MovieChat Forums > Politics > Expect Joe Biden to "Catch COVID-19" dur...

Expect Joe Biden to "Catch COVID-19" during the month of September.

Sometime in September, the DNC will release a statement that Biden has "caught COVID-19" and is in "intensive care" in a private hospital. Of course, the debates with Trump will be impossible due to this unfortunate event. The nation watches with baited breath for weeks and prays for his recovery.

In late October, Biden will emerge from his hospital bed and appear on a special live address, visibly tired and shaken, but strong, and presented with a clean bill of health. All doubts of his physical capabilities will be gone, as he has beaten this terrible disease. He is a hero! A survivor of COVID, even at 77 years of age!

Unfortunately there is no time left to have the debates with Trump, as the election is only days away, but rest assured, this noble old warrior, this champion who defeated COVID-19, is in full fighting form to win the election and rebuild America!


Very good! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» I can visualize exactly what you wrote. Did you know if the election isn’t settled by Jan. 20, 2021 Pelosi could be named acting POTUS! πŸ˜±πŸ™‡πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ God help us all! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»


There it is! After you wrote this in another thread I thought this deserved its own thread! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
(September 3)

I absolutely can see this happening. They're just that sick and dishonest.

Did you see Biden trying to take questions yesterday and he decided to take a last question from a reporter he called "hostile" before he spoke one word? It was because it was Peter Doocy from Fox news. If he thinks his question was hostile, he should check out 95% of the questions Trump gets asked by very hostile reporters at every turn!

I think he only took questions because the day before, it came out that Trump has answered nearly 900 questions this year from reporters while Biden answered around 150 or something like that....I think that number was inflated. I doubt he took more than 50!
But anyway, I think that's why.

Oh and he was asked why he was going to Kenosha today since they didn't want either him or Trump but then he claimed they all wanted him to come. Yeah ok. I don't know if you saw when Trump was in Kenosha but they actually aired it on the main networks. I thought it was very good.

When they reported on the World News (or even my local news for that matter), they would say that "Trump did not visit the family of Blake but Joe will." But they never explained why! This is what's so irritating! He did not go because they said they didn't want him to meet with them without a lawyer present! This is why they earn the label "FAKE NEWS!"


What I would bet on more is that if he wins he will acquire CoVid and given his age it will take a "huge toll" on his health. This will force him to step down and America will get it's first female president.


This didn't age well.


I wondered who bumped this.

Love your work :)

Before anyone gets their panties twisted I take no joy in the news that Donald has COVID. I hope he recovers and starts acting like a human being. If it gives him some humility it would be great.


I do.


I do. Funny to watch the cognitive dissonance of a fanbase who thought this virus was a "hoax". I guess Trump got a non-existent virus!


This is going to work out well! Now Trump will get the "heroic survivor" boost!


And then Trump runs away from the debate after getting ravaged by Biden in the first one by doing exactly what the right wing nuts were suggesting Biden would do.

Can't make this stuff up ahahahahahahahaha.
