MovieChat Forums > Politics > To The “Going Green” Crazies How’s It Wo...

To The “Going Green” Crazies How’s It Working For Ya?

How are your wind turbines and solar panels working? Oh, they aren’t! Why? The turbines are frozen and the solar panels are covered with snow! In the meantime you “going Green” crazies are putting natural gas, coal and last but not least, fossil fuel on the chopping blocks! XL Pipeline nixed once again by the morons who have caca for brains. Real smart move from the Bidenites!


A serious conversation about clean energy cannot be had until modern nuclear is brought back into the fold.


if they can ever get fusion to work, we could power the entire planet and moon for free.


It's not just Texas. During the winter of 2019 (probably in the winter of 2020 too), Australia was in the middle of their summer, having to deal with nasty heat problems in addition to the wildfires cooking their country. I have a friend who lives in Melbourne, and they said that there were often blackouts in the "summer" in Australia because so many people are trying to run air-conditioners, and their power grid, (much of which has been converted to "green energy"), couldn't handle the stress.

Southern California had a lot of problems in the summer of 2020 because of those "heat domes" we got for a week or two. They really cooked the southern portion of the state, causing a number of blackouts because the power grid there couldn't handle the stress either. According to my dad, (who works for a power company), the state has been slowly shutting down traditional nuclear and coal plants for years, thinking that if they switch to "green energy," they'll pollute less. Truth is, the power grid has not been able to handle the increasing number of people moving into the state for decades, and often the state has had to buy electricity from other states that are making it from not-so-green sources.

The solar panel companies have also been scamming people. Twice, now, they've been coming to our house, offering to put solar panels on our roof if we pay $45,000 for it, claiming we'll be able to pay it back over time. Dad heard that price and told them to go take a hike. While solar panels do help a little bit, they aren't the investment the companies claim, and are not really designed for severe weather, or locations that get little in the way of sunlight.

I will admit that dad and I have put up solar-powered lawn lights, but those don't count as "green energy" that would benefit our home. They do little more than to make our backyard trees look nice, and to light up our front walk and back patio, and even then, they break down after a year or two.


It’s a given. Greenies have no common sense. After this failure in Texas we’ll see how many still support those blade killing machines! Trouble is Texas invested heavily in Green and sold their power to other states.


Green energy is a severe net-loss on fossil fuels, horrible for the environment, and take decades to pay for themselves. It's just not time without adding nuclear to the discussion.


The episode will turn out to be a clarion call for capitalism.

A need has been now put, good way to store green energy.

American capitalism is at it's best in this regard. A viable innovative solution is in the near future for storage of green energy.


You seem to be continuing down the same path of alternative facts that put the conservative party in the predicament that it is in. The machines in the coal, gas and nuclear plants are experiencing the same freeze that the wind turbines are experiencing. Singling out wind turbines to "stick it to the libs" is avoiding reality, and avoiding reality is how millions of people bought into the idea that Donald J. Trump was a good president even during COVID-19.

I get it that it's not entirely your fault though. It's Tucker and right-wing media peddling this alternate reality 24/7. It just sucks how easily you all go along with it even today.


Did you not read my post about the following:

A wind turbine production plant in Britain will now get most of its power from renewable gas

or this:

Unfurling The Waste Problem Caused By Wind Energy

I’ll have to locate the link again where a scientific study has been shown the turbines are contributing warmth to the earth.

As far as Trump goes the first three years were phenomenal...economy, lowest unemployment in decades, keeping a sovereign nation free by using laws on the books, etc. His accomplishments were above any president. You can deny it all you want, but you cannot negate the facts.

Biden hasn’t been in office a month yet and he’s cost thousands of jobs. He lies, but doesn’t know he’s lying. He’s a puppet and his puppet masters are pulling his string. He’s actually pitiful. He says there wasn’t any vaccines when he took office! Dear lord millions had been vaccinated including him before Jan. 20, 2021. The vaccinations started in November. He follows by insulting Hispanics and Blacks! His Dementia is definitely showing. Not mocking him, but just seeing and hearing him should be of great concern.


You blamed the lack of power on renewable energy, and now you've pivoted to saying renewable energy is bad for the environment, perfectly in sync with the talking points of the oil industry.

Getting back to your original error, why are conservatives so ignorant that they think wind turbines only exist in warm areas, and why don't conservatives realize wind turbines exist in colder areas that handle the freezing problem perfectly well? What's the error in the program that causes conservatives to be this way?

Biden is just another guy in the chair. It's obvious your disdain is centered around the guy you like being kicked out, and it appears it's driven you to the point of madness.


I didn’t realize the “bad for the environment” thinking until I read it, so I didn’t say it. The only negative I had against the spinning blades until this disaster occurred, was thousands of birds are being killed by them. I also will admit I was unaware the Texas turbines weren’t winterized. Isn’t it odd the “greenies” want these pillars with spinning blades, but they have the NIMB mindset!

There! Satisfied?


Partially satisfied. Better than nothing for sure. I just wish it didn't always go down this road. The reason they weren't winterized is because of conservative deregulation. When it went badly, the conservative reaction was to lie by blaming it on the left for what conservatives did. It spread like wildfire throughout conservative media because that's what lies and misinformation does on those channels, because of the type of viewers that are so ready to eat it up and spew it as fact.

I just wish a time would come when the conservative viewer would feel the need to stop and think before peddling the fake news.


It wasn’t conservatives. It was ERCOT.


Well this post didn't age well. Alaska is doing fine with their wind turbines fyi. Helps if you invest in your infrastructure and not blow it off until the climate starts fucking around with it.


Those responsible for the failures in Texas didn’t winterize them. I recently became aware of why they failed.



Interesting read. I posted the following above which combines both gas & wind.

A wind turbine production plant in Britain will now get most of its power from renewable gas


If this is about Texas, it has nothing to do with green energy. Fact is, Texas has faced historically cold weather and their infrastructure is not winterized to handle it. With that said, I'm a big fan of both OIL/GAS and GREEN ENERGY. Both have a place in out future.


This is why we need to let people and leaders live with their consequences.

America was built in conservative values, one nation under God. Very patriotic.

This is why America is great and why evryone in the world tires to get there.

If we let these Democrats and liberals run the show or if they had since day 1.
America would be a 3rd word country.


This is a very good post. You got my brain thinking. I wonder if schools will no longer do the pledge of allegiance.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Leftists hate god and moral values.


They hate a lot of things.

It's one thing to disagree and not like something. But they take it to a whole different level.


You are on your own level. I constantly see you bitching and pissing about people you have no idea about.
Sure, we all are exactly the way you portray us -- sarcasm alert.
It's people like you that are making this such an ugly time to be living in.


You should have lived in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.

You just dont know any better.
