologist?


Learn to read then you won't ask stupid questions, go take your hormones tranny


I can read. Hence why I looked at your "proof" and told you the only legitimate one is that UK table. and you won't accept your non related scientist has been debunked. because you are an extremist and conspiracy theorist.

so can you provide another example of a scientist ever basing a paper off reports they read online. ill wait for that


You can't read or you'd see the numerous other posts from me and other people proving you wrong.

Shame you're getting embarrassed in front of your rubber woman


just when you think Randall cant sink any lower "read my other comments and posts with other people cause I cant actually provide evidence"

hahah the only embarrassing one if you.

hey man read more anecdotes about "vaccine victims". that sounds very scientific hahaha


>hahah the only embarrassing one if you.

Engrish if you Prease!


you've gotten enough attention today. go peddle your conspiracies to others. make sure to read more "first hand accounts"

those sounded scientific


you do know your doctor Cole right is a demapathologists?

which is a doctors who use microscopes to look at samples of skin, hair, and nails to diagnose diseases. So this guy is now an expert VIROLOGIST and knows better than those experts who have studied this and spent their life working in that field?

oh and his nonsense has already been disproven.

Dr. Ryan Cole claims mRNA vaccines cause cancer and autoimmune diseases, but the lead author of the paper on which Cole based that claim told us there is no evidence mRNA vaccines cause those ailments.

whoops :S opinions debunked. got to love the comments below your crackpot video though. its full of equally unstable conspiracy theorists


LOL Factcheck? A biased leftistist site is your proof? You sure showed me

A Mayo Clinic trained pathologist suggested that vaccine makers played a role in the suppression of an effective COVID-19 treatment.

Dr. Ryan Cole is a Mayo-trained physician who has seen over 350,000 patients in his career. He also serves as the CEO of Cole Diagnostics, which has processed over 100,000 coronavirus tests.

Pay attention to this one NonBinaryBitchBoi


And one more cause I'm a good sport the INVENTOR of Mrna vaccines say they cause health issues


And even more for you

Dermatopathology (from Greek δέρμα, derma 'skin' + πάθος, pathos 'fate, harm' + -λογία, -logia 'study of') is a joint subspecialty of dermatology and "pathology or surgical pathology that focuses on the study of cutaneous diseases at a microscopic and molecular level". It also encompasses analyses of the potential causes of skin diseases at a basic level. Dermatopathologists work in close association with clinical dermatologists, with many possessing further clinical training in dermatology.


LOLOLOL Ice up son


cool story and theres all sorts of doctors who have seen 10s of thousands of patients. theres a reasons they recommend they go see certain specialists.

imagine that. a derma pathologist isnt an expert on covid and virology in particular.! how shocking! YES SKIN DISEASE. what the H G wells does covid have to do with being an expert on skin disease? sorry ill listen to the VIROLOGISTS and other experts whose main field is related to covid.

Wow look at all thee fringe websites. im done here sweetie. enjoy your tin foil hat sites. make sure the lizard people dont get you

you just cant help but faceplate, hit yourself in the vag then claim a stunning victory of how I got beat up


Derr here's what a pathologist does

A pathologist is a medical healthcare provider who examines bodies and body tissues. He or she is also responsible for performing lab tests. A pathologist helps other healthcare providers reach diagnoses and is an important member of the treatment team.

Derrrr here's what Dr Cole does

He has worked as an independent pathologist since 2004. Some highlights from his CV: Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology (July 2002-June 2003): Dermatopathology Fellowship (Chief Fellow). Mayo Clinic (July 1997-June 2002): "Resident in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology. Chief Fellow, Surgical Pathology Fellowship. Medical College of Virginia (1993-1997):" "Researched immunology". Served as President of Student Family Practice organization. Coordinated activities and seminars on the practice of family medicine and rural medicine. Earned MD in 1997.

Ever think he specializes in a few areas with this resume'?

You lose yet again, run away now little boi I'm sure you need your Hormone injection


and is that area virology and pandemics? He has obviously worked right studying highly infectious viruses in particular, vaccine development and that??

yes against Dermatopathology fosses on hair, skin and nails to diagnose disease. WHAT does that particularly have to do with virology, vaccines and the spread of viruses? hot tip the answer is. nothing particularly

its like claiming somone is an expert on planes and fighter jets because they took a mechanics course on cars.

this is what happens when you dont understand science. you see a scientist and say "must be an expert in a totally different field"

like I pointed out Coles assertions have been debunked multiple times. and also like I pointed out

ONE individuals opinion doesnt mean anything.

so where are all your studies? where's Coles peer reviewed studies on covid?


LOL you posted 1 time from FactCheck hardly call that MuLTiPlE TiMeS but then again you are an idiot

Also good job zeroing in on what he did for 1 year while ignoring 5 years at the Mayo Clinic

Fuck sake you're stupid


I posted one. doesnt mean he hasnt been multiple times Einstein. holy cow your brain does not function properly........... Yes and nothing about his time at the Mayo clinic makes him an expert virologist. again your brain isnt functioning


> brainless monkey, idiotic, smooth brain

Argument by insult, backed up by Right-wing propaganda websites ... a sad combination.


What's sad is a supposed liberal like you believing the government and big pharma cares about you



How do you know what I believe about government of big pharma? Oh, you just make it up to suit your insults.


I’ll answer the question. Show up and try to jab me you’ll leave in a body bag.


So you'd rather die ... and I',m OK with that. Ba-Bye!


The way it looks those spike proteins are going to cause your body to kill you first LOL Bye Bye Brux Koresh


No one is dying because of an imagined spike-protein problem. That is an imagined problem, just to throw more fear out there to justify your hysterical fear of a little needle stick. Big prick scared of a little prick.


Sure Brux, simping for the gov and big pharma won't save you now


I hate big Pharma ... where do you stand on Biden asking Congress to put controls of drug pricing ... against it I'd bet, like Republicans are. Somehow you think accusing the Left (falsely) of the crimes of the Right makes some kind of sense? Nothing you say makes sense.


You mean like when Trump did it?

I support lower costs then and now. Go look at what insulin cost under Trump and what it is under Biden jackass


Trump did not lower costs of drugs ... jackass. Trump said he was going to do a lot of things ... the only things he did were the things that put money in the hands of the billionaires. Jackass.


LOL ok idiot then why did Joe Biden freeze Trumps EO on it and prices shot back up?


They are "afraid" of a vaccine that kills and/or makes less sick than covid and openly mock covid death rates. This is almost entirely political and if covid killed a significant percentage of people, most of them would get it.


> if covid killed a significant percentage of people,

But it hasn't. Nurses have been making shitty TicToc videos, bodies aren't piling up in the streets. This is fear and hysteria being pumped to make sheeple like you vaxxers submit and trust government

And you cowards did just that


Only a Republican would say almost a million Covid-19-related deaths are not significant.


Only a leftist would beg to get spit roasted by the gov and big pharma


I subscribe to some Left ideas, but spit roasted? Whatever that is supposed to me, I can just assume it is another one of your childish insults.


Lol you really are a smooth brained leftist huh


You sad miserable SOB. LOL? I really don't think you laugh very much, in fact one day we won't hear from you and we'll all know you blew yourself away. RIP in advance.


Yes! Yes let the butthurt flow through you



I trust the vaccine and I myself am vaccinated but who the hell are you to judge anyone who makes a personal decision about what to do with their body? You libtards have a lot of nerve.
