MovieChat Forums > Politics > "White Supremecist"

"White Supremecist"

So what does this term even mean in 2020?

EDIT: I find it hilarious that all the replies to this question are basically "Someone disagreeing with a lefty"

Can't say I'm shocked, though.


I'm not sure because really even Joe Biden can tell you anything white is irrelevant.


It means being a proud boy!


The Proud Boys are not white supremacists. I posted their tenets to you earlier, but you may have missed them. So here they are again.

Core Values Of The Proud Boys

Minimal Government
Maximum Freedom
Anti-Political Correctness
Anti-Drug War
Closed Borders
Anti-Racial Guilt
Pro-Free Speech (1st Amendment)
Pro-Gun Rights (2nd Amendment)
Glorifying the Entrepreneur
Venerating (revere with great respect) the Housewife
Reinstating a Spirit of Western Chauvinism

Though these are our central tenets, all that is required to become a Proud Boy is that a man declare he is “a Western chauvinist who refuses to apologize for creating the modern world.” We do not discriminate based upon race or sexual orientation/preference. We are not an “ism”, “ist”, or “phobic” that fits the Left’s narrative. We truly believe that the West Is The Best and welcome those who believe in the same tenets as us.


The same thing it's always meant


Which is?


believing that whites are superior to others, exactly what it says


What race doesn't believe they are superior to others?


a question best asked an anthropologist I suppose, but you err in assuming a race is a monolith, a parochial view


and because of their believed superiority feel they should have control/dominance over others I should add


Ok, so shouldn't one confirm that someone actually has these beliefs before blindly calling them such a term?


any allegation should have evidence to support it


Racism is very real. It's always going to be around and should be dealt with when it arises, but calling someone a racist has lost all meaning. It's just something liberals do now when they don't like an opinion or the person behind it.


By liberals logic if you are white and male you must constantly be apologizing for your gender and skin color. IF you don't subscribe to this mental disorder they think you're a white supremacist.


It hasn't meant anything in decades. Racism will always exist from all races to some extent, but it's an individual issue now. It doesn't exist systemically or in large groups in any affective significance.


Something similar to the meaning of mostly peaceful protest.


Generally it's people who belong to organizations such as the KKK, American Nazi Party, Aryan Nation, Volksfront, etc.

There are over 30 white supremacist organizations still operating within the US, all of which are centralized and have a hierarchy, unlike Antifa.


But what does it mean in 2020? Give examples of how I would know someone is a white supremacist in todays world.



No, you tell me with your words.


I gave a literal example which is superior to pages of words. Asking me to downgrade the example into words on a message board seems like you're looking for an opportunity to twist them around to fit a narrative.
