MovieChat Forums > Politics > Popular Michigan teacher was fired for t...

Popular Michigan teacher was fired for tweeting "Trump is our president."

Justin Kucera, a social studies teacher and baseball coach at Walled Lake Western High School, says he was confronted by his superiors for tweeting the following, and given an ultimatum: resign or be fired.

"I’m done being silent.

@realDonaldTrump is our president

Don’t @ me
8:28 PM · Jul 6, 2020"

He wasn't even really endorsing Trump but saying he meant this message to be "unifying", stating the fact that Trump is president with the implication that people of all parties should want him to succeed. This was apparently after he had also endorsed the idea of schools reopening in the fall (as Doctor Fauci has, btw).

He's gotten glowing reviews, even from Democrat students, and people say he didn't bring politics into the classroom. The school denied he was fired for supporting Trump but refused to give an alternative reason. And the teacher's union, which has of course endorsed Biden, claimed his tweet is grounds for firing him, because it could supposedly "imped(e) the business of the school".

Meanwhile other teachers at the school have posted anti-Trump, pro-Democrat stuff without consequence, and universities in particular are almost exclusively filled with Marxists, economic and/or social, who not only bring their politics into the classroom but have replaced education with indoctrination.

But sure, let's fire one of the few exceptions, by all accounts one of the good teachers. No wonder the US education system sucks so bad now.

"Academic freedom." Riiight.


This site is growing...


Well anyone who supports that fatso clown clearly doesn't have the brains or logic to be around kids. So good that he got fired!


And you would know 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️ As I angry, snarling, hate filled Troll who wishes harm to anyone who doesn’t agree with your illogical tantrums! I believe you would refer to yourself as a Karen? Correct? One of your code words along with...vaxxers?


I don't troll on people having their own opinions! I troll on people who no considerations towards others and who lack common sense and good values!




Matildawormhead- trolls "on people who no cosiderations towards others and who lack common sense and good values".

LOLOL Correctly it would be "who HAVE no consideration..."

How can one person's head contain so much stupidity?

Good values? Common sense? Matilda must've read about those things in a book because she sure doesn't have any first hand knowledge of them. Please, if we give you a cookie, will you slither back under your rock?


“...on people who no cosiderations towards others and who lack common sense and good values".

The whole syntax on the above sentence is in error as well as the spelling of “consideration”.

It should be:

”...on people who have no consideration toward others...”

And she’s a teacher? Well, as the adage goes...Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.


Well apparently, Matilda can do NEITHER!

But our government run, taxpayer funded school system is willing to hire the handicapped. Lucky break for her!


pjpurple you're probably one of those dumb idiots who want kids and teachers to be back in the classrooms with no safety measure plans because Trump said so.

You're also probably one of those dumb idiots who scream and throw temper tantrums over masks. And you probably attend bars filled with 50-60 strangers. You probably have or had covid-19 already! Thank god I'm not obligated to be anywhere near you or your germs.


Matilda- So I'm "probably one of those dumb idiots"? As opposed to what? "Smart idiots" like you?
Can you ever post anything that's not an anger filled, crybaby rant? I am guessing no. I wouldn't expect an angry crybaby to post anything else.

I have no control over what our school district does. I don't teach anymore and the parents and teachers I've spoken to are confused and worried. But unlike YOU, I don't have all the answers!
Screaming temper tantrums? I guess you stopped yours long enough to type something today. I wear a mask in stores even though it's uncomfortable.

Attend bars with 50-60 strangers? Sorry to disappoint you, I haven't been to a bar in years. Not everyone is a drunk like you. At least I am giving you the benefit of the doubt by assuming that the reason your posts sound so rambling and incoherent is because you are perpetually sh*tfaced.

"I probably have or had covid-19"? Well now, aside from being a lousy speller, rude and stupid, you've appointed yourself as a medical expert and psychic!! What's next? Circus clown?


Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.

And, those who can't teach, teach Gym! 😁


Hah! My first laugh of the day! 😅😂🤣 Thanks!


LOL Matilda.


True to form, MatlidaWormHead posts something hate filled and totally in keeping with her double digit (if that) I.Q.!

And if it takes 'brains or logic" to be around kids, how the eff did you get a teaching job?


Free speech advocate eh. LOL

Just a piece of shit. Yes.


I would think he has one hell of a lawsuit on his hands. A school district is a government entity and firing someone for what they said is a violation of the 1st Amendment. This guy needs to get himself a lawyer and sue the hell out of that district. The tax-payers will end up paying in the end, but the district might think twice before doing something so stupid again.


Agreed, especially since liberal teachers spew vitriol all the time in the class and this guy was just posting on social media on his own time.


He tweeted about his employer. Dumb move! Now, he's lying about why he was fired. Obviously, he's not the brightest.

Justin Kucera sent three tweets.


That was a dumb tweet because it can be construed as a public rebuke of his employer's policy. Never criticize your employer on social media!

2. "I'm done being silent. @realDonaldTrump is our president ... Don't @ me"

3. "Liberals suck man."

This is a dumb tweet, because it shows he's a bigot. And he's cursing. This last tweet demonstrates he's a poor role model for students. His judgment is bad, too.

I had a job in which employees were warned about the possibility of being fired if we said or did something unsuitable even away from the job and off hours. People never learn.


You mean krl97a got the whole damn story wrong again? What a shock, I tell you!


Never criticize your employer on social media!

You mean unless you're a left winger, in which case that's routine and acceptable. Indeed is inherent in the idea of unionization. And simply giving his opinion on what should be done isn't criticizing his employer anyway. It may not make the corrupt teachers union happy, but that union isn't his employer.

