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Why is Trump still in the race ?

Can any Trumper answer why Trump is still in the race ?

He has some of the worst polling numbers for any incumbent in history, and getting worse with his proven inability to handle the pandemic, and the racial tensions...not to mention his allowing Russia to put bounties on the heads of US soldiers.

His disapproval rating is at 56%, one of the highest for an incumbent during a re-election year. That's the only number going up - especially with the economy in shambles.

He's dragging down Republicans in the Senate who are up for re-election.

He's been impeached in his first term - the first elected president to have that stain - which will continue to haunt him through November.

Even FOX NEWS this morning suggested he drop out now and cut his losses.

He's admitted over the weekend that Biden is going to win.

So why doesn't he drop out, and let another Republican have their shot ?


In order to save American lives, both Trump and Pence would need to resign and allow someone who believes in science to takeover.

The majority of Republicans have shown they don't care about America nor Americans. Trump and the majority Republican senate needs to be voted out in November.


I agree with what you say. But still - can't they find a more appealing candidate than Trump to try and save their party ?


A democrat for president and a democratic-controlled senate and congress. Otherwise, Biden won't be able to make the needed changes with McConnell still blocking him like he did with Obama.


McConnell has got to go ! I think Kentuckians are already sick of him.


I'm glad that Amy McGrath won the primary. She'll need a united democratic party to oust McConnell.


I agree - she's the best contender against #MoscowMitch.


A progressive running in a conservative state was a dumb idea so Booker should not have ran. Sometimes, I wish democrats would be more strategic.


I guess you are a big fan of China for what they did to our economy.


I'm as big a fan as Ivanka is !


She isn't really a fan. It's just business. But you have no problem helping China defeat America. As long as they help you win an election. The China virus is the reason the economy has stalled. Can you tell me what you would have done differently?


If China is defeating America, why is Ivanka doing business with them? Doesn't she put her country first, before her business ? DO explain...


The best thing Donald Dumpster can do for America is drop out the elections!!! NOW!!

Just disappear!!


Then what? Is there someone who can do better? I keep repeating the virus is the enemy so it doesn’t matter who occupies the Oval Office. We all have to think logically. The country was doing good before the virus. We don’t like Trump personally, but is that the reason to vote him out? Biden will have the same problems.


Well the virus escalated thanks to him. He could've brought eveyone together to help contain it. He could model safe measures like wearing masks. Did he do that? No!! He cares about himself.

Had corona never taken place, then maybe just maybe, he'd have a better chance of winning.


You need to read the Timeline and his response. Every time he tried to do something he was blasted by the Dems. You need to look at Coumo and his inept ability to contain the virus.

BTW, you also need to go back and read what the CDC and Dr. Fauci said about the wearing of masks. It changed everyday and still changing. First wear a mask, then only the sick wear masks, then all people should wear masks, then the healthy shouldn’t wear masks as it doesn’t keep them from getting the virus. Do you know how many doctors and nurses have died from the virus and they wore masks!

So don’t blame Trump because it didn’t escalate because of what he did or didn’t do. De Blasio was told to shut down the schools, but he said the virus wasn’t that bad. Cuomo putting virus patients in nursing homes where the most at risk live.

Do your research!


That statement regarding the mask is like saying seatbelts are ineffective and that crime rates in untrue. Common sense tells you that any type of face covering lowers the risk of getting covid. Even its its only 80% effective. It's better than nothing.
You think doctors and nurses wear them as a fashion statement? No it's to protect themselves. Mind you, they're forced to wear them up to 12 hours. So it's pretty irrelevant to complian when you only leave your house for 3 hours.


Ordinary masks do not keep you from getting the virus. It’s to protect others if you cough. Are you aware the virus microbes can enter the material? Are aware the virus can enter your body through the eyes? Your skin is an organ that’s why people can get it off of hard surfaces.

Are you aware Nearly 600 US health care workers have died of COVID-19
They wear masks, haz-mat suits and they still contracted Covid 19!

Trump isn’t to blame for the virus nor its spread. Why do you think he closed the border to people coming from China. The Dems lambasted him .Florida stopped people from New York, ehe epicenter of the virus.


He obviously didn't close the border to China fast enough or the US wouldn't have gotten infected in the first place.

He had the power to stop states from opening too quickly but didn't.

He was warned about this Pandemic in early January but didn't take the warning seriously.

Other counties are recovering! We're still behind. Maybe he didn't start the virus, but he sure did cause the virus to spread rapidly.

Other types of masks are better than others. If you choose to sew your own, it's best to use thick cloth or double layer it. That makes it 10x more difficult for microbes to enter.


Blocking China flights was a huge misdirect. The real threat was European flights. Back in February when the media was telling Trump to take it seriously and stop European flights, Trump said the media was engaging in a hoax to damage his reelection.

Finally, by March 13th enough people had died to make Trump take it seriously that European flights needed to be blocked.

