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Why would communism be better? The state would own everything you would own nothing



Well that doesn't answer my question



So instead you wanna be a slave to the state? I'm no slave I'm retired.



LOL your communist state will give you Holodomor, the Nazino Tragedy, Mao's purges, North Korea and Fidel Castro. Why don't you ask people from Eastern Europe or Cuba what it was like living under those regimes and think about people other than yourself for once..for the record I grew up in a trailer park and now own a home 3000 miles from where I started. .maybe if you weren't a whiny bitch you could do the same



I get off on it. Anymore questions or condescending comments?


You should move either to:
China (PRC)

All perfect and current Communist states. I am sure you'll love it there because they're for the people. Please update me on your utopian dream. I'll stay here and enjoy my mostly free life. The only thing bad about Capitalism is Crony Capitalism.



The fact that there has been no such thing as a perfect communist state proves that communism doesn't work any more than "capitalism" does. It always gets exploited by the elite in power. Now what we need is where we all have the same power. What we need to be aiming for is what we once had. Freedom and autonomy in a democratic socialist system like what the Amish have where they build one anothers' homes and barns in a week.


You: I don't want to be a slave to corporations.

Also you: Oh, a slave to government? Absolutely!



Did you recently suffer a head injury?


No you won't. Besides no one is a slave to true communist states. Read the writings of Paul Theroux the travel writer. In communist states like Vietnam capitalism, free market and individual freedoms flow much faster. He basically observed (and you can go to do so too someday) that people are much freer. Everywhere you look people are selling things on the streets. Similar to Mexico you see roadside stands, pilapas, icecream carts, food stalls everywhere. We don't have that kind of freedom in the USA. You have to get $250 permits just to set up a fruit stand on a hot summer day near a festival.


So you were a slave and now the government or a socialist system of some sort like a pension or SS keeps you afloat.


"Why would communism be better? "

maybe theres a third way
eg Capitalism lite


Who the hell is saying communism would be better? Why is that always the assumption when someone questions capitalism. First of all they are two entirely different concepts. Communism is a government system, while "capitalism" is a business model.


" When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. "


The next economic step is likely the Nordic model of social democracy and then a Star Trek non-monetary system which is likely centuries away.



According to Marx: Primitive Communism -> Barbarism -> Slavery -> Feudalism -> Capitalism -> Socialism -> Communism

Right now I think we're peaking for Capitalism during the pandemic (rich profits increased rather than get affected) and now in the early stages of Socialism, the Build Back Better start of the Great Reset.

Under capitalism the progressive class is the proletariat which is destined to overthrow capitalism and establish socialism, which will eventually evolve into communism.

In the first stages of socialism the state is a dictatorship of the proletariat., i.e the proletariat rules the other classes by force (Big Tech censorship, cancel culture, etc.).


Under capitalism the progressive class is the proletariat.

The proletariat is never the progressive class in any system. That's why they're the proletariat.


You seem completely confused here. Political ideology and economic class are two entirely different things.

The bourgeois are the middle class under Marxism, the proletariat are the people being exploited, the poor people, especially those from other nations. You cannot have capitalism without the exploitation of the poor, the system requires others be exploited so to elevate your own economic class.


The poor also have the loudest voice and the mob mentality. I guess I should've taken Big Tech out of there but they adhere or promote the poor struggle to gain the praise and profits to go along with it while still exploiting them here or elsewhere.


No they don't. The rich have the most platform.


Probably after automation gets rid of most jobs and there is a huge political will to convert at least partially. Right now the major companies own the politicians. Probably when Republicans embrace socialism, at least partially.


It won't. It's now global, and is engrained in even the most communist countries like China (on a global scale, not so much locally within that country). They're too invested. The difference is that under the law in the U.S. everyone has equal opportunity, while in places like China only the very top even have a chance to benefit from it. But they still fully engage in it globally, and have for decades, which is why they've bought up much of the U.S. and now own it. The problem in the U.S. isn't capitalism. It's the people in high places who wield enough power and money to keep themselves there, subverting the organic nature of capitalism’s intent.

Capitalism as a foundation has the least likelihood of allowing those at the top to garner all the power, so is the best foundation as long as it's not tainted. But sociopathic people in power have engineered it so that they can stay there, while a large portion of society acts like gullible sheep steeped in unquestioning belief (as opposed to scientific skepticism), trusting anything they're promised or told, no matter how absurd or counter to empirically observable reality. Again, capitalism is the most effective system to ensure equal opportunity for all citizens, as long as it's not compromised by corrupt people… but there will always be corrupt people.

I suspect you don't have a solid grasp of what capitalism truly is. What we see here today in the U.S. is barely capitalism anymore. Big tech corporations have been allowed to monopolize the natural ebb and flow of supply, demand and information, while money-hungry power barons collude with politicians to watch each other's backs, all at the expense of the little guy, which has always been a problem but has been allowed to grow out of control by us, the voters. It's not too far gone, but it's been so twisted that it's barely recognizable anymore (not to mention, it wasn’t completely implemented well in the first place). At its core, capitalism is really just the right for all private individuals or businesses to own capital goods. That’s it. But it’s been complicated into oblivion.

There’s a reason the rest of the world tries desperately to get into the U.S.: capitalism. It’s here to stay because it works. Unfortunately, it's been tainted by greedy corruption into a faulty resemblance of true capitalism, forcing regulations that inhibit the system to flow like it needs to, while missing regulations that allow greed to run amok and allow the powerful to get more powerful.


"There’s a reason the rest of the world tries desperately to get into the U.S.: capitalism. It’s here to stay because it works."

Here's a bonus question for you. Why do so many Americans try so desperately to get out of the US? They realize it is freer elsewhere.

"It’s here to stay because it works."
If it worked it wouldn't require socialist bailouts every 10 years or less.


Umm. There's a mass exit from the U.S.? While thousands pour across the border because... the U.S. sucks? The population has steadily grown for decades. The growth rate has subsided due almost entirely to people not having babies at nearly the same rate as the 60's (therefore the term “boomers”). But people are flooding the country, not trying to get out.

Where would you get an idea like that?

Yes, a very small few have left over draconian pandemic lockdowns to countries where they didn't lock down at all (and yet somehow had much smaller infection and death rates—a completely different discussion about real science), and a few others left due to Trump's abrasive personality. But are you trying to suggest U.S. citizens are leaving the country in droves?

The stats suggest otherwise:

But even if so, it's because, as I said in the post you just replied to: "What we see here today in the U.S. is barely capitalism anymore" because "it's been tainted by greedy corruption into a faulty resemblance of true capitalism".

Furthermore, it DOES NOT "require socialist bailouts" every 10 years. That's just what's done by those who don't understand capitalism (instead of letting things fail as they should, letting others fill the vacuum and succeed instead of propping up the powerful perpetually), and have twisted it into a shadow of what it should be (human greed corrupts all systems, which is why they all eventually collapse in on themselves, but some systems, those that send power to the top, are more prone to it).


It will die when the last person on earth gets everything he/zhe/she/it ever dreamed of and there are no more inventions left to invent and we all have true love and eat perfect wonderful food and etc etc etc.


So basically, when Holodeck technology gets invented. Lord knows if I had one of those, Id probably never leave the house.


we've got the internet and grocery delivery and working from home..
i'm getting close!


It will never die, everyone around the world tries to get to capitalist America.

What the Democrats will os destroy capitalism and destroy the country

But there will be a place capitalism exist and succeeds and then when they ruin the u.s., they will flock to the success of capitalism and try and change that.

Today you have 3rd world minded people coming from failed countrors.
And these people are so arrogant they tell their host countries they must change.