Remember that this a public school district, and that this teacher has First Amendment protections. He should sue them.

This is a dumb tweet, because it shows he's a bigot. And he's cursing.

LOL! No he's not. And that's milquetoast compared to the vile routinely spewed by liberal teachers in and outside the class without consequence. Plus he even quickly deleted that tweet, which was far from unprovoked.
Now, he's lying about why he was fired. Obviously, he's not the brightest.

Wrong again. As the sources quote, he's got glowing testimonials from students and parents of both parties. They say he's intelligent, a good teacher, and doesn't bring partisan politics into class, unlike countless leftist teachers at all levels.

Funny that you assume he's the one "lying". The school denied his claim that he was fired over these tweets but they're the ones who failed to offer an alternative explanation. They just claimed "personal" reasons, refusing to elaborate, probably angling to avoid a First Amendment lawsuit.

He claims they brought him in, read him the riot act over his tweets, indicated it was problematic for him to be a Trump supporter, then gave him the "resign or be fired" ultimatum. He refused to resign so they fired him. That the teachers union openly endorsed firing him over his tweets lends his side credence.

His account is more credible.


You're rambling!

His tweets were inappropriate. I expect you to be too clueless to understand.


Nope. You're bleating. Your too stupid and dishonest to acknowledge the blatant double standard here.


You're too stupid to know that you shouldn't insult your own employer. You have no basic common sense!


That's not what happened. You're too stupid to follow a discussion.


Basic common sense is you don't go on social media and publicly criticize your employer. Stop doubling down on stupidity.


At least you've backpedaled from "insult" to "criticize", though you're still a moron who's wrong.


Obviously, you don't have a job.


And you're still projecting.


And you still don't have a job.


See? You're still projecting.


Did you find employment yet? Just kidding! I know you're still don't have a job.


Don't worry. We know you're working, eh 50 cent komrade? Everybody knows the pay sucks, but it beats being in a concentration camp, yes?


You're still projecting, welfare queen. Thanks for the free bumps, btw, moron. 😀


Left winger or right winger doesn't matter.

Right-wingers usually keep their bigoted opinions to themselves. If they were to express them while on break, they could get fired. It's been that way since forever. Expressing bigoted ideas on twitter is no better than saying them out in the parking lot. It's actually worse.


The left is the epicenter of bigotry in America, not the right. This story has nothing to do with "bigotry".


For once in your life, do you think you can source out a reputable site ? Just once ?

Breitbart ? Free Beacon ?

Talk about dumbing down 'Murica.


I knew the story was nonsense when I saw breitbart was a source. The OP isn't looking for information or truth. He only wants validation for his twisted opinions.


More cut and paste from InfoWars. All he does is spin conspiracy theories and pretend he's right. He's got to be the worst troll on this forum.



😄 Your retort is your leftist smear site attacking the messenger? Just because someone calls their blog "factcheck" doesn't make them neutral, authoritative, or honest. And other media outlets, including local ones and some national liberal ones, covered this story too, moron.


Your response is a great example of the dumbing down of 'Murica. Thanks for that !


No, but your entire posting history is. Plus your frequent use of "'Murica" unwittingly shows your bigotry against the country. So thanks for that!



Ouch, LOL. Blown out of the water. Doggiedaddy in tears!


Who is Alexandra Kitty and what are her credentials?

Media Bias Fact Check has been used for research by reputable companies. That's a great endorsement!

"The site has been used by researchers at the University of Michigan to create a tool called the "Iffy Quotient", which draws data from Media Bias/Fact Check and NewsWhip to track the prevalence of "fake news" and questionable sources on social media.[6][7] The site was also used by a research group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in initial training of an AI to fact check and detect the bias on a website."


Something tells me there's a big part of the story that you are missing.


Yes - the actual facts.


This is crazy.So were against firing people because of their gender race and sexuality but it's ok to fire people because of their political positions.This country is turning into a dictatorship.

This is the country where your suppose to have the freedom to choose your own path and have your own beliefs without fear of persecution or oppression.This guy was just persecuted and oppressed for his beliefs.So much for freedom.


No, the story is completely bogus taken from a website that peddles conspiracy theories. If ever you see a posting by krl97a, it's a bogus conspiracy theory - nothing factual. Everything she posts gets debunked in minutes - when we feel like wasting our time with her. Oftentimes, we completely ignore her.


Actually I first saw the story on fox news where they interviewed the going by that.


Do as you see fit, but you should rely on a more credible source than FOX. They're as bad as Breitbart. And try to go with a source which also interviews the 'other side' as well, not just the one who got fired - it's totally biased.


Stop lying and take your defeat lap, Mirror, you mindless bottomfeeding spammer. You've never "debunked" anything. Your posts are routinely debunked though, like when you claimed last year that Tucker Carlson was about to be fired, a claim you repeated recently 😄, and when you copy pasted (without attribution, plagiarizing like usual) a claim by an actual leftist conspiracy theory blog that the Trump administration was going to carve over the Statue of Liberty's poetic inscription.


Your conspiracy theories are constantly debunked - face the facts, moron.


Stop projecting, moron. I provided examples. You didn't.


John Solomon conspiracies and InfoWars bullshit are not examples.


LOL! Still waiting for you to post a single example, moron. I just cited two for you: claiming Tucker Carlson was being fired and Trump was about to alter part of the Statue of Liberty.


as an ex-supporter i have disowned him my vote was compromised and i was idiot he is no longer mine