Then Trump's government started spewing crap that masks don't work. Yet they worked in every country they were used.

So many people died because of Trump's lack of leadership. He doesn't want to lead. He just wants to spew conspiracies about hoaxes and other nonsensical bullshit to rile up his support base. He was too busy worrying about being reelected to deal with a pandemic.


And now we're all suffering for this. But as you can see from the responses, he still has his supporters.


He obviously didn't close the border to China fast enough or the US wouldn't have gotten infected in the first place.

Not true! And when he did Pelosi bitched about it! The following is from the Timeline so you will be better informed.🙄

Jan. 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China.”

Trump made this comment on the CNBC show “Squawk Box” during an interview with Joe Kernen at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. At the time, there were 500 cases reported in China and the first had just been recorded in the United States.

Source: CNBC

Feb. 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China. It’s going to be fine.”

Trump made this comment on the Fox News program “Hannity.” A few days prior to this interview, the Trump administration suspended entry to the United States of foreign nationals who had recently visited China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau).

Just FYI here is the timeline:

It explains in detail Trump’s reactions. You may be surprised.


He obviously didn't close the border to China fast enough or the US wouldn't have gotten infected in the first place.

So true. Republicans completely fail to see this fact. As the old saying goes, 'He shut the barn door after the horse escaped.'


Isn't it pretty to think so?


The following explains why the powers that be didn’t know themselves what to do about masks. So you can’t blame Trump. Even today we are told the wearing of masks is to protect others. If they protected us what is the reason behind the fact over 600 doctors and nurses have died from the virus. You are aware healthcare givers wear masks and some wear haz-mat suits.

The Great Face Mask Debate: To Wear Or Not To Wear?


Please - for the sake of all Americans - do not wear your mask, and stay in Florida.


I haven’t moved back to Florida yet...have to sell house. BTW, I located masks with a nose grip and a small open/close dial on the exterior. It contains a small round screen. I can wear them (purchased 3) for a longer time over the one which made me nauseous. But, the wearer(s) will be under the false impression the mask will protect’s to protect others.

There may be other hospital grades such as the N-95 which will give the wearer and those adjacent much better protection. Keep in mind though over 600 healthcare workers have died fully adorned from head to feet with protective gear.


ivanka is a gorgeous woman & is quite business savvy


He's the only chance to defeat the domestic terrorism playing out in the country right now.


he is,
he will pull no punches for calling out the thugs in BLM,
he will always praise the good people on both sides... a truly fair man


I fear for my life under a Biden presidency and he would be a brain dead puppet to the far left wing of the Democratic party.


You should fear for your life today if you are an American soldier these days under Trump (you're getting no protection from him, as he's allied with Putin) and you should fear for your life if you live in the half of the country where COVID is surging - thanks to Trump.


Please, why don’t you answer the question I posed in my OP? Y’all continue to complain about Trump. Please give me/us an alternative and what s/he would do better or differently taking into account the virus. What are the solutions?


trump mishandled the entire covid sitch,
he is not fit to lead the country,
he dropped the ball bigtime for this corona crisis,
he has caused the death of thousands


Once again I didn’t ask about Trump’s failures! Telling me his failures is not going to solve the problems. Please read what I’m asking...who could do a better job dealing with what this country is going through? Explain what the solutions are when we are still dealing with the enemy...the virus.

I know of one thing Biden will do, but will it help? He’s promised to roll back Trump’s tax cuts which kept businesses in the states and not overseas. If that is a solution explain how that will help this country.


When will you admit to his failures and have a conversation about them, rather than divert the conversation to 'who could do a better job'?


But, my question is not about Trump’s failures (having a big mouth is one). It’s about who could change things for the better taking into account what the country is going through with the Covid 19 chain reaction.

We all know Trump so there’s no reason to keep listing his failures. It’s akin to your statements about not bringing Obama into the mix. What good is it to continue listing Trump’s failures? It doesn’t advance us. It doesn’t solve the country’s crisis. You must have someone in mind who could do better and how.


We all know Trump so there’s no reason to keep listing his failures. It’s akin to your statements about not bringing Obama into the mix. What good is it to continue listing Trump’s failures?

Trump is our President running for re-election, hence my thread title WHY IS TRUMP STILL IN THE RACE?

Obama is not our President, and not up for re-election, so there's absolutely no parallel between the two.


I didn’t notice I was in your OP. I thought I was in my OP which has never been answered...not once...that’s why I replied the way I did. Sorry...

So, to answer your question...I dunno. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Best President since Reagan.


Horrific president completely incompetent.


He makes Bush 43 look like 'the best republican president'.


Trump makes Bush 43 look like a genius.


Bush 43 is grateful for Trump - Bush 43 is no longer the worst President in history !


He will win by a wider margin than 2016.


He will lose with a wider waistline than 2016.
